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Imtugs: Got Em!


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Hey guys,

Just thought I'd let you know, got the package from IronMind a week ago. Got the 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 CoCs, and the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 IMTugs. I already previously owned the Trainer, 1, 1.5 and 2.

I only opened the 2.5 (for negatives, since I'm still working on the 2). All I can say is man this thing has a smooooth sweep. Definitely, definitely harder than the 2. (Unlike the 1.5 which felt barely harder than the 1).

I opened the IMTugs 3, 4 and 5. Thought I'd say a few words for those who haven't tried them.

First off, the damned things are cute. They're fatter around the handle than the CoCs, and the hemi handle is really slick and polished. They have nice visible numbering in the top end. I'm looking at the coils and the Tug 7 is about as thick as the CoC Trainer. The Tug 3's coil is about as thick as this pathetic orange gripper I have from some sports store.

The thickness of the handle make them quite comfy to use, though I do rub raw the outside of my middle finger's knuckle pretty badly when I do closes with my ring-pinky. But when they say "friendly" on soft-tissue, don't get the idea that they feel pansy. Actually they still kinda hurt quite a bit. Although the feeling is more mashing than cutting on your palms, well they still hurt. It's still quite a lot of pressure.

Since I can only close the 1.5, and I can't shut the 2 yet, these are how the Tugs go for me:

3 - Can't close it with my thumb. I have a pathetic thumb. I'm back to using the orange gripper from the store for my thumb. I use this for warmups with my ring-pinky closes. I can get about 15 reps easy.

4 - Good workout for my ring-pinky. I can get 5 reps with considerable effort. The last millimeter is a bitch, as with the CoCs.

5 - Can't close them with my ring-pinky. I can get 5 reps with my index-middle, with considerable effort. This actually feels hard on the hands, like doing 5 reps with the CoC 1. But it gives the base of the thumb this really mashed feeling. Doesn't cut in, in any way.

I can do strap holds with the Tugs, either for ring-pinky or index-middle. I use a shoelace threaded through 2.5 pounds. How much weight do you guys use on the strap? I somehow don't feel that using more weight would be an accomplishment. But strapholding with a heavier gripper feels like it would do a lot of good.

Right now, from a few workouts, I'm really getting the feeling that these IMTugs were a good investment. I busted my middle knuckle on my left hand and had to stick to ring-pinky workouts for 2-3 weeks until it recovered. Now that I'm back to training both hands, my left hand definitely outperforms my right when it comes to ring-pinky closes (think double the reps on the Tug4), even though my right (stronger hand) always outperformed my left with the index-middle closes (think double the reps on the Tug5). The end result is with the CoCs, my hands are almost the same strength even if I haven't done any 4-finger lifts with my left for weeks.

I really think the ring-pinky is CRITICAL when it comes to closing grippers, and I have a feeling my progress will jump now that I can isolate them. As for the index-middle, while I don't think they're quite as important as the ring-pinky, I don't think isolating them will be useless. If anything it allows for some variation in workouts, instead of the rather pattern-damage-inducing CoC-only reps.

Oh and I definitely have to work on my thumbs.

So now my gripper variety is: CoC regular, reverse, set, no-set; and Tugs. Overcrushes, sweeps, closes, strapholds, and negatives on either.

BTW I've done very few negatives with the Tugs. When I do more of those I'll let you know how it goes.

My workouts have been steady at 2 days a week (really helps my recovery) but I'm thinking of putting in two Tug days, one for the ring-pinky, and one for the index-middle, but only at half the regular workout volume. (My workouts are usually 50 reps, 2x a week. So I can do 50, 20, 50, 20, with the 20 rep volume workouts for the Tugs). I'll let you know how it goes. (BTW I take a break from lifting every 4-6 weeks, does wonders for me. Always done this since my powerlifting days.)

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Glad you like the tugs dude!

Good luck with your training and i'm sure you'll close the #2 soon!

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I'd have to agree with you about the ring-pinky training. When I train them, I always feel a lot stronger when going for maxes.

I don't know if it's just a "feeling", or if I actually am stronger, but whatever it is I like it.

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Good luck with your training and i'm sure you'll close the #2 soon!

Thanks Sam! I'm just 1/4th of an inch from the #2, but I do a rather deep set though (between CCS and Parallel), just using my hands. It's where my hands feel strongest in a manual set. Is this what you call an MMS? What does MMS stand for?

#2.5 bloody hard... When I get the #2, I'm getting my #3 out of the box!

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Thanks Sam! I'm just 1/4th of an inch from the #2, but I do a rather deep set though (between CCS and Parallel), just using my hands. It's where my hands feel strongest in a manual set. Is this what you call an MMS? What does MMS stand for?

#2.5 bloody hard... When I get the #2, I'm getting my #3 out of the box!

MMS stands for 'Mash Monster Set'. It is a parallel set (3/4'' from closed) and is used for gripboard certs on the gripper MM1 through MM6.

The set you are using is similar to how i set grippers. I normally set the handles to about 1.5'' from closed.

Good luck with the #2. Do lots of forced holds and forced reps with it to get it closed! You seem pretty close.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Good luck with your training and i'm sure you'll close the #2 soon!

Thanks Sam! I'm just 1/4th of an inch from the #2, but I do a rather deep set though (between CCS and Parallel), just using my hands. It's where my hands feel strongest in a manual set. Is this what you call an MMS? What does MMS stand for?

#2.5 bloody hard... When I get the #2, I'm getting my #3 out of the box!

Use the tugs alot with your pinky and ring and it will close that gap really fast!! The last 1/2 inch is all pink and ring finger !

well the tug 4 helped me close my NO.2 goodluck your right there

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