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Mms'd The #2


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I'm pretty pumped, I've taken my T, 1 and 1.5(all filed generously) everywhere for the last week and a half and did closes every free moment and today I took my #1(which was the first one I filed, may have gone alittle to far because when I was done it was just slightly easier than my then unfiled 1.5) with me and did closes all day. It's getting easier and my hands are hurting less so that part of my plan is coming to fruition. I had trouble closing my 1.5 4 times between my two hands only 2 hours before MMSing the 2. I took the 2 out to show some friends how close I was, pretty funny because before I closed it I laughed and bet $5 I wouldn't close it and low and behold with a slightly outside parallel set I clamped it and for that moment it felt easier than my #1. I looked down in astonishment, so I decided to see how long I could hold it and held it for 18 seconds. Couldn't get it past 1/4" with my left MMS'd but I'm still pretty stoked. Best 5er I could've spent today! All those filed closes really help the feel of crushing an unfiled gripper! Felt like the #2 could've kept going if I'd filed it! Couldn't get it again tonight though, not even close.

Question, would it be productive to keep on with my current gripper regiment? Should I keep taking my grippers everywhere and closing them whenever I can or should I take a rest? I honestly think that my hands can handle alot more work right now. Only problem I'm having is REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY raw skin on my fingers but I can deal with that.

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Congrats. I was extremely happy when I first got the #2 with MMS set. It's one step closer to the #3.

My advice: Do whatever you want to train as long as 1. You're making reasonable gains, and 2. You aren't getting injured.

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Congratulations!!! :rock

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Question, would it be productive to keep on with my current gripper regiment? Should I keep taking my grippers everywhere and closing them whenever I can or should I take a rest? I honestly think that my hands can handle alot more work right now. Only problem I'm having is REEEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY raw skin on my fingers but I can deal with that.

Congrats on the close! One step closer to the top.

As for the training, if it is working, use it. Some people can take the extended periods of high volume, but I would be careful to not go high volume without a break, for more than two or three weeks too help keep yourself from getting burnt out. Recommend switching to some different grip exercises for heavier work at much lower volume, two to three times a week, for a couple of weeks, and then go back to doing your gripper stuff for the same period. This type of work should help you too not get premature burn out, while still allowing you to get gains. Just my take, but I'm a freak. Congrats again.

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Excellent stuff, i am also working towards the #2, i closed it once a while ago but i was in a real rage; can't close it again. I'm pretty sure i can't close it again because of an injury ive had for about 2 months now, ive tried going a week or so without any grip work and still nothing it still hurts as much as it first did when gripping but oh well.

Contrats again, i await the closure of the #3

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Thanks guys, I figured that I'd take maybe 2 days off from grippers and other grip exercises. My hands were starting to feel really fatigued. I was thinking though, after the rest, if I can't close the 2 CCS or even MMS again would choked closes be beneficial because I've heard some mixed reviews. What could I do to help me with gripper sweep?

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Figured I'd mention this. That 2 day rest really was what I needed! Not even an hour ago I just MMS'd the #2 again and got 2 braced closes after that on my right and possibly one good one on my left but I'm not counting it yet because I'm unsure. Felt alot easier today, even more so than Thursday so thanks to you guys who gave advice. Another thing I noticed, I'm MUCH stronger with anything grip related after I've done some other exercise involving the hands, ie...curls, benching, not deadlifting though as it requires much effort in the hands to hold the bar. Gets the blood flowing and warms me up better than light reps with grippers(I can never seem to warm up for an exercise using that exercise... odd)

I'd also like to reinterate my question, what can I do to work on sweep strength? Currently all I can think of is TNSing my Trainer and trying to TNS the #1 and no set the 1.5.

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I'd also like to reinterate my question, what can I do to work on sweep strength? Currently all I can think of is TNSing my Trainer and trying to TNS the #1 and no set the 1.5.

Time to start doing negatives with the #3. This will help your sweep.

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I'd also like to reinterate my question, what can I do to work on sweep strength? Currently all I can think of is TNSing my Trainer and trying to TNS the #1 and no set the 1.5.

Time to start doing negatives with the #3. This will help your sweep.

Rying is right, but I believe what GorrillaHands says on his site, about sweep strength being able to be trained many ways. Wide reps in general I think will help sweep strength.

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You could also try repping the #3, obviously you won't get far with it, but you'll be working that wide range harder than with a gripper you can already close. Then as you say, no set reps on the #1 and #1.5.

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MMS closed the #2 with my left hand for sure today with a friend to make sure. And with that my new most hated gripper is the #2.5.

Thanks again to anyone who offered advice, I'll definetly try whats been suggested!

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