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Surprise Pr's!


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I haven't trained for about 3 weeks due to many family problems but managed to get a bit in today and thought I'd try and vent some frustration on some steel. I'm using the motivation from by bro-in-law who's been seriously injured in a bike accident but is fighting it head on.

I started with a 6" 8mm hrs which just melted. So I wanted to try the crs, as I haven't been able to bend it before when trying the 7" so I went for some 6" as my flexibility isn't good. And to my shock it started to bend on my first go at it and within a couple of minutes I had it minus 2". Now I was thinking if that was possible why stop! So I got the only bastard bar I had but it was a 7" so I cut and inch off, knowing that the 7" wasn't happening, and wrapped it up. First hit got a kink so I got stuck in with hit after hit for just over 4 mins when after loads of painful crushing got it just under. My best bends but didn't have a camera!

This was for you Steve, get well soon. :mosher

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Awesome bending Dunkster! Also sorry to hear about your buddy and hope he gets better soon.

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Well done Dunk :).

Sorry to hear about Steve, I hope he makes a full recovery. Was it a Motorcycle?

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Great Bend! Hope Steve heals up fast!

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Man those are awesome PRs! What a jump up the ladder.

Keep it up and I hope your friend recovers fast.


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Ye he came off his motorbike on friday, coming home from work, and lost his left arm at the shoulder, shattered his right elbow, snapped straight through his right leg with only his boots holding it on, speared his stomach and had loads more cuts and scrapes. But he was conscious throughout and is already off his morphine and sat up in a chair and is saying he wants his remaining arm to get as strong as he can and we were even discussing yesterday him aiming to be the first amputee to certify on the #3, if it hasn't already been done. On saturday they thought he would die but the guy has just kept on fighting and is not gonna let it hold him back. His progress is inspirational to me as he is in a ward with people with similair injuries who have been there ages and not moved forward but he has overtaken them in a couple of days.

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steve sounds like a fighter, im sure his positive outlook will keep him on track to recovery.

my very best wishes.

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Outstanding bends, especially considering your family troubles as well as your brother in laws accident. Steve will get better, my best wishes to him.

I know I am preaching to the choir, but sometimes life is really tough and you just have to keep on pushing through. Hang in there, keep your mind right and make sure Steve does the same.


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Congrats on the PRS mate.

Your mate is already showing that the MIND can overcome most things he will go on to greater things :rock I wish him all the best.

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and sat up in a chair and is saying he wants his remaining arm to get as strong as he can and we were even discussing yesterday him aiming to be the first amputee to certify on the #3, if it hasn't already been done.

Hell yeah! Its going to take him a while to recover but thats a heck of a positive attitude. Tell him the gripboard is here for him through the ups and downs to help him reach his goal!

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