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Huge New Braced Prs For Me


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Man I don't know where to begin other than saying this has nothing to do with unbraced bending, only braced stuff.

For starters yesterday I bent a 100d nail for the local hardware store for his ever-growing display of my stuff. Pretty tough bend. I bent a 6 inch adjustable wrench for a lady for a pencil holder. Not a real tough one but not the junk die-cast either. Then today I finally killed one of the new 8 inch companion wrenches. I say new because to me the new ones are alot tougher than the last batch I had. It's now on display at the hardware store too. Then, I killed a decent 10 inch adjustable wrench at work.

After all this I went home and the real fun began. I decided to try the ever elusive 80d nail. Only once before had I got a kink in one braced over my thigh. BTW, Eric calibrated this 8 inch nail at 500 lbs or 505 can't remember which one. Anyway, got a good kink in it then braced for the rest of then bend and it actually moved! It took me several hits and it was murder; felt like a truck running over my hands but it was worth if for the trophy I got. Picture in my gallery btw. Then I decided to try a 10 inch companion wrench which I've never got close to and after a ton of effort I got it. Probably one of the most painful and exhaustive bends I've ever done.

Then tonight after church I did a 8 inch thick wrench that I've had laying around with only a slight kink in it and it took all I had to get it going but I finally did. The pic in my gallery is of the really tough 8 incher and the 10 inch companion.

Maybe this is why my unbraced doesn't go up very fast. I've always wanted to be able to put together a well rounded show and the wrenches are always sure to please.

Here's a link to the pics

wrench bend with 80d at the bottom



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Well done, congrats! :rock I suck at braced/odd object bending. How do you train for it? I want to bend a wrench.

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I train many ways but not alot actually. If I did no telling what I'd bend. Anyway, anything mid-length is a good training aid for wrenches. You can start with the 12 inch spiral spikes and then go to galvinzed 12 inchers then 100d then about at this level you can start to get some pretty decent wrenches. I also bend various sizes of Hot rolled steel cut to different lengths and see how short I can bend it. Bend them all like you would a wrench and it builds strength in this area. Also, starting with the cheaper wrenches helps alot. The pretty decent wrenches though take a lot of effort and alot of working up to it. Do very many of them and I have no doubt that you'd have some welps and bruises.

Also, I just bought a few wrenches and pushed them against my leg with a towel on it. Sorta iso work I guess. I had to use a lot of padding at first but your leg toughens up pretty fast. Then one day while doing this the wrench started to give. I didn't bend it all the way at first but it grew from there.

I can tell you it's a heck of a workout.



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Awesome bending Tim!!! :mosher Very impressive stuff. I can tell you that normally I don't get fired up about braced bending very often...but recently after watching Hammer Head kill that thick steel and make it even look beautiful and artful while doing it, I have been nipped by the desire to do some braced bending again. Not bitten though. :tongue So I will probably just think about it for a while, but I've still got a few of my 12" FBBC Spikes and some other heavy duty stuff.

Seeing your wrench bends has got me interested again too. Thanks. And keep killing the steel! You're doing great.

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I thought I'd remembered you doing a spike or 2 a while back. If I remember right seems like you joked about alternating feet to bend it.

Thanks for the compliments. Now if I could just get my unbraced in line with the rest of this stuff I'd be in business. I've got some FBBC stuff coming so that will help.

I'm afraid I don't have the artistic eye that Hammerhead has. Maybe I'll try that someday but to me that's like a combo talent or something.

RKlein, I'd love to do some video but as the commercial says "I'm stuck with dial-up" and a video would take no telling how long plus the quality would be almost unwatchable. I was thinking maybe I'd cert on the FBBC spikes by sending a DVD.



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I am impressed Tim you are doing things to thoses wrenches and spikes that is illegal in most countries. :tongue Braced bending of these heavy duty items has always intriqued me and I have wanted to bend a wrench since the first time I ever saw this feat. Keep up the great work and I wish you the best in your future strength shows.

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Awesome strength my friend those wrenches and 80ds make great trophies and i like that you also unselfishly give out your training tips :bow

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Those bends are very impressive! that nail is so thick!!! :blink

I've had a go at braced bending (a horse shoe) before and there is a lot of satisfaction in getting something to bend that looks 'un-bendable' :)

As a previous post said, would be great to see some of these bends on video, it's a shame you can't upload them.

Well done anyway, great stuff!

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ABsolutely amazing Tim! You know my interest in braced bending also. Long bars, wrenches etc.



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Great job. This inspires me to try the braced style even more. Before I read this post I stopped at a hardware store on the way home from work and bought some 12" x 3/8" common spikes. I am waiting until Saturday though before I try them.

Congratulations on your prs, I am sure there are plenty more in your future.


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Thanks guys!

Mats, always glad to hear from you and thanks. Coming from a man who's bent the long bars you have means alot and if you ever get that #8 shoe moving let me know. I printed that pic out of the comparison and it's amazing.

Gazza, I'll give me tips out to anybody who's desperate enough to ask me ha ha! No seriously, I'm no expert but I am willing to share what I do know.

youdimmers, the horseshoes make fantastic trophies but unfortunately and for whatever reason I'm VERY inconsistant with them. I've done a couple pretty impressive shoes but then I may not even be able to budge an easier one. Oh well, I guess I haven't really tried them that much and they are very awkward and tough.

Mike, let us know how the spike goes. Some 12 inchers are very tough. I've had some Keystone ones that were brutal for 12 inches. Haven't tried them in a while but I can immagine the 8 inch variation would be about the ultimate spike test.

Thanks for the comments everyone. Keeps me going!


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Thanks again Tim!

Those Diamond 8# shoes aint going nowwhere yet.

Only Pat Povilaitis can do those. I Can't even hold em right.

When I hold em like other horseshoes I can't gain the leverage I can with lighter horseshoes.

But I did the DC0 FBBC horseshoe in front of my chest using my wrists only.

I'll keep you updated!


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Mats, that's incredible to bend them that way. I've done the DC00 and the DC1 (sounds like jet planes) in the traditional fashion but I can't consistantly do them.

Shoot for that #8 man, with your strength you can get it. Like Gazza says, no limits!

amaury, are you asking if I tried to break an 80d nail? Mmmm nope. I'm not really into the breaking thing. I broke a 60d nail once just fuel my curiosity over a thread on this board but that's been it. I'm thinking my hands would be raw meat IF I did successfully break an 80d.


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