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Hg400 Gripper Closed


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Dear All,

I thought I would submit this thread to get any feedback on the HG400.

I have been training grip for 2 weeks now and purchased a HG400 #113 for

a laugh. I actually bought it thinking that it would be something to amuse my

mates with and look at hoping one day I would close it.

Well, it does not have a wide spread especially compared to my COC#3 and the

handles have a large diameter. Whether that has anything to do with it I don't know,

but I opened up my box, set it and closed it 1st time. Then repeated it 3 times

on the trot. :mosher

Are these HG400s meant to be easier than COC3s. I think that my 2.5 is harder!?!

Any ideas?



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The HG's do vary, my HG400 has a huge spread on it and for that reason its up there with my no.3, i guess you have an easy one.

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The HG 250 is like the COC 1.5 the

the HG 300 is inbetween the 1.5 COC and the 2 COC.

the HG 350 is more like a #2 COC.

the HG 400 is inbetween the #2 and the 2.5 COC.

This is what i have found. The spread is a little closer with the HG and the handles are a little (very little difference) fatter.

hope it helps.

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the HG 350 is more like a #2 COC.

I heard of people owning 350 harder than #3, so they definately vary a whole lot.

Nice close anyways!!

Are the handles steel? What does it weigh?

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The HG 250 is like the COC 1.5 the

the HG 300 is inbetween the 1.5 COC and the 2 COC.

the HG 350 is more like a #2 COC.

the HG 400 is inbetween the #2 and the 2.5 COC.

This is what i have found. The spread is a little closer with the HG and the handles are a little (very little difference) fatter.

hope it helps.

Wow, those must be some easy HG's you've got. My HG300 is pretty much up there with my #3 and the HG250 is about the same as my #2.

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the HG 350 is more like a #2 COC.

I heard of people owning 350 harder than #3, so they definately vary a whole lot.

Nice close anyways!!

Are the handles steel? What does it weigh?

The handles are ultra fat knurled steel - looks the business actually. It weighs a hilarious 1kg!

I think that walkinparadis is spot on when he says it is between the 2 and 2.5 - well mine is.

One thing I have found though is that the bigger handles (diameter) and narrower spread make a more

comfortable crush and less painful on the tendons / ligaments. Not sure why.


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My Hg300 is between my easy #3 and hard one. My HG350 before I sold it was harder than my hardest #3. Weird how easy yours are.

- Aaron

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The HG 250 is like the COC 1.5 the

the HG 300 is inbetween the 1.5 COC and the 2 COC.

the HG 350 is more like a #2 COC.

the HG 400 is inbetween the #2 and the 2.5 COC.

This is what i have found. The spread is a little closer with the HG and the handles are a little (very little difference) fatter.

hope it helps.

No offense, but I'm guessing you didn't test many HG300's?

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Wow, that's cool. My brass RBs weigh ~600g to 700g (no accurate scale in the house) and they really feel heavy compared to aluminum grippers .. but 1kg is sick.

Edited by greenBuddah
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We tried two of each of the above. We were trying to get a progression from hardest to easiest with the COC and the HG.

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We tried two of each of the above. We were trying to get a progression from hardest to easiest with the COC and the HG.

From those two HG300's you got that average? I didn't know they varied THAT much.

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My Hg200= #1; HG250= little less than #2; Hg300= little more than #2.5

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My HG250: 1.8 or even a bit less

My HG300: definitely harder than my GR8 #3

My HG350: substantially harder again, total beast.

but you do read a bit about much easier HGs...


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wow did not know these varied that much. thanks for the info guys....

My HG250: 1.8 or even a bit less

My HG300: definitely harder than my GR8 #3

My HG350: substantially harder again, total beast.

but you do read a bit about much easier HGs...


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for me

hg300 is harder than my 2006 #3

hg400 is bang in the middle of my #2 and my #3

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I dont know if my #3 is a hard or easy one, but in relation to how much I can close it and giving it a ignorant rating of 3.0 for lack of more evidence, my hg300 is about 2.5.

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I may be mistaken but it seems that the newer HGs say from sometime in 2006 to present are on the hard side, (particularly the HG300) and that easy HG300s might be a thing of the past. They may have become more standardised since the company started machine testing them prior to shipping.

Has anyone bought an HG300 recently (in the last few months) that was well below a #3 level when new?

- Duncan

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I may be mistaken but it seems that the newer HGs say from sometime in 2006 to present are on the hard side, (particularly the HG300) and that easy HG300s might be a thing of the past. They may have become more standardised since the company started machine testing them prior to shipping.

Has anyone bought an HG300 recently (in the last few months) that was well below a #3 level when new?

- Duncan

I bought one a few months ago and compared to my 2006 #3 it's about a 2.4, though I can't close it (I can get it to about .3'' with a parallel set)

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My HG300 is closer to my #3 than a #2.

I can get my #3 slightly past parallel and the HG300 I can get within 1/2"

I can rep the #2 3 times

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I've recently bought a HG300 and it's level (just about) with my COC #3. Slightly smaller spread, and easier on the hands knurling. good value i think, wish i'd bought the whole set they do for around $75

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