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Löddeköpinge Grip Challenge Xvi


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Löddeköpinge Grip Challenge XVI (16)

April 15, 11:00

General Information:

Only approved chalk may be used by the competitors

No strapping of wrists, hands or arms is allowed (unless approved beforehand in light of injuries)

Lifting belts and knee supports are permitted

The rising bar principle will be used with 4 attempts. Starting weights will be submitted by the competitors and the lowest starting weight will be used first. After this the second lowest weight will be used. If you fail at a weight you can not go down in weight for your next attempt. You can only request the same weight or a higher weight for your next attempt.

Both hands will be tested on the Hand Grippers, One Handed Vertical Bar Lift and the One Handed Deadlift.

Event One

Hand Grippers

The free hand may be used to set the gripper in the gripping hand. The set can be no narrower than the handles being parallel to one another. The set must be clearly visible to the judges before the close is to proceed. Note that setting the gripper right at the limit may mean a longer pause is necessary for the judges to make this decision.

Once the gripper has been set with the spring facing up, the gripper is to be closed shut until the handles are clearly touching. No contact can be made with the gripping hand or the gripping arm from the elbow down with the free hand once the close has begun.

The entire close must be clearly visible to the referee. The close finishes on the referees signal.

Event Two

Two Handed Pinch Lift

The pinch apparatus must be positioned between the lifter's feet. The lifter must grip the top of the lifting plates with both hands in a pinch grip.

The pinch apparatus must be raised to a point where the centre bar hits a predetermined marker 16.5 inches in height. The shoulders do not have to be pulled erect, nor the body or legs straight. The lift ends once the centre bar has made contact with the predetermined marker. Upon completion the lifter will then return the apparatus to the ground. Contact must be maintained between the lifter's hands and the apparatus until it is resting on the floor.

NOTE: The width of the pinch apparatus is adjustable to suit different sized hands. Before the event starts, you will be given the opportunity to try it and find your best width. The apparatus will be set to the width that the majority choose who will go first and complete their lifts. It will then be altered to the next most popular width and those lifters will compete, and so on.

Event Three

One Handed Vertical Bar Lift

The vertical bar must be positioned between the lifter's feet. The bar is to be gripped near the top with one hand (the distance between the top of the hand and the top of the bar after setting can be no more than 5cm) and is not to touch the wrist, forearm or leg and the lifting hand can not be locked against the thigh or any part of the body. The lifting forearm though is allowed contact with the thigh during the lift. Hook gripping is not permitted. The free hand may be used to brace against the legs and/or body during the lift.

The bar must be raised clear of the floor by at least 5 cm's. Upon completion the lifter will then return the bar to the ground under control.

Event Four

One Handed Deadlift

The bar may be raised either in front of the lifter or the lifter may straddle the bar. The lifter will use one hand to grip the bar in the centre. Hook gripping is not permitted. The free hand may be used to brace against the legs and/or body during the lift.

The bar must be raised to a point where both ends of the bar must remain knee high and the legs straightened. The shoulders do not have to be pulled erect, nor the body straight as long as the legs are straight and the bar motionless with both ends above the knee joint. The lift ends with the referee's signal. Upon completion the lifter will then return the bar to the ground. Contact must be maintained between the lifter's hands and the bar until it is resting on the floor.

Event Five

Reverse Bending (Edited rules from David Horne's website)

1. For reverse bending you must attain a 45 degree plus angle of bend for bars/bolts.

2. The bend must be completed within 30 seconds. The bender may notify the witness that he's ready to start the bend, after which the witness will give the bender a signal to start the bend. The clock will start when the witness gives the signal to start the bend.

3. No part of competitor's hands or forearms may touch the body. Upper arm down to elbow is allowed contact with chest/stomach.

4. Competitor may not lean against any stationary object. The feet on the ground are the only permissible contact.

5. The object being bent may not dip below waist level at any time during the bend. Reference to "during the bend" indicates the time when you are applying force to the object, obviously while wrapping, resting or positioning for the bend your hands sometimes are below the waist.

6. Hand padding will be supplied by the organiser (leather/suede).

These will be inspected by referee for compliance. *Material is to protect the hands of the competitor, not to assist by adding leverage. Nail must be wrapped immediately prior to competitor's attempt in plain view of referee in charge. Allotted time period begins on referee's start signal. Nail must be in referee's plain sight at all times. Wrapping, including rubber bands, will be provided by the organizer. Two different lengths of 4'' wide suede will be used, measuring about 1'' and 1 1/2'' in thickness wrapped onto an 8mm bar.

7. Gloves are specifically disallowed, as it is easy to conceal rigid material within the glove, create a fulcrum within the glove, and/or bunch up glove material to the point of being leverage assistance to the bend.

8. Wrapping or taping of any part of elbows, wrist, forearm, and hands is disallowed. Wrist and tendon strength is key to successful bending and any external aid that assists in tightening of tendons/joints or increases pressure in arms (such as elastic wraps or stabilizers) should be viewed as cheating. Tape or bandage may be applied to surface of fingers and/or palm only in the event of injury to skin and should be kept to a minimum as per judge's discretion.

9. Application of adhesives or sticky substances to hands, nail, or hand pads is cause for immediate disqualification. These substances will prevent hand padding from slipping or rotating and will remove a necessary element of the grip from the bending process. Chalk is accepted.

Edited by Martin_Arildsson
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Grippers - 14.87

2HP - 1.059

vbar - 0.3251

1hdl - 0.4558

bending 45 degrees reverse -

8mm HRS

7 - 83.53

6 3/4 - 85.31

6 1/2 - 87.16

6 1/4 - 89.08

6 - 91.08

5 3/4 - 93.16

5 1/2 - 95.34

5 1/4 - 97.62

5 - 100.0

4 3/4 - 102.63

4 1/2 - 105.41

4 1/4 - 108.35

4 - 111.47

Edited by Martin_Arildsson
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would have been cool going . but i am to weak to compete anyways =D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would have been awsome. But I feel at the moment it wouldn't have been so cool to participate. Alltough it's not all about winning, I feel that I have to get a bit more allrounded. Or rather lots more allrounded to have the heart to stand up against you guys... But I'm wondering how often is this contest held? I have heard about it before, and considoring it is the 16:th time I'm guessing it's not once every year. Would have been awsome to participate as soon as my pinch is up

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Would have been awsome. But I feel at the moment it wouldn't have been so cool to participate. Alltough it's not all about winning, I feel that I have to get a bit more allrounded. Or rather lots more allrounded to have the heart to stand up against you guys... But I'm wondering how often is this contest held? I have heard about it before, and considoring it is the 16:th time I'm guessing it's not once every year. Would have been awsome to participate as soon as my pinch is up

Ok, maybe next time! :)

As it is now, it's two times a year.

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It is a common mistake to wait until a certain strength level has been achieved. You guys will get stronger much quicker if you compete and absorb as much information as you can from Martin and the others. Remember also that you might miss an opportunity to see a historic moment in the world of grip. I can almost guarantee that there will be a WR attempt. Martin's strength in the two hand pinch is currently outright scary.

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You'll learn a lot from mixing with the guys at the comp, and also have a great time!

I've competed in many sports, in a period over 20 years, and have learned sooo much from watching.


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  • 2 weeks later...

9 days, 2 hours and 12 mins to go! :D

Who will compete?

I wish each athlete all the best for this great comp :mosher

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9 days, 2 hours and 12 mins to go! :D

Who will compete?

I wish each athlete all the best for this great comp :mosher


So far it is:

Kalle Lane

Mario Sjögren

Johan Albrektsson

Johan Olofsson


And there's some whose name I don't know.

Arne can't compete since he got some strange injury in one of his fingers.

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Thank you Martin!!!!

Again a very strong field!

All a nice comp guys.

Arne, I wish you a speedy recovery!!!

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Thank you Martin!!!!

Again a very strong field!

All a nice comp guys.

Arne, I wish you a speedy recovery!!!

Thank You! It's impossible for me to compete on this competition. I suspect there are some badly injured fingermuscles (Mm lumbricales and Mm interossei dorsales & palmares) i my right hand. :( I can't even close CoC#2 today.

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Damned! I hope you recover fast!

Any idea how long it will take to heal up?

What said the doc?

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Agreed - as good as I appear to be I've only won once but competed many times.
You appear good? :tongue

I am the world's biggest hippocrite on this, I tell everone else to compete, but never do myself, cos I have no confidence!

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best of luck to everybody!

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Good luck guys and have some fun.

Martin, I expect either a new ER for grippers or a new Pinch WR (or both :tongue ).

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Thanks all!

Good luck guys and have some fun.

Martin, I expect either a new ER for grippers or a new Pinch WR (or both :tongue ).

Roger that! :D

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Got a text message from Martin Arildsson,

Martin got a 111kg two hand pinch!! Congrats! :rock

Edited by DuTCH
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Finally home!

We were a couple men short, two injured (Arne and Johan A), and Johan O couldn't make it.

Grippers didn't go as I wanted to, but I got 3.6 both hands.

2HP: Didn't feel 100% but I got 111k, tried 116k but no go.

V-bar: 132,5k left and 145k right.

1hdl: 132,5k left and 127,5k right. I had 132,5k too but I lost it.

Reverse bending: Got a 4,5" 8mm HRS past 45 degrees easy, I also did a good attempt at a 4" got it about 40 degrees without problems. But the last five degrees were totally impossible.

Reminder to next time, get harder stock.

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Great grippers (although I wanted to see a 3.80+ being shut) and pulling 111-kilos after doubling 3.6 is good work. How many competed? I think Mikeal insisted on a certain number for it to be listed as a new WR.

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Steve, yeah I got a bit dissapointed on how it went with the grippers. I had some problems to set the grippers correctly, maybe next time I'll get it! :)

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I could learn from you - never mind not setting them properly. Plus, as discussed, you need to bring up that bloody vbar - still won though :D

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how seasoned was the vbar? the swedish comps -it seems to me- have been known for having pretty clean vbars.... which makes me wonder, if having clean and knurled vbars could not be an option. although skin tears would probably be very nasty with this.

Edited by the swiss
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