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Claw Curls And Eagle Loops For Grippers


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Hi guys, I'm sorry if there's a post like this already somewhere, but I'm just wondering how useful the claw curl and eagle loops are for grip strength?

I'm particularly intrigued by the claw curl (they're by IronMind btw) because it looks like you can use them for bicep curls, finger curls, chins, and other cool stuff that could help my gripping. Maybe for the sweep? What do you think guys? Useful, or am I better off with my sledgehammer and a bunch of towels for towel curls, rows, etc?

BTW if you guys have tried the eagle loops--they look like they're mighty uncomfortable. How do they feel? The claw curl looks like it would hurt/yank your fingers less.

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I have the eagle loops and have used them for chins etc. They are pretty comfortable actually. As far as gripper carry over, I'm not too sure, but some people use them to bring up the strength of the last two fingers.

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I have both. I like the eagle loops more than the claw curl-straps. Actually, I think the eagle loops are more comfortable than the claw curl-straps. I've noticed that with the claw curls-straps, the fingers tend to hyper-extend from the last joints and that's not desirable.

Eagle loops are good for working invidual fingers.

I think regular barbell finger curl is a better exercise than trying to do the same with any meaningful poundage on the claw curl.

Edited by Teemu I
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There is no caryy over from using Eagle loops to grippers. If you want to be better at grippers, then use grippers. EL will get your fingers stronger.

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Eagle loops are an ego boost, nothing more. They shorten deadlift ROM and are no harder on the grip than using a mixed grip. I suggest you spend your $20 elsewhere, preferably on another IM gripper!


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