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A 3”+ Full Rom Dumbbell Concentration Curl For 40+ Consecutive Reps –


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A 3”+ full ROM dumbbell concentration curl with 75-pounds for 40+ consecutive reps – should this go on YouTube?

After the Mohegan Sun World Championships, I took off training arms until this January. I decided to try a little something different and something I haven’t done in almost a decade – the full ROM dumbbell concentration curl.

I decided to do this with a little twist – with an extra thick 3+” dumbbell handle, something much harder to hold onto than a regular dumbbell. Here’s a pic and a side-by-side with two three-inch Crushers from Fat Bastard:


I started doing these in January: nothing spectacular – 75 pounds: 10 reps with the right arm and six with the left. Then I was up to 18 with the right arm. Then two weeks ago, I got 30 reps. Today I got 36 reps with the right and 14 with the left.

I think there’s a good chance I can break 40 reps with the right arm in two weeks.

I plan on going much heavier in the future, but since I am in the conditioning phase, I am sticking to light weight, high reps, full ROM, and high sets for the time being.

I am thinking of getting this taped and uploaded to YouTube since there’s so much mediocre crap posted there under “curls.”

I don’t know how this compares with what others have done (aside from one of the Barbarian brothers doing standing alternate curls with 150 and Magnus Samuelsson doing the 308 x 2 barbell curls, YouTube is pretty weak in this regard).

Is this postworthy or should I wait until we are doing the heavier weights?

Edited by G-Man
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go for it

Thanks. I just PM-ed a local Grip Board member (lives in same city) -- I am shooting for not this Saturday, but the next one.

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I wouldn't bother. I've seen your 'concentration' curls and so find it hard to beleive you could do a full range of motion anything.

In a previous post you linked to a photo bucket image of what you called a concentration curl with 215lbs. What it actually was is a typical armwrestler exercise where a heavy dumbbell is held at the top of the movement on a table top. It is allowed to move a few inches back and forth so as to work that very last part of the movement and thus help you in arm wrestling. Another armwrestler posted a similar pic of him using 225lbs. Neither of you was doing a curl, a table top curl or a concentration curl.

Here's a concentration curl:


Here's what you called a concentration curl before: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h110/gstepsis/gs7-1.jpg

Note no table etc

You also posted in November 2006 about doing the Inch dumbbell. The topic was locked. You mentioned Manfred Hoebel doing a 200-kilo curl - never happened. I could carry on.

The '3"' handle you say you're gonna use is in fact made of tape and so will be much easier to grip and squeeze down than the solid handles also pictured.

First try learning what a concentration curl is, then doing a concentration curl then work to 75lbs, that in itself will be something. Then use thicker handles. Then post on youtube. If you manage that it'll be better than some of the 'crap' you mention. Right now I could support my millennium dumbbell in the same pose you used above - big deal.

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Wow, mobster just says it like it is, no hesitation.... ballsy guy. :P

G-Man: dude, I believe you're really strong, but I'm still thinking about your "close grip bench press - 225lbs x159 reps", which you said had a ROM of about 12 inches.... and some of your other feats... so it's pretty hard to say "yeah, I sure believe ya!" when you have never provided real proof.

Just to make it clear: you've claimed HUGE stuff, but have not provided enough pics. From what I've heard, you DO train with a very short ROM.. someone in the AW board told me you used "obscene" amounts of weight (exact words) on the lat pulldown machine, but move the weight 2 inches and call it a rep (also exact words). So maybe you ARE using that weight, but your definition of a "rep" might be incorrect! Then, to try and show that you ARE strong, you posted a video of an HG400 close and hold for about 10 secs.. I'm sorry dude, but MANY people on this board can shut an HG400.. that's nowhere near as hard as these other claims you do! Which makes it harder to believe you!

But personally, I want to believe you... but instead of asking "should I post a video of <insert feat here>?", just come up with the video and shut everyone up!! That'd be cool! =)

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I don’t know how this compares with what others have done (aside from one of the Barbarian brothers doing standing alternate curls with 150 and Magnus Samuelsson doing the 308 x 2 barbell curls, YouTube is pretty weak in this regard).

Here's the Barbarian, in strictest form. :whistel

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Wow, mobster just says it like it is, no hesitation.... ballsy guy. :P

G-Man: dude, I believe you're really strong, but I'm still thinking about your "close grip bench press - 225lbs x159 reps", which you said had a ROM of about 12 inches.... and some of your other feats... so it's pretty hard to say "yeah, I sure believe ya!" when you have never provided real proof.

Just to make it clear: you've claimed HUGE stuff, but have not provided enough pics. From what I've heard, you DO train with a very short ROM.. someone in the AW board told me you used "obscene" amounts of weight (exact words) on the lat pulldown machine, but move the weight 2 inches and call it a rep (also exact words). So maybe you ARE using that weight, but your definition of a "rep" might be incorrect! Then, to try and show that you ARE strong, you posted a video of an HG400 close and hold for about 10 secs.. I'm sorry dude, but MANY people on this board can shut an HG400.. that's nowhere near as hard as these other claims you do! Which makes it harder to believe you!

But personally, I want to believe you... but instead of asking "should I post a video of <insert feat here>?", just come up with the video and shut everyone up!! That'd be cool! =)

I looked back at other posts he's made. He needs to learn what he calls movements - like curls - aren't what he calls them. He's strong in partials and did well at his chosen sport. That's as good as it gets.

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I wouldn't bother. I've seen your 'concentration' curls and so find it hard to beleive (sic) you could do a full range of motion anything.

You are obviously lying, as I never posted a concentration curl -- video or pic -- ever. Per my last post, as I said, I haven't done the exercise in almost a decade.

In a previous post you linked to a photo bucket image of what you called a concentration curl with 215lbs.

This is not true either. As I said, it was a forced rep with 215 pounds -- back when I was 21 (two arms up; one arm down).

You also posted in November 2006 about doing the Inch dumbbell. The topic was locked. You mentioned Manfred Hoebel doing a 200-kilo curl - never happened. I could carry on.

Are you pathologically dishonest or just plain delusional? You imply that I said I lifted the Inch. No, I never said that: I said I am training to do something no one else has done before.

The '3"' handle you say you're gonna use is in fact made of tape and so will be much easier to grip and squeeze down than the solid handles also pictured.

The 3" handle is thicker and harder to grip than a 2 3/8" handle, which is why I use it. I find it tougher to grip than my Rolling Thunder handle, which is thinner but solid.

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G-Man: dude, I believe you're really strong, but I'm still thinking about your "close grip bench press - 225lbs x159 reps", which you said had a ROM of about 12 inches.... and some of your other feats... so it's pretty hard to say "yeah, I sure believe ya!" when you have never provided real proof.

Per that thread on the other board, that was done years ago -- and it was 225 x 154, not 159. When one member doubted it, I referred him to a former Mr. America and Mr. Universe winner who we BOTH knew and who was aware of what I was doing back then. I said "go talk to him and ask him about what my claims." I heard no answer back. I gave him the phone number of a friend of mine (135 pounds at the time) who spotted me for 315 for the 40-50 reps. He NEVER called to ask about this. Why? Okay, so you don't trust my friend because you do not know him. Then why not ask the Mr. Universe winner whose gym this took place at? Again, no answer.

May I ask that you do not bring up OLD stuff that I do not currently train for as I do NOT want this thread to be locked?

As far as the HG400, I am not a grip person -- my hands are not a strong point for me. It's just something portable that is easy to film and upload -- and on-topic for this board.

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I don’t know how this compares with what others have done (aside from one of the Barbarian brothers doing standing alternate curls with 150 and Magnus Samuelsson doing the 308 x 2 barbell curls, YouTube is pretty weak in this regard).

Here's the Barbarian, in strictest form. :whistel


Can you or anyone who posts here currently do that? Loose form or not, why belittle a feat of strength you could never do in your wildest dreams?

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