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Small Puny Hands


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I have a COC Trainer and number one plus 2 blockweights a 20lb and a 30lb, just recently found them since moving home. The main reason i bought these over a year ago was to hopefully transform my hands im 28 years old my hand measures 7.25 inch from wrist to tip of index finger and is only 3 inches across the palm just bellow the fingers.

My hands make me feel depressed sometimes as they just are so noticebly small ive now had enough and wanna beef them up somewhat what can you guys suggest and have you managed to beef your mitts up since grip training.

I know its all about genetics etc and i cannot alter the length of my hands but im sure i can make them wider as there is muscle in the thumb pad and a muscle bellow the pinky. I have even considered Growth hormone and IGF-1 if you know what they are/do to help me out. :unsure

Any advice is welcome

Edited by cajunjay
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I have a COC Trainer and number one plus 2 blockweights a 20lb and a 30lb, just recently found them since moving home. The main reason i bought these over a year ago was to hopefully transform my hands im 28 years old my hand measures 7.25 inch from wrist to tip of index finger and is only 3 inches across the palm just bellow the fingers.

My hands make me feel depressed sometimes as they just are so noticebly small ive now had enough and wanna beef them up somewhat what can you guys suggest and have you managed to beef your mitts up since grip training.

I know its all about genetics etc and i cannot alter the length of my hands but im sure i can make them wider as there is muscle in the thumb pad and a muscle bellow the pinky. I have even considered Growth hormone and IGF-1 if you know what they are/do to help me out. :unsure

Any advice is welcome

I'm sure you'll get all the info you need just reading through previous posts in this forum (there is so much info out there, just pick your way through it).

What i've learnt so far though,

with grip training, focus on doing singles with maximum effort every time! don't just 'try' and close your gripper, really mash it. Also, make negatives part of your grip work out (again, loads of info in previous posts on all of this).

training with block weights will really help overall hand strength (i keep reading this all over the place, and it's been said by some really strong guys so it must be a good thing!)

just read as much info as you can, then get training hard, if you're new to grip work then it may take a few weeks or so for your hands to toughen up but stick with it as your hands will soon start to change and develop the more grip work you expose them too.

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on top of your grip specific training, do heavy full body weight training, especially deadlifts (two handed, and one handed), squats, and bench. the three basic lifts. pull ups with weight, or just hang from the bar (or thick bar) with weight attached.

stay away from the supplements though, focus on your diet. focus more on the mental toughening that comes with hard training, and you'll soon find that with strength, size does'nt matter at all. see it every day where i work, and in the gym as well. most of what keeps people from doing big things, are big mental barriers

the old time strongmen are the ones to look to for inspiration, and despite the awsome feats they performed, they were not all that big, just strong.

i got hands 7.25 inches also, and yet i can hub lift a 45 with some weight added (right hand), eagle loop one hand dl over three hundred, do 3 chin ups with 100lbs attached to me from a 2" bar, dl 380 from the floor, and from the knee's 425 plus, as for deadlift lockouts, 500 plus. i am currently working on closing the BBSM, and want to be certified on the #3 in a year from now, the credit card set is a tough one to get though, but i finally got it on my #2, and i will get it on the #3 as well.. are my hands all that big, nope, but who cares. are my numbers all that impressive, not really when compared to some of the others on the board, and elsewhere. but they are big to me.

all i'm trying to say is stop focusing on the size of your hands, and focus on the big things you can do with them.

take care and good lifting.

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Your numbers are good, dude.

I have small puny hands too, and it IS depressing... but what can I do, complain? Not an option. Just train hard!! :)

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Like youdimmers said, train heavy and train your pinch, and read all the previous posts and topics on this forum. There have been lots about having small hands and about the effect grip training has on the hands, try and read as much as you can.

And like T-Dog said, do full-body work too. While you can get stronger without it, you most likely won't get it as fast as you could while working out your full-body.

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Stop worrying about hand size. Take the advice here. Develop a plan and start hitting it.

Good luck.

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T-dog just gave some excellent advice. Work hard. Work smart. The rest will take care of itself.

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"Big ain't strong - strong is strong!" Sean Dockery (and probably someone before him as well)

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Gain 50lbs, your hands will get wider and thicker.

I'd focus on gradually increasing the volume of grip work I can do in a session, if I were you. Over time this will thicken your hands. I don't think focusing on max strength will have a ton of benefit to your hand size in the near or medium term.

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T-Dog's advice is superb. Small hands won't hold you back. Train well, train smart and train hard gradually increasing volume and intensity as you build up a base of hand strength and tendon and ligament conditioning. .. neilkaz ..

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Thanks for the advice guys good to know there are some decent guys on here who really wanna help.

Need to get training and hard get myself into a routine again. I remember when i first got the trainer and couldnt close it out the packet. My hands hurt for a week after that first day a deep pain right inside the hands maybe the tendons. Once i recovered from that became so much stronger.

Will keep you all posted on my progress over the coming months

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My friend it is a fact that the longer the hand has a clear advantage when it comes to lifting Blobs, Thick Bars like the Inch, Circus or Millenium Bell and the Rolling Thunder but that in no excuse to count yourself out. In fact there are those that have achieved stupendous feats of strength despite thier short hands. I am not where I want to be in the grip game YET but I know that I can achieve great things because a strong heart, focused mind and physical drive will get me there regardless of hand size. If I can then you surely can because my hand is only 7" inches in length.




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The only advice I have is to tell you do not get depressed over your body. Take charge, you are in control of you. You are correct, you cannot make your hands longer so don't focus on it. You can make them stronger and thicker so do it.

Set goals for yourself and make a plan on acheiving them. There are a lot of inspiring people on this board and I am sure in your life. Use their motivation to your advantage. Be inspired, take charge.

Just typing that out makes me want to go bend something.

Mentally prepare for the improvement you will be making.


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1st off NEVER EVER sell yourself short and go down the drug route EVER?

You can only work with what god gave you but the MIND can overcome most things if you want it bad enough.

Set no LIMITS bro and you will have none!

I am 46 years old and according to average theories once your middle aged your past it i aint even started yet?

Look inside yourself bro and start programming the mind for when you are closeing the 1*2* and 3* grippers really see yourself closeing those grippers,pinching those plates and bending that steel.

Take a good month to ease into the harder stuff but throughout the day and night really try to focus your mind on what is to come then make it happen you have the power!

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Thanks guys for all the positive feedback your all right that its in the mind from this thread i started I already feel alot more confident in myself and my mindset is getting ready for whats to come.

Thanks again, Gripboard rules :mosher

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