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Expectations When You First Tried A Heavy-duty Gripper...


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What I mean by this is what did you expect to close? And what did you close?

If there is extra information like previous grip training state please feel free to state it. Or, if you tried someone else's grippers before and you didn't know at all what to expect, then tell about the first time you worked with them and knew what to expect.


Before I got my first grippers (which were a T, #1, and #2) I did read about grip training and even dabbled into it a bit (like wrist curls and plate pinches) but only for a month or so, so I didn't make much gains.

When I got my first CoC grippers it was a somewhat humbling experience, but not really since I'm not that strong full-body wise. I wanted to close the #2 but I knew I probably wouldn't. It turned out that I only closed the Trainer and I was very close on the #1.

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Well, having never lifted any weights in my life, I knew I would be weak, but I was hoping not to be pathetically-weak. I had read ironmind's descriptions of each COC level, and it seemed like the #1 would be a worthy goal... I kinda knew I wouldn't close it.

I had seen gripper videos though, so I kinda new how to set them even from my first day....

I could barely close the Trainer left handed, and could crank out several reps right handed, maybe 10? I don't remember. I was 1/4" away on the #1 right handed, or maybe 5/16" .... I thought it wasn't too bad, but then I started reading on this board how everyone shut the #2 from the package, and the #3 months later, and I started getting depressed! LOL... but these are strong people, people who lifted weights even if didn't grip train... I think they progress much faster. Not me, I just started lifting months ago (AFTER grippers!). At least now I can get several reps on my new #1 left handed, and several reps on the filed #1.5 right handed.. been closing in on the #2 for about 10 weeks!!! LOL... I might be reaching the point where my overall weakness isn't letting me progress on grippers... but there's still some more to go, and I AM working on my overall strength, so I have good expectations for 2007.

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I could hold on to 395#'s on the deadlifts with not much of an effort, and hang for 60 seconds with 95lbs straped to my waist.


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I bought my COC #1,2,3 before I heard of the Gripboard. I closed the 1 and 2 right out of the bag and missed the 3 - didn't really have any idea if that was good or bad when I did it. I just wanted to rock climb better then.

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Thanks for all the replies guys! I forgot to mention that I did kind of know how to set too, but I hadn't really grasped it, if you know what I mean.

I bought my COC #1,2,3 before I heard of the Gripboard. I closed the 1 and 2 right out of the bag and missed the 3 - didn't really have any idea if that was good or bad when I did it. I just wanted to rock climb better then.

Do you think it's the climbing that got you to close the #2 instead of just the #1 or T?

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From the reputation of the COC's and based on my previous training, I figured the #1 could go either way and the #2 would probably be a big challenge.

Pretty much got what I expected. Barely missed on the #1 and shut it a couple days later. Three months of blood, sweat, and KTA followed and then I'd mastered the #2!

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Figured I could close the 1, and did. Strap dependent for a long time...after working with them I knew I would close the 3, and did.

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Thanks for all the replies guys! I forgot to mention that I did kind of know how to set too, but I hadn't really grasped it, if you know what I mean.
I bought my COC #1,2,3 before I heard of the Gripboard. I closed the 1 and 2 right out of the bag and missed the 3 - didn't really have any idea if that was good or bad when I did it. I just wanted to rock climb better then.

Do you think it's the climbing that got you to close the #2 instead of just the #1 or T?

Climbing and 40 years of weightlifting and various construction work since I was a kid certainly didn't hurt anything I'm sure.

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i had been using crappy store grippers for some weeks. expected to close the #1 . but i couldnt tho. i managed to close the Trainer and closed the #1 after some days of singles.

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I was into lifting & ordered #1 & #2 over 10 years ago, back in 1994 I think. I stupidly believed I could close #2 but in reality couldn't, did close #1 though. Didn't touch them again for 10 years until I got elbow tendonitis, got into forearm work like reverse wrist curls & gripping, & became an Ironmind & Gripboard fanatic. It's a long climb but I'm close to SM/2.5 & now believe someday I can get the 3.

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I bought the #1 but had no lifting back ground at all basically just a kid who played video games all the time....but I had always been stronger than my friends and said to myself I would close it.....

When I got it I was like well lets give it a go and see what I am made of and I closed it......

I didn't dominate it but I could close it.

Then I found this website and joined it......read about KTA and bought it.....then I got the T and the 2,3, and 4.......

Did KTA and closed #2.....and then just stopped grip training to pursue other things.....I can still close the #2 with chalk but stopped training for closes like 2 years ago.....

Now I am into armwrestling and training my grip in different ways........

So theres my little story.....

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I had a long story searching about a thing on kung fu. I ended up on ironmind site. That was in 2005. I read about the grippers ans said to myself "hey if only less than 160 people closed the # proabably I can't, but I CAN close the #2 and #1". I ordered #2 and #1. I didn't know anything about a sitting. So all my sets was TNS. I open the #2 and couldn't close it. probably one inch far. I said wow this is hard. Then got the #1 opened and I managed to get it close to 3/16 or so (I am sure with set I could have close it). But another thing was hard for me. My skin toughness. Closeing those grippers wasn't hard because the resistance was too much. But my skin couldn't handle the knurling. Then at the same day I ordered the Trainer and told my self this is the easies one if I can't close it then I am a shit. It arrived two weeks later and closed it 23 times (all reps were TNS and full reps).

Probably two month later I knew who was the youngest teenager to close the CoC #3. It was jesse marunde. I joined his forum and from there I knew the gripboard.

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Once again, thanks for the replies so far guys!

I had a long story searching about a thing on kung fu. I ended up on ironmind site. That was in 2005. I read about the grippers ans said to myself "hey if only less than 160 people closed the # proabably I can't, but I CAN close the #2 and #1". I ordered #2 and #1. I didn't know anything about a sitting. So all my sets was TNS. I open the #2 and couldn't close it. probably one inch far. I said wow this is hard. Then got the #1 opened and I managed to get it close to 3/16 or so (I am sure with set I could have close it). But another thing was hard for me. My skin toughness. Closeing those grippers wasn't hard because the resistance was too much. But my skin couldn't handle the knurling. Then at the same day I ordered the Trainer and told my self this is the easies one if I can't close it then I am a shit. It arrived two weeks later and closed it 23 times (all reps were TNS and full reps).

Probably two month later I knew who was the youngest teenager to close the CoC #3. It was jesse marunde. I joined his forum and from there I knew the gripboard.

That about describes where I was on the grippers when I first got them. However, I did know how to set but I was at the point where I sucked at it, and all sets gave me about the same advantage because I didn't know how to do them right.

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Having done a lot of climbing, i new that my grip was fairly strong anyway, when i bought the no.1 i expected to be able to close, which i could only just manage, but with a couple of weeks training, i was closing it with ease.

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I figured I should be able to start with the #2 and I pretty much got that right, I closed it on the third day just playing around with it and it happened with a bad technique. :) I had trained grip before hearing about heavy-duty grippers.

Edited by Teemu I
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I first ordered the T, 1, 1.5 and 2 about November 06 but had the G and S since july and they were so easy I didn't mess with them. Did the typical unkowledgable noob stuff like wrist curls and such for about a month, realized I wouldn't know if I could close the 1 or 2 if I didn't have them but I wasn't able to buy them at the time. So I just read articles left and right and added in some grip exercises as I found out about them, somehow never was directed to or found this site, went to tons of forums asking others claiming to be grip specialists what they do, got redirected everytime and finally ended up here. When I got the T-2 I could close the T no problem with both hands, #1 came with some difficulty but closed it with both hands for 3 reps on left and 4 reps on right, tried the 1.5 and was just breaking parallel, the 2 may as well have been a brick as I only got it to parallel. Closed the 1.5 3 days later and am still stuck at just past parallel on the #2.

That's me story!

My best braced effort on the 2 has netted me 3/8 away... damn I've got a long way to go but it just makes it more worth the effort!

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I was competing in my first strongman contest, and after doing a passable performance on Farmer's Walk, I was all gripped out for the Power Stairs. Really bad. Bent down, grabbed hold, lifted up, and my hands came flying off like I was was trying to do a Richard Simmons dance or something, and tore off a big ol' chunk of skin off my palm. Then Brian "beeseedot" Carlson observed to me that I "should really train some grip." Being my hands were do freaking fried I couldn't even open a car door, I could find no fault in his logic. I ordered a 1, 2, & 3, closed the 1 immediately, got the 2 after maybe a week? A couple of times I managed to put together a few good weeks of grippers with the intention of chasing a #3 close, but I've got what some people like to call a "motivational disorder" when it comes to training. So I dunno, maybe I expected it to fall all nice and quick, and I've been very close on a number of occasions, and I think I've even seen/felt it close a couple times. They're definitely a challenge, I've just never wanted to do what it takes to really get anywhere on them.

Edited by CMunger
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After reading about the CoC grippers, I had to try my manliness. I could only afford to get one gripper at the time, so I ordered the #1 figuring that would be a good place to start. Came to find out that I am somewhat of a freak when it comes to grip stuff, cause I closed the #1 with no chalk no set for close to 20 reps right out of the pack (the knurling made my hands scream for mercy!). Within a month or so, I was hitting close to 40 reps with each hand, and the only other guy who could close it in my gym decided it was time to up the ante and ordered a #2 with the bet that I couldn't close it. I took it for 8 painful reps out of the package. In my excitement, I went home and ordered a #3 and 4 later that week, only to be extremely disappointed when they came. I could barely get the #3 to half closed, (which at the time I had worked up to mid teens for reps on the #2) and the #4 sat unopened in my gym bag for over a year. I had only been lifting seriously for about a year to year and a half when I got the #1, and knew nothing about grip board until a couple of years later. Long story short, I fought the last 1/8 inch on the #3 for about a year, then one day just like magic I closed it for 4 singles, and have only gotten stronger. I also must add that I have been doing construction and mechanic work since I was young, which helps tremendously for overall hand strength.

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Thanks again for your guy's replies!

It seems that even though some people close the #2 at first try, and some just close the T, that hardly anyone (except maybe grip superfreaks) closes the #3 at first. So I have to commend IronMind for making the first certifiable gripper one that hardly anyone can get unless they train for it.

Edited by superfeemiman
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Originally, I got the Trainer for Christmas. I could not close my brother's #1. After several months, I ordered a #1, and because I was training with the grippers, closed it. I said to my secretary at the time, "well that's it for me". She said, "you aren't going any further, you are going to quit?" My response was, "I am 44 years old. My brother has been lifting weights for 37 years, and he can't close the #2. I will never be closing the #2". She said, "that just seems like you are selling yourself short".

That was 8 years ago. I still can't close the #3 though. Closed HG300, Grand Master, RB260N, RB240, etc, etc, but the old #3 is still a bit away...


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Originally, I got the Trainer for Christmas. I could not close my brother's #1. After several months, I ordered a #1, and because I was training with the grippers, closed it. I said to my secretary at the time, "well that's it for me". She said, "you aren't going any further, you are going to quit?" My response was, "I am 44 years old. My brother has been lifting weights for 37 years, and he can't close the #2. I will never be closing the #2". She said, "that just seems like you are selling yourself short".

That was 8 years ago. I still can't close the #3 though. Closed HG300, Grand Master, RB260N, RB240, etc, etc, but the old #3 is still a bit away...


Hey youngun - you still have plenty of time to get the #3 - "that just seems like you are selling yourself short" LOL. You're still getting stronger, stay with it - it will happen for you! Chris

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I hadn't done any weight training, but had been using/playing with a light plastic gripper (I reckon about 40lb to close it). Heard about the CoC grippers and ordered a #1.

While waiting for it to arrive in the post I started to doubt that I would be able to close it, but when it arrived I could do 1 rep with my right and about 1/2" away on my left - that was 3 months ago.

Now I can do 5 or 6 reps with my left hand and about 15 with my right.

Got a #2 about 2 weeks ago - could get about 1" on right hand and about parallel on my left. Now down to 3/8" on my right and about 3/4 on my left.

I hope to close it in a month or so - but it feels impossible right now.

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I come from lifting and martial back ground before I got into grip, COC#3 would post a lot in the bb.com forums and I always read his posts about the COC's so one day I ordered a #1 and couldn't even get it to parallel. I was reading up on the Mash Monsters one day and this one dude said if he could do his grip training all over again he would get KTA right out the box so I ordered the program as well as #2 and a Trainer, did the program and shut the #1 with domination after I finished. Some people tell me I should've waited until I could close at least a #2 before doing KTA but hey what's done is done. Afterwards I fooled around with blockweights, rolling thunder, and levering for a little while then went back to grippers doing one of Klay Edgin's grip routines off the Heavy Grips site, got the #2 with my right that way and an HG250 with my left that way after a month or so. I haven't come close to closing either on of those grippers recently so now I'm doing a mixture of BFN's on the #2, negatives on the #3, and overcrushes and strapholds on the #1 to get me back to dominating the #2 at the moment, I REALLY want to close the #3 by years end.

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I got the trainer and #1 thinking the one will be doable but get the trainer just in case......when they arrived, i was lucky that i didnt decide on the 1 and 2 because i could only close the trainer. (dammit! i have pussy hands!)

Eventually i learned how to set them and discovered that i could actually close the #1 (and can now no set but nowhere near consistantly). The #2 is on its way, but more so just to use to help conquer the #1.

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First one I got was a #2. Hadn't even heard people did grip training seriously. Way before FBBC, way before I came here, before I did Strongman. Probably 12-13 years ago, maybe more. Couldn't get it past parallel, wore the skin off both hands working it on Christmas. Three months later was my first close. For the next 10 yrs, my only grippers were the #2 & #3.

I have more now......

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