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Size To Strength Ratio


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Hey guys I just close the #2, I'm a 17 year old 6feet high at 165lbs, with a forearm size of 12inches with my hand closed and my wrist flexed. I'm skinny, and not very strong with other bodyparts. I can close the #2 now and can front sledge a 6lbs sledge, wrist curl around 50lbs and pinch 2 25s. I know I can improve on all of those lifts quite a bit more because I haven't trained on them much, except on the gripper. I feel that reaching the #2 was a result of inconsistent and not very smart training, but also I think my overall size and strength limited it a bit. I wanted to know what you think about that and how strong could I confortably get at my weight and forearm size.


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With a healthy individual I don't believe there is a limit to the strength that you can gain. Or that limit is so far away you would have to devote every waking moment to get there. Don't be fooled by the people that put limits on people's potential like forearm size, hand size, or weight.

To me that is a cop out so that they don't feel bad about the fact that they haven't accomplished a specific goal or other people are bigger/stronger/faster than them.

It is much easier to say that you can't do something due to "genetics" than to work harder/smarter and become more dedicated. The human body is capable of many amazing things.......

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don't let size stop ya, when I was a young buck like you, I weight 135 lbs now I am coming in at 180, 15 years later. I am no means big or strong but I have and will continue to shoot for my goals. Just don't over train, tends to do more harm then good, At least thats what i've learn. Desire, time, training and paitence are all you need to get stronger.

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"I wanted to know what you think about that and how strong could I confortably get at my weight and forearm size."

Your weight and forearm size will increase with age and trainning as will your strength. You also need to remember, it is not a comfortable thing to make significant strength gains, it is actually rather uncomfortable at times. Go after it hard and you will be amazed at your progress.


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Lukaz, you might like this link:


Input your height, wrist size, ankle size, and desired body fat %, it will give you potential predictions. Training will increase your wrist size a bit, gradually pushing those numbers up, but it should give you an idea of how far you are from even a conservative potential.

At 17, you are most likely not done growing yet. Eat well and strength train, your frame will broaden over the next couple years. Guys tend to grow vertically, then horizontally.

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At 17 you can get bigger and stronger for another 40 years or so. Just be sure you are training to be healthier as well. There's a lot of ways to get big and strong - all of them are not good for you as the years start piling up. Compound movements and variety along with good food will do the trick if you stay consistent and give it time.

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I know that I can get a lot stronger and bigger then I'm now as I train hard and get older. What I wanted to know is how would is my strength/size ratio and how far could I get with a forearm size of 12inches and a bodyweight of 165lbs, keeping in mind that I'm tall for my weight. The reason I ask this is so I could know if I should work on hypertrophy or can just keep working on strength.

The calculator says my maximum forearm size would be around 13-14 inches. That's a nice forearm size, but at the predicted weight of 197lbs I would like to have like 15inch forearms and 15-17 inch biceps, do you think that would be possible?


PS:Thanks for the site Scott.

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I know that I can get a lot stronger and bigger then I'm now as I train hard and get older. What I wanted to know is how would is my strength/size ratio and how far could I get with a forearm size of 12inches and a bodyweight of 165lbs, keeping in mind that I'm tall for my weight. The reason I ask this is so I could know if I should work on hypertrophy or can just keep working on strength.

The calculator says my maximum forearm size would be around 13-14 inches. That's a nice forearm size, but at the predicted weight of 197lbs I would like to have like 15inch forearms and 15-17 inch biceps, do you think that would be possible?


PS:Thanks for the site Scott.

I'd say for your size your grip strength is pretty good, but it's not exceptional. I think forearms are something that don't go down very much when it comes to being skinny for your weight, as opposed to chest size/thigh/biceps/triceps/etc. Of course it's different for everyone, but from what I and many others observed is that forearms, like calves, vary a ton from person to person. My point being is that forearm size os very hard to predict.

As for 15 inch forearms at 197 lbs., I really would doubt that, unless you have freakish forearms. You should know that at about 200 lbs., 15 inch forearms would look freakish.

But regarding all that, no one can predict how big any bodypart will be, especially something like forearms.

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What I wanted to know is how would is my strength/size ratio and how far could I get with a forearm size of 12inches and a bodyweight of 165lbs

Well the last part of that question makes it sound like you are trying to stay at the same dimensions that you are. I don't know how strong you could get with those exact dimensions, but I'm sure given your height you could become very strong.

as for strength/size ratio:

I was 5' 10", 16yrs old and 145lbs with 13" forearms (measured cold the way you described) when I first closed the #2.

That said I have not seen anyone, other that 2 of my friends that seriously train grip (180lbs, 170lbs), close it and I have asked some HUGE people including one with a 420lb bench. You are lighter than my friends so I would say your strength/size is good.

I think that your strength to size is pretty good, but it will only get better if you work on it.

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I'm not into staying at the same weight, hell no, but I want like the most I can get of my forearm size, and also it's somewhat hard to put weight on for me because I'm too young and also because I've been really busy studying. I'm working on it tho.

I plan to reach 80kg and 14inch forearms by the end of the year. I would say I have somewhat good genetics, because my dad and all of his brothers have nice forearms. His are like 13-14 inch which is actually good since he hasn't done manual labor for like 20 years and has never trained grip. Also he weights around 190 but a lot of that is fat, so maybe 15inch at 200 or so isn't too hard for me.

Would training for hypertrophy screw my strength/size ratio or it would actually help me by giving me more mass from which to build up on?

Thanks for the help guys.

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I was 3lbs 3ounces born and 6 weeks premature my brother was 10lbs 10ounces dont let it bother you the mind will always be far stronger than the body and the body will not go anywhere that the mind will not.

Strengthen the mind and the body will follow :D

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I'm not into staying at the same weight, hell no, but I want like the most I can get of my forearm size, and also it's somewhat hard to put weight on for me because I'm too young and also because I've been really busy studying. I'm working on it tho.

I plan to reach 80kg and 14inch forearms by the end of the year. I would say I have somewhat good genetics, because my dad and all of his brothers have nice forearms. His are like 13-14 inch which is actually good since he hasn't done manual labor for like 20 years and has never trained grip. Also he weights around 190 but a lot of that is fat, so maybe 15inch at 200 or so isn't too hard for me.

Would training for hypertrophy screw my strength/size ratio or it would actually help me by giving me more mass from which to build up on?

Thanks for the help guys.

You will get most mass to the forearms by levering, gripping itself doesnt cause much growth in forearms, atleast not in mine...

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I'm not into staying at the same weight, hell no, but I want like the most I can get of my forearm size, and also it's somewhat hard to put weight on for me because I'm too young and also because I've been really busy studying. I'm working on it tho.

I plan to reach 80kg and 14inch forearms by the end of the year. I would say I have somewhat good genetics, because my dad and all of his brothers have nice forearms. His are like 13-14 inch which is actually good since he hasn't done manual labor for like 20 years and has never trained grip. Also he weights around 190 but a lot of that is fat, so maybe 15inch at 200 or so isn't too hard for me.

Would training for hypertrophy screw my strength/size ratio or it would actually help me by giving me more mass from which to build up on?

Thanks for the help guys.

You will get most mass to the forearms by levering, gripping itself doesnt cause much growth in forearms, atleast not in mine...

Yeah, I haven't gotten much growth in forearms but I haven't worked up to the real big grippers so we'll see...

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Well if you are mainly concerned with forearm size then get a wrist roller and hit wrist curls heavy. I've been grip training for a little over a year @ bodyweight of 170 and about 5'8". I started with forearms like 11.25" or something and now up to 12.25". I didn't get much size from grippers and plate pinching because they use small muscles and tendons deep in the forearm.

Now if you want strength, then train what you want to get strong at. I like deadlifting and went from about 250 on floor to 400 on a 2-3 inch box (I know it's not grip related, but oh well). Slow steady gains will be better off then rushing yourself into injury.

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Ive got im sorry to say 10.25in forarms, but can close the CoC #1.5 with my right hand. I'm 6' tall, 195lbs. I have calves which are naturally 16.5 so Im not totally screwed, lol. And 'Im just 1mm, not joking, 1mm from closing it with my left hand.

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Ive got im sorry to say 10.25in forarms, but can close the CoC #1.5 with my right hand. I'm 6' tall, 195lbs. I have calves which are naturally 16.5 so Im not totally screwed, lol. And 'Im just 1mm, not joking, 1mm from closing it with my left hand.

That's what I'm saying. You'd look freakish with 15 inch forearms at your size, I really doubt that's attainable for most people.

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Ive got im sorry to say 10.25in forarms, but can close the CoC #1.5 with my right hand. I'm 6' tall, 195lbs. I have calves which are naturally 16.5 so Im not totally screwed, lol. And 'Im just 1mm, not joking, 1mm from closing it with my left hand.

strange, ive got 10.75in forearms and im 3cm off from closing rb180 with my right hand... ~171cm tall and 60kg (135lbs) or so...

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It's great you asked this because I'm pretty small myself and I was gonna ask the same question.

I'm 23, 5'6" and I weigh 155 lbs. I'm a powerlifter though, so I used to weigh around 130 or less, but I built myself up from that. I don't even want to talk about how small my wrists are.

My forearms are 12 inches cold. I work them a lot, with a sledge hammer (for wrist twisting and bending along the plane of the palm) and wrist curl a lot. I get like 5x65 lbs reverse wrist curl and 5x115 lbs wrist curl. My forearms used to be much smaller but all the training helps.

The grippers don't really make my forearms bigger in the same part though, somewhat halfway between the elbow and the wrist (instead of near the elbow like forearm work does).

I can only close the 1.5, had the grippers since January so I guess I pretty much suck. I'm dreaming of closing the #2. Soon, I hope. Haha but I do wonder if there is a genetic limit because of our size. I notice most mash monsters are 180 lbs-400 lbs in bodyweight. Usually big fellas. And I'm awful small. But even with genetic caps I guess most people have a LOT MORE strength potential than they think.

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It's great you asked this because I'm pretty small myself and I was gonna ask the same question.

I'm 23, 5'6" and I weigh 155 lbs. I'm a powerlifter though, so I used to weigh around 130 or less, but I built myself up from that. I don't even want to talk about how small my wrists are.

My forearms are 12 inches cold. I work them a lot, with a sledge hammer (for wrist twisting and bending along the plane of the palm) and wrist curl a lot. I get like 5x65 lbs reverse wrist curl and 5x115 lbs wrist curl. My forearms used to be much smaller but all the training helps.

The grippers don't really make my forearms bigger in the same part though, somewhat halfway between the elbow and the wrist (instead of near the elbow like forearm work does).

I can only close the 1.5, had the grippers since January so I guess I pretty much suck. I'm dreaming of closing the #2. Soon, I hope. Haha but I do wonder if there is a genetic limit because of our size. I notice most mash monsters are 180 lbs-400 lbs in bodyweight. Usually big fellas. And I'm awful small. But even with genetic caps I guess most people have a LOT MORE strength potential than they think.

I think hand size is a much more limiting factor than height or weight.

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