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#3 Close


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just a little over a half an hour ago, i managed to close the CoC#3 for the first time. i cannot explain to you how happy i am right now, only that i have wanted this close since the first time i picked up a gripper. in fact, i will go as far as saying that the #3 close means more to me than my best bending accomplishments.

this close could not have happened without some key influences upon me, and i cannot go any further with this post without mentioning their names:

mike caruso, for introducing me to grippers and the entire grip world, along with teaching me how to properly train my grip. saying thank you doesn't do my appreciation justice.

ray soellner, for training grip with me night after night, pushing me to new limits with grippers and with bending. he really helped me become the diesel warrior i was destined to become.

all the individuals on both GM and GB who read my logs, replied to my questions, saw my videos, helped me become stronger, encouraged me when i was discouraged, and who helped me push through all limits to achieve my goals. i am eternally grateful for your support.

all my college friends and family, who kept me accountable at all times. they have been there through the thick and thin, when i was at my best and when i was at my worst. they are my lifeblood.

and most importantly, to Him who strengthens me and presents me faultless before the throne of God. to God be the glory on all my grip achievements, past, present, and future. He is my Rock and my Salvation. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

thank you all, and i hope to use this momentum to further my pursuit of closing larger grippers.

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Well done!!! :rock

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Great, the #3 is a huge accomplishment.

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just a little over a half an hour ago, i managed to close the CoC#3 for the first time. i cannot explain to you how happy i am right now, only that i have wanted this close since the first time i picked up a gripper. in fact, i will go as far as saying that the #3 close means more to me than my best bending accomplishments.

this close could not have happened without some key influences upon me, and i cannot go any further with this post without mentioning their names:

mike caruso, for introducing me to grippers and the entire grip world, along with teaching me how to properly train my grip. saying thank you doesn't do my appreciation justice.

ray soellner, for training grip with me night after night, pushing me to new limits with grippers and with bending. he really helped me become the diesel warrior i was destined to become.

all the individuals on both GM and GB who read my logs, replied to my questions, saw my videos, helped me become stronger, encouraged me when i was discouraged, and who helped me push through all limits to achieve my goals. i am eternally grateful for your support.

all my college friends and family, who kept me accountable at all times. they have been there through the thick and thin, when i was at my best and when i was at my worst. they are my lifeblood.

and most importantly, to Him who strengthens me and presents me faultless before the throne of God. to God be the glory on all my grip achievements, past, present, and future. He is my Rock and my Salvation. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

thank you all, and i hope to use this momentum to further my pursuit of closing larger grippers.

:mosher Way to go Nick! I knew you could do it! :mosher

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I knew you would get it Nick :mosher

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Great job Nick!

I know what you mean about Mike. I started training with him a year and a half ago, and he has introduced me to many grip exercises. If it wasn't for him, I don't think I would have ever accomplished half the feats I have. Good to see a plug for those who help others to become better. Congrats again, and I am looking forward to seeing you climb the MM ladder.

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Awesome job Nick! Keep it up. Before long, you'll be warming up with that thing. ;)


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Congratulations Nick!!! :rock

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Congradulations Nick!!!!

Well accomplished and deserved hard work!

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