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Figured Out My Problem


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On 7" stuff I usually try my 6" form and end up wasting a lot of energy and getting in the wrong position anyway. Well I took a step back and realized, usually on 7" I have my elbows way up like I usually do, but then they slap down and I try to use all wrist at chest level. This time, I kinked a 7 x 1/4 square (which I've only bent once, and kinked a couple times) and after the kink, I felt my lats kick in and the darned thing bent another 20 degrees. I tried it again, and again it went. I eventually finished it and a couple other pieces. So now I'm hoping to nail the FBBC 1/4 square and a bastard.

What got me through it was thinking about Pat P. On longer stuff he startes with his elbows down and pushing the nail up into his neck, but on smaller stuff he gets better leverage with elbows high and bending a bit down (I guess, it works for me). I only referenced this because we are just about the same size, just minus a bunch of muscle.

Anyone else have a problem like this? It just started happening at the 1/4 square. Everything else easier I have no problem going right through it.

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nice . gotta do some bending and see . i suck on 7" stuff so this might help me aswell :D

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What got me through it was thinking about Pat P. On longer stuff he startes with his elbows down and pushing the nail up into his neck, but on smaller stuff he gets better leverage with elbows high and bending a bit down (I guess, it works for me). I only referenced this because we are just about the same size, just minus a bunch of muscle.

I'm not much of a bender, but I'm even less of a 7" bender, so I am going to go out to the garage to give your idea a try. But I also just wanted to say that was a good line about being the same size minus the muscle, made me laugh.

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I am glad it is all connecting for you buddy :rock , remember what I was telling you at our most recent Florida Boys Grip Gathering. I wish we had more time that day to work on your form because I knew you had the strength to do more but it was a matter of helping you use your energy and leverage most effectively

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Good idea on the 7" stuff about keeping elbows down in DO form and trying to push it into your neck. Though I've bent several of them before, tonight was the easiest I ever bent a 1/4" x 7" square FBBC bar. I even took your point about form modification to heart and got a 1/4" x 6" square FBBC bar for a massive PR. Don't know how many times I have failed with that thing, feeling it flex a little, not even kinking. Tonight though, I was not to be denied and got it to 2-1/2" within 25 seconds or so, taking about another minute to readjust the crush pads and get that last 1/2". Oddly enough, I tried a 1/4" x 5-1/2" G8 right after the 1/4" x 6" square bar. I've bent a few of these G8 bolts before, tonight's effort was no different in terms of difficulty than all the others, and I must say that the 1/4" x 6" square was much easier to do. Don't know why I never got it before.

Well, it seems I punched myself out, for I tried another go at the 7" IM Red, feeling it flex a little, but no kink. Along the lines of what GatorGrip said, I know my strength is very close to being "there", but it's very tough to improve without a more experienced bender right there to give a few pointers. I guess I gotta save my money to at least get a good digital camera for some vids.

Best of luck to you. Keep up the great work.


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I'm with you on that. My 7 inch kink is definately my weak point although I've gotten a little better. Right now my right arm is killing me after thrashing an arm wrestling machine on vacation but when all is better I'll definately be trying that. Maybe that will get me the 5/16 cold rolled steel works.

Thanks for the tip.


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Well I'm glad I can help out others. Yeah, I mainly referenced Pat cause he's a smaller guy. I know a lot of people who bend are over 6 foot with wide shoulders. I'm a little 5'8 guy with a shoulder problem to boot. I do like Bruce Lee said, take what you can from everyone and disregard what you don't need.

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