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Which Gripper Now


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I should close the Coc 1.5 in the next workout and was wondering what i should order next, i have been looking at BB grippers, RB and of course IM #2 and advice on which BB and RB grippers i should order. I thought maybe a RB 160 and 180N and BB super advanced and a master, then a IM #2, when i can afford them all of course. I live in the UK so shipping can be expensive, though ordering rb grippers from fbbc looks cheaper, if i avoid import taxes than ordering from rb germany, based on the current exchange rates.

thanks in advance for any help

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I would buy a CoC #2. There is no need for an inbetweener from #1.5 to #2. Also it's hard to tell which gripper would fit, cause grippers vary.

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Get a #2. But before you get disappointed, start working on dominating the #1.5.

I think I will set some sort of record. I've done around 12-13 parallel reps (opening to 1/2" or a tad more, but not even 3/4" I believe) on my #1.5, and yet I cannot close my #2... I also have a BBM and although I haven't tired it in ages, I don't remember it being any easier than my #2. Maybe filing your #1.5 a bit would be a good idea, I'm thinking about doing that.

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The BB grippers, have excellent knurling, my BBM has been well used since i bought it and its rating hasn't reallly changed at all. Makes a good warm up gripper for me.

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I think you can work towards the #2 without getting a gripper inbetween the 1.5 and 2. But if you do want something inbetween I agree with Pete about the BB's nice knurling and the BBM is inbetween my BBSA (sb like a 1.5) and the three new IM's 2's I bought (I kept the hardest and the other two went to friends and all three we tougher than my older black springed 2 which is just a tough harder than the BBM).

If money is at all an issue, just buy the #2 and use it for Negative Crushes and a few forced reps occasionally while you grow stronger so that you can rep and overcrush the dickens out of the 1.5.

As for RB..my RB180N was actually easier than my #1 and I sold it, my RB210N is inbetween my BBSA and BBM and might be useful if you can obtain one cheaply. However, I prefer the wider 2 3/4" to 2 7/8" spread grippers even though I am not blessed with large hands, since I want to work the entire range of the close.

... neilkaz ... noting there is nothing wrong about using your goal gripper for negs when you are no where near closing it and when you have nothing stronger.

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You could get yourself a BB Master which is typically about a 1.8.

I agree, my BB Master is a little easier than my COC#2's( I own 3).

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If you are addicted to grippers and need to close one of a slightly-more-difficult-than-the-IM 1.5, here are some more ideas:

1. The Master is the best answer.

2. I don't think they make RBs in narrow any more in a lower size than 240, but I may be wrong.

3. The RB160...I have one that is a 1.8, and one that is a 2.3.

4. There is the very inexpensive (and sometimes unpredictable) HG 250. The one I have is a 1.8, and I think in general it will run between a 1.5 and 2. HG is always running specials, 3 for $20 kind of thing...


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thanks for advising a newbie on the lower level grippers, i had looked at hg grippers as they are so cheap, i may order some, but i will not be expecting the quality of IM, BB or RB grippers.

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