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My Son Got His First Bend


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My son has been itching to have a go at bending since he got his gripper so yesterday I got him some 4mm and 5mm crs so he could have a go. I cut him 6" of the 4mm which he destroyed in less than 20 seconds! Then a bit later he wanted to have a go on some 5mm so I did him a 7" piece, which I didn't video as I was doing grippers at the time, and he got it in about 7 minutes! It took so long purely because of his technique, only being his second bend an' all. But he said he will do it again later much quicker cus he wants it on video. He's getting some real determination now, I love it! :mosher He makes me so proud :D I just hope he doesn't over take me as he said that's his aim, cheeky git.

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That was fast and STRONG!!! Say congrats to him. :rock His technique is really bad for DO bending. He is using his wrists which is more of a wrist strength. I bet if his technique was right he will do it in 10 or less seconds. You are his daddy so teach him :D

Edited by Alawadhi
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My technique is shite too, that's the problem I'm having with the Red :rolleyes But I was trying to tell him to lock his wrists hard and use his upper body more but I'm not sure if he understood me that much but we'll work on it together

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Awesome work by the young man. Dunkster, you must be very proud. Like Alawadhi said, a little adjustment on the DO technique and he'll melt that piece of steel. Move his hands out to the ends a little more, lock the wrists, and work on pushing the fists towards each other.

Another thought here.... this is an awesome video. For his sake, save this for the "archives" so when your son's older and killing much bigger steel, he'll have something on which to look back fondly.

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Just keep it simple for him for now just work on a set length find out what length he is comfortable with and cut aload of easy stock at that length DONT have him jumping from 7" to 5"etc keep to the one length to build his confidense and technique.

Sit him in a chair so he is bolt upright no slouching and let him bend infront of a big mirror which shows his top half then stand behind him and correct his technique as you let him bend and most of all have fun.

This young lad and others if they start bending now and keep it up will one day be destroying 1/2"stock mark my words.

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Dunkster Jr. is showing some true wrist power there! :rock

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Very nice bend.That is something special to pass along.Just have fun with it and don't make it work for him so he enjoys it and sticks with it.

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