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Just Got Thecoc #1


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Hey guys.

After this discussion on one of y training deas, I decided to bite the bullet and get the #1. Im probably about 1.5cm off closing it with my right, and over 2cm from closing with my left hand.

What would you guys consider as my training otion? I doubt I could close a harder gripper. So as mentioned in the previous thread, would it be a good idea to put a choke collar on my #1 and close it from a halfway point, or should I just keep banging away with the reps? the only other gripper I have is the RB70, which is rated at 70lbs, half of the CoC #1. I cant really afford to buy another gripper, but I could put a Hose clamp around the RB70's spring to increase its difficulty (I read on another board that putting a Hose Clamp around the spring of a gripper increases the grippers resistence, also making it a variable resistence to a small degree.).



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Strap holds sound like a good idea, dont have a grinder to do the overcrushes tho. Ill see if I can get a buddy to gind the handle down. Do I grind the dog leg or the other handle?



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Overcrushing just means to crush harder than you need to. You have the gripper closed, and then still squeeze the .... out of it, instead of just applying the minimum force to keep it closed.

You can grind the handles in addition, but I'd be careful doing this with big grippers cause your running the spring beyond it's limit, and it's possible that the spring eventually snaps. And I do not want the spring of a #3 like gripper to snap in my hands, and flying metal pieces piercing me ;).

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I could put a Hose clamp around the RB70's spring to increase its difficulty (I read on another board that putting a Hose Clamp around the spring of a gripper increases the grippers resistence, also making it a variable resistence to a small degree.).
I'd advise against this, as it will kill the spring.
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I could put a Hose clamp around the RB70's spring to increase its difficulty (I read on another board that putting a Hose Clamp around the spring of a gripper increases the grippers resistence, also making it a variable resistence to a small degree.).
I'd advise against this, as it will kill the spring.

I'll chime in with my own experience here since I have hoseclamped a few HG grippers and most definately killed the spring on a couple...so..yeah..I have to say to listen to Twig's warning.

Anyhow, from what you describe, you'd do well to get a Trainer, but don't have the funds to spare so you are stuck working with the very easy RB70 (my daughter's is inbetween the Guide and Sport in strength) and an IM #1 which is currently quite a ways away for you.

I'd do three things...

1) Strap holds with the RB70 and really try to overcrush the dickens out of the strap.

2) Negatives with the #1..best are Negative Crushes in my opinion where you force it all the way shut and try to keep it shut more than you can shut it with one hand while you squeeze as hard as you can for 7 seconds or so.

3) Once you are closer to shutting the #1 you may want to try doing a few assisted reps where you apply a little pressure with the other hand to shut it fully for a few reps. Be careful how you push against you middle knuckles since I got a very bad injury that way 2 years ago, doing negs with my hard #3 when my real strength was about 1.5.

Anyhow, you can always just keep squeezing the #1 for all you are worth and eventually the newbie gains will kick in and you'll get it, but I think you'd make faster (and it may be really fast for newer gripsters) progress with NC's.

.. neilkaz ..

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Thanks for the input neilkaz and twig. Ill take a raincheck on the hose clamp on the spring idea. Although I did do it when I first got my RB70. It doesnt seem to have done any damage, but I may have been lucky. Ill avoid the option in future.

What is generally a good weight for strap holds? I think I read somewhere that the idea was not to go too heavy.



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In reality you shouldn't be able to go very heavy. 5-10lbs is a good starting point, but go as heavy as you can, it will only get you stronger.

Edited by makey98
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Okay, thanks for the reply. What is the goal with strap holds? Do I hold them for a period of time (a few people reccomend around 7 second holds for negatives), or until my grip starts to give and the strap falls from the gripper?

Thanks again.



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Yeah, 7 seconds sounds fine. I don't think there is a strict rule for the amount of seconds though. Say, if you can hold a weight for 10 seconds, put it down and add more weight. :P

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