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Gripboard Record List Announcement

Jedd Johnson

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Congrats to the latest athletes who accomplished a Gripboard Records List Feat in the recent weeks, including the newly added COC 3.5 list!

COC 3.5

Wes Peart

Martin Arildsson

Kevin Bussi

Elite Close

Greg Allen

Super Elite

Wes Peart


Charles Hollingshead

Mike Mackenzie

York 50lb Blob/Blob 50 Pinch Lift

Ben Edwards

Florian Kellersmann

Wes Peart

Five 10’s Pinch

Sam Solomi

Three 25’s Pinch

David Horne

Powerball Top 5 Change

1. Skippy 14.060 (1)

2. Mike Mackenzie 13.805 (2)

3. Wayne 13.341 (3)

4. Pdaddy 13.226 (4)

5. ulgrim 13.203 (5)

Question to All

I see that NO ONE was added in 2006 as a Certified Captain of Crush. I know some people must have been certified though. Please contact me if you made that list but were never added.

This month’s biggest mover and shaker was Wes Peart – getting added to 3 separate lists! I want to send a shout out to him!

Don't forget to PM or email me with any new records lists feats you are able to perform!

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Question to All

I see that NO ONE was added in 2006 as a Certified Captain of Crush. I know some people must have been certified though. Please contact me if you made that list but were never added.

me. :laugh

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Congrats to all and special congrats to WES :rock

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Alright, someone point me toward the requirements for these...sorry...thanks!

It's called the GripBoard Record and Stats forum. Where it says "led by Jedd Johnson". :tongue:)

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Video or witness is required for feats.

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If Wes closed a SE then #3 even under new rules is a piece of cake....

How close is Wes on the #4?

Well he crushed down Porkchop's #4 well under 1/8" that's for sure and more likely 1/16" but that is eyeballing it so I can't say it was any less with 100%. Now mind you he had already picked up a Blob50 with a 5 pound plate attached, certed on the MM2 with 3 full closes with a few reps thrown in for good measure. YES I WITNESSED THIS WITH MY OWN TWO PEEPERS! :blink

The young man has a boatload of potential in the World of Gripdom all he has to do is sieze the opportunity by setting his goals and go after them.

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Alright, someone point me toward the requirements for these...sorry...thanks!

It's called the GripBoard Record and Stats forum. Where it says "led by Jedd Johnson". :tongue:)

Video or witness is required for feats.

Thank fellahs.

Congrats to the guys on the lists also!

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Congrats guys.

Great feats!

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How do you get on list jedd? Is video proof enough? I dont have anyone to witness but the camera. Not like I can do crap anyway for grip but I plan on starting again... somtimes in the next few years lol

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Ditto Smitty,

Thanks to Jedd for keeping up with this. What's the job pay now? Gotta be like 50K right? Oh wait, no, it's a volunteer effort. Thanks dude.

Great job to all who accomplished their goals.


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Just video tape it and post it in the gallery here, or on youtube and send me the link. I will view the link and add you to the list.

How do you get on list jedd? Is video proof enough? I dont have anyone to witness but the camera. Not like I can do crap anyway for grip but I plan on starting again... somtimes in the next few years lol
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Thanks for updating this, Jedd. May 2007 be a good year for everyone and i hope all these lists get a lot bigger! ;)

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