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Opinions Wanted For This Gripper Training Idea


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Hi Guys.

My original training objectives have been covered in this thread, but here is a basic rundown of what im currently doing.

The only gripper I have is the RB70, this takes 70ip to close and ive just been working on closing it for reps, as well as working on negatives closes with the same gripper. Giving the rep range I am up to (havent trained for a couple of weeks, but got over 40 reps with the right hand and close to 30 with the left.), I am considering going with the following.

My first goal is to close the #1 gripper, I know that its not a massive feat for the guys on here, but thats gonna be a big accomplishment for me, given my current level of hand strength.

Im gonna get a 100ip Gripper, whether its an RB100, or the CoC Trainer. This ill start using for negative and rep work. Also, I was thinking of getting the CoC#1 and then using a Choke collar, as outlined at Ben Edwards Grip FAQ Page (an excellent resource, answered alot for me!). My idea was to use the #1 with a choke collar for limited range negatives, and the Trainer for full range negatives. The 70 I can maybe use as a finisher for reps when my grip is exhausted from the other two. Over time, I can reduce the tension on the Choke collar, until its pretty much fully open as a gripper. By then I should hopefully have the strength to close the #1, which is my immediate goal, which I can hopefully achieve be next year.

Im also gonna get some plates, to use for pinch gripping, aswell as a wrist roller. Im already using some rubber bands around my fingers then opening them up, in order to keep a balance in my hand muscles. Im also, still figuring out a good routine I can put together to use 2 or more times per week, where I can focus completely on my grip strength.

Hope you folks can help.



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If I were you I would get a trainer, a #1 and a #2. You should be doing negatives with a gripper harder than the one you are wanting to close.

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I bet you could already close the #1.

You'll definitely want to get some harder grippers - at least a #1 and #2 CoC or something around that I'd say. I don't exactly where the RB 70 stacks up, but it might be close enough to a trainer that you don't really need to bother with getting one.

It's always good to have a gripper harder than your goal gripper to do negatives on (the whole point of negatives is to be doing them with a gripper you can't close).

Also just a note on the poundage ratings - the ratings aren't equivalent between different types of grippers. So an RB 70 wouldn't be the same as a CoC gripper rated at 70 pounds, and in any case grippers vary from one to the other even of the same type.

Edited by jarow
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I dont know about being able to close he #1. Im sure I could close the trainer tho. Then again, dont know till I try do I? I suppse I could gt one at the end of the month and see how I get along with it.



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This is just me personally, but I'd not use any special techniques to close a gripper like a #1 or #2. I think you ought to be able to close those grippers without special techniques (given that you are an "average, healthy person").

Buy a Trainer #1 and #2 or comparable grippers from elsewhere. Lift weights in whatever training modality you prefer, but focus on progression...getting stronger...more reps, more weight. Simultaneously, do David Horne's beginner workout, or something similar. If you can't get the #2 shut in this manner, I'd recommend talking to a doctor. My wife got to where she was doing the #1 for sets of 2 reps following this plan. If you've got to use negatives, strapholds, lots of volume, choker work, etc. to close a gripper like a #2 I think there's something wrong with you.

The above is just my personal opinion. I could be a total idiot.

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If you've got to use negatives, strapholds, lots of volume, choker work, etc. to close a gripper like a #2 I think there's something wrong with you.

I disagree. It depends on what you consider "special techniques". Not too long ago (back in the pre-KTA days), closing the #2 was considered quite an accomplishment. Many average, even strong men, struggled for quite awhile to close it (or still fail to!). The traditional method of repping out on a gripper and occasionally attempting your goal until you could eventually close it was definately the long road for most, but probably the most common method of training as well.

Overcrushes, negatives, routines based on nothing but lots of single attempts, etc, are so common now that we don't think of them as "special techniques". Few people were doing any of these things 10 years ago. But I probably would have never closed the #2 without them, and many others are in the same boat.

I agree with you that Beev is probably overthinking it at this point. And that most won't need complicated routines, chokers or other special equipment, and a ton of volume to get to this level; and should probably save some of that stuff for when they're more advanced.

But using at least some "special techniques" can make progress alot faster and reduce frustration. And most men who haven't read the Gripboard and learned from all the valuable training information out there will still probably find that training to close the #2 is an uphill battle.

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