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Hi, i'm just working my way through the KTA program and it's great fun (just finished week 4 of phase 1) but i've injured my left hand index finger- got bent back and sideways pretty hard. Did this a couple of days ago and it is getting better, but my middle finger 1st knuckle really objects when i perform a crushing movement. I don't think it will stand up to the increasing intensity of the program and needs rest. So my question is, do i stop everything for a week or so and wait for it to heal or just stop left hand work- my left is still weaker than my right, I don't really want to increase the deficit, but equally I want to carry on with the program :whacked

Btw i'm working towards closing the #1 (don't laugh!!)- can close most attempts with my right, but yet to close with the left.



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If it's bad let it heal, and also ice it. Also take some antinflamatory drugs if there is any swelling.

You won't lose much strength in a week or 2, but if you injure it further you could be out for a while.


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Cheers David, the sound advice i was expecting really!! Think i will stop all left hand work and repeat the back-down week on the right to keep me ticking over.

One other point, I just realised i've only been closing every other attempt or so at the #1, but at the same time can close my #2 to a fraction under a centimeter- is this normal, or do i just have a hard #1/easy #2?? I started on the sport( :tongue ) and that is very much dead, plus i can close that with 2 gripper helpers easily too, so i'm thinking perhaps the #1 is hard? :unsure

*EDIT*- I've just done a test on the sport + 2 helpers- got 22 full reps- surely i must have a hard #1 (or an easy sport AND #2)!!!

Thanks again.

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my left is still weaker than my right, I don't really want to increase the deficit, but equally I want to carry on with the program :whacked

Think about it.

if you DON'T work out your right hand, you're gonna have TWO weak hands.

if you DO work out your right hand, you're only gonna have ONE weak hand.

its simple math, and equally simple to make the choice.

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Don't push an injury man, I've done it twice now and paid for it both times. Almost 5 months out from gripping.

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i snapped my index finger back last week, slightly tweaking a ligament. it swelled up like a good un, but a iced it for days and rested for a week and now its happy again. listen to your body, dont push thro pain or you will regret it.

look at it as an opportunity to train legs or core or something.

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