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Wes Peart Im #3.5 Close


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Very strong, Wes! I'm sure you won't have a problem to climb the MM ladder to step 4 or 5 :rock

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Nasty strong Wes :rock

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Well done young warrior :D

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Seventeen year old Wes sure does a fine job of disguising his incredible strength inside that normal appearing physique. Awesome crush!!!

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Way to go - that's a very strong looking close :mosher

I'll be happy even when I can dominate a #3 like you did that 3.5. Right now 2.5 is the best I can get :bow

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Thank you everyone.

nice work wes" this grip strength is a special gift you were born with . i cant get a good idea of how big you are in your vids . just for comparison what kind of weight can you curl and military press keep up the good work :mosher

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Thank you everyone.

nice work wes" this grip strength is a special gift you were born with . i cant get a good idea of how big you are in your vids . just for comparison what kind of weight can you curl and military press keep up the good work :mosher

Thanks Dan, for curl and military press I haven't maxed out in either but on a RM calculator I should be curling around 135 pretty strictly and military pressing around 175. I started lifting on a set schedule on 12-21-06 using Aaron's pet program and have made some good gains since.

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Thank you everyone.

nice work wes" this grip strength is a special gift you were born with . i cant get a good idea of how big you are in your vids . just for comparison what kind of weight can you curl and military press keep up the good work :mosher

No offense to Wes, but he may have the smallest deadlift of all people to bend a red, and big steel in general, for example. Wes is strong, don't get me wrong, but his grip surpasses his bodily strength by far, whihc is why his feats are so impressive to me. He has highly developed specific strength.

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