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No Bars To Me, Thanks

David Horne

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I have for the period of war time that has gone on between Gazza and Pat tried to keep totally impartial. I have all my emails and pms, and have never joined any side and never will. My opinion has always been 'That I always take people as they are to me'. Both sides know this. Unfortunately one side has refused to keep using my name, in fact the non answering of pms on this is just rude!

I invited this person to my house on numerous occasions and he was invited to my wedding, so this attitude to me is not on.

Anyway, the reason why I'm typing this is because I want nothing to do with this. I want no bars sent to me, and do not wish to see Gazza's bending.

You'll see on post #15 my thoughts on Gazza's bend.


So can everyone please just leave my name out of this ridiculous situation!

David Webster once told me that long after your records have gone, people will only remember the type of person you were!

Thank you,


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I 2nd that and am myself getting a bit tired of other people asking you to be the witness this is implying to me that you seem to be the only witness here in the uk who people want to verify my bends.

A nice timely post on your behalf like the others clicky people all stick together thats what you all do best ask maxwell how i took on the coporate bullies of TESCOS and Onyx and won never run away from a fight in my life :D

David when you make a comment like i suppose we will never know then because i did not provide video proof of the holles bending then via pm tell me its cause that was/is the standard set yet you and others dont ask the same of pat but instead hero worship what proof has pat ever shown you of his bends in person yet you believe everything to be gospel now you no why i choose not to be certed by you double standards mate.

David i came to your wedding out of common courtesy because i was invited Thankyou.

Aint it funny how yet again i post a comment on the bending forum and the next think pms are flying around behind the scenes and then my posts and threads to do with me are all locked.

Now i cannot even respond to others that have just posted thats cool shows the double standards yet again.

Wannagrip,Bearcat74,David Horne,Mikael Silverson, Pat and buddies versus Gazza sounds about fair i always respond better when the odds are stacked against me.

John i tried to respond to your post before but they have locked them so i can understand your frustrations i hope you can understand mine i would have been glad to take up your offer but others wanted david horne involved and me to cert to different criteria yet it was not fbbc stock that i bent or that eric calibrated as i have said before just remove my name from your lists thats cool by me and eric can as well as i know that i was only put on them due to other peoples support[thanks yall :D ]but i aint really bothered about the lists anymore as some of you make me feel like i aint earned being there :D At least i stand by my convictions and what i say and dont let others influence me :D people say im a winger thats cool at least i come on here and say what i think i dont gang up with other people and go around grassing up people via the pm system if i got somethin to say i come in the forum and say it!

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Re. The Holles, when I was doing the certs on the GB, everyone did there bends with videos, everyone, including Pat's. So why would the Holle's be any different? Now that would be double standards!

If this has been eating at you ever since then (a long time ago), why have you come to house on my father's day and my wedding. Why be two faced?

Sorry to say but you're not welcome here again.


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Wannagrip,Bearcat74,David Horne,Mikael Silverson, Pat and buddies versus Gazza sounds about fair i always respond better when the odds are stacked against me.

Bullshit, I am not for or against anybody, actually that is a lie, I am for strong people who put up. Dave Morton, Shane Larson, David Horne, Eric, Pat and many others. People who get on here, CONTRIBUTE to the board, do crazy stuff and back it up. The KOAB video that you guys have never seen, it was sent to John Beatty, his cert he has seen it. You are basically calling John a liar because he cert'd Pat. You always respond when the odds are against you, how are you going to respond? Are you going to not cert on John's free offer, are you going to leave again, are you going to post more videos of various bars, are you going to buy a donkey to ride as you travel the world and seek out the greatest benders and offer them $1000?

Take John Beatty up on his offer for free bars, bend them, and get the fame you so desire. Or is it the attention from the sustained bitching that you desire? Either way, weren't you leaving the board months ago and again a few days ago?

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My offer's still open, I'll just send the 3rd bar to someone else, any volunteers/suggestions?

Actually I feel kinda selfish for assuming Eric and David, and even John and Gary, would be up for this, just cos I was, I should have asked them in advance. Apologies all round, Guys.

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Nice post considering your not into bending you seam to be scrutinising my posts an awefull lot :D You seem to be asking me to put up or shutup once again the 3/8"stain;ess bar bent was/is not fbbc stock and was never said otherwise are we clear on that now.

Contribute to the board ive contributed alot more than some i aint the one selling fancy coarses ripping people off for stuff they got outta old books etc.

I always respond when the odds are against me do i :D so you expect me to roll over like all the other people who have upset the Legendary Inner Circle sorry to dissapiont you i dont frighten easilly and when backed into a corner come out fighting :D

The last person that rode around on a Donkey who had supernatural strength was JC maybe i inherited a little from my creator :D

I was gonna leave but lots and lots and lots of folk told me not to :D

$1000 dollars to folk you definately have done your home work and been reading up on me just like a car crash scene you cant keep away :D The offer still stands to your buddy as i said once before you can be the referee :D

Get the fame i so desire :D When it became personel that well and truely overshadowed the desire for fame :D

I have supplied more proof to my bends than certain other folk yet you and others still want more of me so heres what i will do tell john to send the stuff i will bend it on video like he has asked then we can go through all this again and take it from there you see i already like has been pionted out in the locked posts done my 3/8" stainless by the rules set out the 4 3/4"fbbc bar i never asked or have asked for it to be put on johns list as john did not send it to me i did provide a witness and video tho which is more than some others have provided :D

You and others seem to be able to freely attack me here but my posts end up locked you can all carry on ganging up and even do others talking for them at least i dont hide behind others i am here in yall faces :D

We have a saying in england load the gun and let others fire the bullets.

I load my own gun and fire it thankyou very much :D

Keep the insults comeing just like i received via the pm and email system they only stoke the Anger and yall know how strong that makes me :D

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I always respond when the odds are against me do i :D so you expect me to roll over like all the other people who have upset the Legendary Inner Circle sorry to dissapiont you i dont frighten easilly and when backed into a corner come out fighting :D

No, I honestly figured you would take Beatty up on his offer, guess I was wrong. I don't think anyone is trying to scare you and no one wants to see you fight, they want to see you cert on John's bars.

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Re. The Holles, when I was doing the certs on the GB, everyone did there bends with videos, everyone, including Pat's. So why would the Holle's be any different? Now that would be double standards!

I fully agree with you but i had to respect there wishes at the time and from that date we were meant to be moving on and supplying video evidence to world class claims or the post is locked and i agree johns cert he has seen the videos so we have to take him as his word but why still to this day has the post not been locked pending video evidence shure john has seen it so his word is bond okay then why am i getting crap over my bends when i supplied witness and video of all my top bends theres the double standards .

Alot of people here you included sat idly by whilst i was being judged yet you cannot come forward when other videos are not shown there s the double standards.

If this has been eating at you ever since then (a long time ago), why have you come to house on my father's day and my wedding. Why be two faced?

2 faced yes ive tried to move on from there and this has brought it all back atleast i have said how i feel here and not behind the scenes i have openly come out with it shure its caused shit but atleast i have the convictions to stand behind what i am saying.

Sorry to say but you're not welcome here again.

Thats a shame its also a shame that alot were so quick to judge like yourself offering to cert me on some stock which shows to me that you never did or do trust me or my witnesses yet you will take john and pat at there word thats double standards coupled with the comment after i visited the holles thats were i am comeing from.



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Alot of people here you included sat idly by whilst i was being judged yet you cannot come forward when other videos are not shown there s the double standards.

It is John Beatty's certs and Eric Milfeld's top 50 - so what has it to do with me!

Thats a shame its also a shame that alot were so quick to judge like yourself offering to cert me on some stock which shows to me that you never did or do trust me or my witnesses yet you will take john and pat at there word thats double standards coupled with the comment after i visited the holles thats were i am comeing from.

Show me a post anywhere where I said I wanted to cert you! Go on!

Now I have my daughter on my knee who is poorly right now, and I don't need this shit!

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