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Reverse: Wheres The Muscle Pain?


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Just wondering guys...., first of all I should say, congrats to all the new bends, prs and the works, some serious shit is going down these days...my question is, when bending reverse, what areas feel sore afetrwards if at all? For me its mainly bicep, i bend

towards my body as opposed to standard reverse...anyone esle get hit there as well?

Cheers :shifty

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Yes, and it's a pain that can stay with me for weeks! I really like the feel of bending steel with this technique but it comes with a high price.

Double overhand causes me no lingering pain whatsoever, though.

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I know what you mean eric...I can only do one HIT reverse bend a week, and Im trying to learn DO cause ive noticed my bro in law who uses DO has less pain than me and has a better kink, but my crush is alot better than his, i want to be better alround really, thanks for the reply.

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Gets me too Brendan. usually the support bicep and including the really big Tendon? on the outside of the bicep. I am still recovering from not being in line with my supporting arm before hitting a good piece of steel almost 2 years ago :pinch AHHH the gift that keeps on giving :D

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I personally only feel it in the supporting arm, but not in the biceps or whatchamacallit. I feel it in my wrist and forearm, very uncomfortable.

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