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3/8 X 7" Steel Works Crs (590 Lbs.) Video


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Great bend, Eric! :mosher I couldn't view the video, but knowing you it was hammered down in style. Excellent work man!

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Great bend, Eric! :mosher I couldn't view the video, but knowing you it was hammered down in style. Excellent work man!

Thanks, Ben! I fixed the link, so try it now. But now the video is all grainy and choppy.

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Just watched the slaughter of that steel, man found myself trying to breath with you on that bend and damn near hyperventilated and passed out :tongue Awesome show of strength as usual my brother :rock and the sound effects and motivating comments like “Crush It Baby” :kiss by the camera-women made me want to wrap up something to bend a chair leg, stalk of celery or a stop sign by that point I didn’t care- Seductive Sounds of Steel Bending :blush it could be a new soundtrack for benders around the globe.

I hope she reads this and gets a laugh but she already knows how crazy :upsidedwn I am so it won’t even phase her. :tongue

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Just watched the slaughter of that steel, man found myself trying to breath with you on that bend and damn near hyperventilated and passed out :tongue Awesome show of strength as usual my brother :rock and the sound effects and motivating comments like “Crush It Baby” :kiss by the camera-women made me want to wrap up something to bend a chair leg, stalk of celery or a stop sign by that point I didn’t care- Seductive Sounds of Steel Bending :blush it could be a new soundtrack for benders around the globe.

I hope she reads this and gets a laugh but she already knows how crazy :upsidedwn I am so it won’t even phase her. :tongue


She laughed, and said "yeh, he's a crazy guy".

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Very nice :rock

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Awesome bend.

You came very smooth through the whole bend.

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Awesome job! Makes me want to grab a coat hanger and go to town on that thing :tongue .


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Kick Butt Bend Eric!!!! Can't wait to see what else you got!!! Sounded like your camera person was helping a little :D

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Kick Butt Bend Eric!!!! Can't wait to see what else you got!!! Sounded like your camera person was helping a little :D

Yeh, she did all the groaning for me. :whacked

And thanks, guys! I'm all excited about finding something 20 or so pounds heavier now.

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Here's a much, much clearer copy of the bend, which was just uploaded here on the board. You can actually see the length of the bar on this one:


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Eric, I read an old post of yours tonight talking about how you "worked up to the blue nail"....to see you bend that 3/8 X 7 is very inspiring. It boggles the mind how you guys are bending bars that big up at chest level. It's cool to see you guys continually pushing the limits higher and higher and what persistence and perseverance can achieve. Be neat to see where you guys take this in the next few years. Congrats on an amazing bend.

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I know what you mean about the old posts. I went back and read some of the old posts one time and it blew me away. Topics like "finally got the timber tie" and people revelling over bending a 20d nail and even a 16d nail. Seems like the universal goal was to bend a 60d nail because only Brookfield had bent a red and it was impossible to everyone else.

What happened to all those original players? Tom Black, and some of the others Steve McGrannahan and alot seemed to have dissappeared off this board. Terry Duty is another one.

I wished so much that I would have discovered this back then and started when Eric was just cutting his teeth on this. I have such a hard time with looking past my next bend. I should be concentrating on the G8 and not looking at these 3/8 bends but I've always been very competitive and then I get frustrated. Heck, a G5 bend would have made you almost a legend when this board started and now it's almost viewed as a fisher price bend. Not to mention I'd have been younger and had that going for me too.

I know the leather helped, which I think everyone was just wrapping in one piece of cloth back then. As a matter of fact I remember reading a post where someone used 2 pieces (one one each end) instead of one and alot of people were replying "wow that's a good idea". I also remember Eric's posts of slowing going from one style to mostly DO except for the kink and guessing that DO might be the best for the whole bend then he finally went all DO. So I know you have to take that into consideration but when you just look at the steel, this thing has just leaped in 5 years.

Wished I'd been in on it.

Anyway Eric, it is neat to see how far you've come to this bend.

Heck look at Gazza's jump from the 2005 list to the 2006 list and maybe higher when the stainless gets cal'd. From a G9 to stainless 3/8 in 1 year? Amazing.


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I remember these old days very well (i was starting bending at that time). Pat's first video of a Grade 5 bend, Tom Black bending 60D and Blues in various positions (behind the back, in a wrestler's bridge etc.) ;) Was nice. I don't have the time to do it but for history sake it would be nice to look back into old posts and make a chronology of the various bends. Like: first Grade 5 / Pat Povilaitis / Date, First Red / etc.



PS: Almost forgot it: congrats Eric for this World Class bend!

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The Doors were blown wide open when Gavin Holle was the 2nd person after John Brookfield to bend a RED and officially the 1st without braceing it sadly he never really got the credit he deserved he is the one that started most of us useind the DO technique because up until then most were useing either DU or Reverse.

Big RESPECT to Gavin and his Brothers for bringing DO to the masses :rock

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That is one big piece of steel to bend.

Is this the first calibrated 3/8 piece ever bent?

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Big RESPECT to Gavin and his Brothers for bringing DO to the masses :rock

"I 2nd that one Bro,the Holles were pioneers in this sport!

As for the Bending i remember when Gary did his first 6in G8 and i was blown away,now he just freaks me out everytime he picks up the steel :yikes

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