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Card Tossing For Speed


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My curiosity was raised when I saw Jesus Ferguson a professional poker player throwing poker cards so fast that he was able to slice raw cucumbers, carrots, bananas, etc from quite a bit of a distance 10 or more feet......how hard is this to do? how would u relate that to a more typical show of wrist strength such as levering? is this a good way to improve wrist strength?

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seems like alot more technique and speed than stregnth casue i doubt that bony man has any stregnth in his body.

LOL!!! But the bony man would chop your head off with a 6 of diamonds before you can get your hands on him! :P

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umm you'd need a lot of strength to accelerate a card to well over 50mph....i think it was something like 80 when he chopped a cucumber in half with a poker card from over 10 feet away.....

plus being in a gripforum i'd hope u'd already realized that being big doesnt have a lot to do with strength...

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seems like alot more technique and speed than stregnth casue i doubt that bony man has any stregnth in his body.

LOL!!! But the bony man would chop your head off with a 6 of diamonds before you can get your hands on him! :P

im not saying im gonna fight his guy, im jsut saying i think its all technique not stregnth

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It is all technique. I've actually tried to get into card throwing, and most of it is generated by the flick of the wrist and the elbow movement. With something as light as a card and how it's shaped, strength isn't going to come much into play.

It's a skill more or less only based on finesse of the wrist, rather than the strength of it.

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It has not much to do with strength. just pick a card and trow it hard like heck. u will see that it will not come far..... (Or u must have plenty of technique :tongue)

Its all technique.. ofcourse you've got to trow hard.. And when u trow there comes IMO more triceps and shoulder explosive power into play than wrist...

And yes size has alot to do with strength.. (i'm talking about muscle and tendon size) and then i'm not talking about these drug taking freaks who inject tons of synthol in their body :D!!

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