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5 11lb Plates - Pinch


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Nice! Are your hands big enough to grip 6 plates? 6x11lb would be awesome!

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Nice work Sam :mosher

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Thanks guys.

My hands can grip 7 11lbs plates.

I should be able to get 6 with practice, especially considering that this lift was done after 2 days baack to back grip training (including 2hp).

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Thank you for all the encouraging words. Gazza and Dan have you done 6 10s/11s? I certainly think both you guys have the potential.

Sam. :)

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I only bend nowadays mate im a 1 trick pony :D Once im back at full power im gonna see where bending takes me then i might go back into other grip stuff.

My mate Maxwell fancies his chances at the 6 x 11lbs plates tho.

Anyway mate nice work on the 5 x11s onward and upward bro.

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Gazza - if your mate does it upload it, it certainly would be an inspirational lift to watch. When i tried 6 earlier today, i didn't even break the floor.

bigmatt - thanks

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no sam i have did 5 tens but never trained for 6 i dont know if my fingers are long enough to grip them thanks :laugh its funny how each pound realy adds up that fast on lifts like that . in my mind i say its only ten extra pounds but wow a heavy and wide ten

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:rock good effort on the 5s,but 6 is a whole new ball game! i am Gazzas mate and 6x11lb is on my to do list for the next few months i can do the 5 x11lb with 3 fingers and thumb now and have held the 6x11lb for about 5 seconds on a good day,will keep ya posted on my progress as the months go by as i think it aint going to come quick! Max.
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Doesn't Sorin suposedly have a 7-3/4" hand? And has lifted 6-10's ? So it's fair to assume that handsize doesn't matter too much on this? I would've thought it does. My hands are 7-1/4" and everything feels wide, lol.... :)

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There's hand length and hand spread - not always the same thing as it pertains to wide pinch lifting.

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Wade Gillingham

Heath Sexton

Richard Sorin*

*+1.25lb Plate Mate

This list of names proves how hard 6 10s or 11s actually is - huge respect to anyone who even gets close.

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Too easy for You! Go for 6 AND 7 plates!

Chris is right on the handsize - handspread thing: same hand lenght does not mean that the difficulty level of the lift is the same for both persons.

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Burkhard Macht - thanks.

Yeah they were definately 5s. 8 5s if memory serves me correctly. Big Steve and Jedd also did it.

Edited by CoC#3
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