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World Class Or Elite Bending


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What do you all think constitutes proof of a world class or Elite bend and when is proof not good enough!

Do you think that a gripboard witness and full video documentation is enough clearly showing the bar and wraps at all times or is more needed EG;- do the bars have to be sent to a different witness etc not a friend.

The above is fine with me but were do we draw the line i do not have a problem with the above but what i do have a problem with is if its not the same for everyone ie if i have to get my bars sent to say david horne because maximus1 and Doolash are my friends then i think it only fair that other people should be asked to perform under the same criteria also and that there bending should be viod if witnessed by there friends.

As i said i personally dont have a problem with the above but where do we draw the line i do my bending for fun at the moment and enjoy competing against others in bending etc and am not against going up against others mano a mano but to be able to just go to someones at the drop of a hat and perform is different than be given 6mths to prepare for a comp.

I feel that my videos of my bends are documented better than anyone elses except Mike Booyahs when not mentioning any names but alot of other bending videos leave alot to be desired ie:-taken in very bad lighting,not showing the initial wrapping off the bar,sometimes the pads are pre rolled and put on the bar,not showing the completed bend,not saying who the witness is ,not having a witness i could go on and on but i feel that my last few videos have been infront of a gripboard witness they have been clearly documented even to the fact of mt cutting the bars with bolt cutter to verify that they are solid and not pipe yet i am now being asked for more :D

So again what is good enough and are most if not all the top fifty bends now not good enough for one reason or another.

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Your videos are as good as I think it's going to get without going to a contest.

I agree. It's cool that a lot of times we can just go on video evidence alone. Most of my bends are only witnessed by my ferrets. And they would say or do anything for a treat, so they're not exactly reliable witnesses.

Gazza, you know how easy it would be to "fake" certain parts of the process. Most of us do. Would we do it? Never. But there are probably some out there who might claim to be bending (for example) a Stainless bar-and if you're not right there to see the exact bar and maybe run a magnet over it to check if it's stainless- they might actually be bending a soft HRS or a soft CRS instead. And you know I'm not implying that's what you're doing. I've bent Stainless on video also. But I've always wondered when we'd have some up and comer taking videos of alleged world class bending, only to find out 3 months later that what he was bending was barely harder than a Bastard bend.

So again, your videos are very well thought out to me. They show everything just like it should be shown. Start to finish. Wrapping to cursing to finish.

I'm starting to like the idea of having everyone who certifies on these bending lists do them on webcam (if possible) in front of some other GripBoard witnesses. Then you don't have to drive 100s of miles to find another member. You can just fire up the computer, start the video and get it done. Besides, most of us are knowledgeable enough to know if someone is screwing us around. And that will only happen once. Immediate lifetime ban should be the standard if someone is caught cheating on any certification.

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Fully agree with everything you say bro.

I am as i have stated previously prepared to come and do battle with anyone i am prepared to bring along some bars and other people can bring there bars and we each test/bend the others stock and see what they have i think unless the stuff sent to peoples unopened is batch tested its pointless as the stock various besides theres that much **** going on behind the scenes at the moment i wouldnt trust someone sending me stock thats miles harder than other persons only to see me fail and them suckseed i think the only true comparison is for me to get it on with this person/s and we each bring 4-5 pieces of the bars they intend to bend then its all put on the table and someone else hands them a piece and they have at it.

I am prepared to bring along :-

3/8"stainless round in 7" 6.5" and 6"lengths

3/8 CRS round in the above lengths.

5/16"hex stainless in the above.

I will bring say 3 pieces of each of the above lengths and stock.

The other person can bring a mixture of there stock and lenths they prefare we then agree a time and date and the stock is then handed to us by a third party and we go at it lets do it i am sick of the behind the scenes Bullshit.

Youse have seen what i can do on video ,y cards are on the table i am still waitin to see certain vids of certain bends lets just get it sorted once an for all as i am startin to get mad again now.

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....Immediate lifetime ban should be the standard if someone is caught cheating on any certification.

I agree with this one. Is it even worth considering cheating. I think not. Whats the point of saying you can do something if you can't back it up.

- Aaron

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Hey Gazza, now don't get mad at me, but what does it matter if someone believes you or not? You said you bend for fun. If you know you can bend a crowbar with one hand behind your back, then what does it matter if someone says you can't? I know I missed something before hand, I didn't start posting until you had already quit bending before and I'm glad to see you back. I don't know what went on before, but it looks like whatever it was before is getting under your skin again. You seem like a stand up guy, and I know I have learned a lot from your posts and vids, but why all the fuss?

I just want to understand, please don't yell at me. :unsure

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....Immediate lifetime ban should be the standard if someone is caught cheating on any certification.

I agree with this one. Is it even worth considering cheating. I think not. Whats the point of saying you can do something if you can't back it up.

- Aaron

False pride I would guess might be why some would claim to be able to do things that they never show proof (contest setting or legitimate cert) of.

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Its not that bro its the double standards over videos being shown by others and not others and some are allowed mates/friends as witnesses whilst others are not i want a level playing field for everyone regardless of who they are.


Thanks your reply and time bro :D

It matters to me mate what people think of me especially when i bust even injured myself taking on the steel.

I do expect critisism thats part of the process and is ok with me i dont expect to be given different criteria to be on certain lists when the way i have documented some of my bends is way ahead of others yet they dont get the shit i get.

Anyway im done with the whole cert process i am still putting that challenge out there and i and others that have seen me in action know what i am capable bending wise so if you think i am a fraud pick up the challenge and well take it from there :D

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I like the cert process the way it is, video and witness. I really don't think we have frauds in our midst, and if there is, I am sure that it would NOT have a great impact on the bending game and fraud would inevitably become apparent. oops, IMO.

Gazza, If you are getting hate type mail from 1 or 2 guys that don't matter, It really doesn't matter, no really, it just doesn't matter. Just keep KICKING ARSE!!!!

I wrote this before the previous post was written. No real edit.

Edited by Booyah!!!
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It matters to me bro :D And just like if we had met on the 8th dec last year there *** will be kicked Bending Wise when we do meet :D:calm

I am just gonna let my videos speak for themselves in future if people want me they know where i am :D:calm:calm

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I guess to take this to the next level – we need “calibrated” steel. Steel varies a bunch and while it can vary from end to end of a 12’ bar (the normal way it comes here in the states) – it’s less likely I think than from length to length. I don’t think we have any real frauds right now – almost every big bender I can think of ends up bending in front of others at some point, which would quickly show if you were claiming things you couldn’t back up.

The problem is in the steel, the 3/8” x 7” (just as an example) you buy isn’t the same as a piece I buy – and likely not even the same as the pieces you get next week or at a different store. For a comparison of the truly World Class bends, maybe this would be good – some process such as is place for Grippers etc. For me at least, I’m fine with things the way they are, but this would seem to eliminate the other big variable in the process.

My two cents.

Edited by climber511
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Ive seen your vids, ive seen your proof, and ive seen alot of others bending. You are the best and you are legit and if someone else wants to doubt you, rest assured there doubt is comprised completly of jelousy

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I agree with what you have said gazza. Your vids and gripboard witnesses are fine with me.

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Ive seen your vids, ive seen your proof, and ive seen alot of others bending. You are the best and you are legit and if someone else wants to doubt you, rest assured there doubt is comprised completly of jelousy

:rock Gary mate ,the above sentence says it all!

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I am gonna post another video on youtube soon to show you what i can do to the short stuff just incase you think i am only good on the longer stuff or i might even just mention it then not show it might get recognised for it more that way like certain other people what yall think lol.

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Gazza, If you are getting hate type mail from 1 or 2 guys that don't matter, It really doesn't matter, no really, it just doesn't matter.

I may be wrong but i guess that it might not just be "1 or 2 guys" but major actors in the grip community.

For example i would not get angry if two anonymous gripboard members were questioning my very well documented world class gripper closes (if they existed lol) but i may get mad if it were Dave Morton or Wannagrip. Particularly if they hadn't documented their gripper closes better.

Just my own 2 cents.

Outstanding job on these bends Gazza!! :mosher

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Gazza after seeing your last bend there's no doubt in my mind you're one strong freak. I personally dont need a perfect video to prove your accomplishments. Instead can you please provide evidence that you're human? LOL.....your bending is really out of this world.

Why not require newbies to post bends under the more strict guidelines? It appears like most of the top benders know each other on this site quite well so the trust level is quite high here. The only exceptions would be for some random person never posting on here that comes and claims a world record feat.

This is not a big time sport. There is no big money on the line. The only thing we have on the line is our integrity. Once a person loses that who cares about his accomplishments? Lifetime ban is a good idea for anyone caught cheating.

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I guess to take this to the next level – we need “calibrated” steel. Steel varies a bunch and while it can vary from end to end of a 12’ bar (the normal way it comes here in the states) – it’s less likely I think than from length to length. I don’t think we have any real frauds right now – almost every big bender I can think of ends up bending in front of others at some point, which would quickly show if you were claiming things you couldn’t back up.

The problem is in the steel, the 3/8” x 7” (just as an example) you buy isn’t the same as a piece I buy – and likely not even the same as the pieces you get next week or at a different store. For a comparison of the truly World Class bends, maybe this would be good – some process such as is place for Grippers etc. For me at least, I’m fine with things the way they are, but this would seem to eliminate the other big variable in the process.

My two cents.

I have to say I agree with Chris.I think there was just another topic in which Eric was talking about doing it this way for his contest and maybe others in the future. As far as me it's not that big of a deal I usually figure out for myself whose lieing or truthful usually not that hard to come to the conclusion. Most of you bend better than me and I don't forsee any world class coming from me but for those of you that are in the range I think that would be a great way to solve the debate hard to argue with proven facts unless your in congress :tongue .

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I would probably say the best we could do would be to:

1. Provide Video Proof

2. Bend stock that has been sent sealed and calibrated from one impartial source - similar to the MM certs.

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I would make no change at all.

If someone wants to be dishonest, there is no way to stop them. Sending a bar in the mail does not stop a thing, it just makes it more of a hastle for the upper level benders. If someone was really dishonest, they would eventually be found out any way. so wtf. There are no questionable people currently on the cert lists, unless I missed something somewhere, and if there is someone really in suspect, how about the GRIPBOARD panel members, administer some sort of ruling as in, this bend is suspended for this and that reason until whatever criteria can be met. Sure this would fire someone up, but that is why the GRIPBOARD panel members would decide if something may not be legit enough instead of an individual throwing criticism and distrust in the air. Bending is not grippers and should not be treated the same. We shouldn't paranoid hand cuffs on ourselves or have we already!! I hope not!! It is great to see talented individuals climbing the bending ladder with their Best bends on their Best days!!! I just wanted to share these thoughts with my bending brothers. Thanks!!!

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I would make no change at all.

If someone wants to be dishonest, there is no way to stop them. Sending a bar in the mail does not stop a thing, it just makes it more of a hastle for the upper level benders. If someone was really dishonest, they would eventually be found out any way. so wtf. There are no questionable people currently on the cert lists, unless I missed something somewhere, and if there is someone really in suspect, how about the GRIPBOARD panel members, administer some sort of ruling as in, this bend is suspended for this and that reason until whatever criteria can be met. Sure this would fire someone up, but that is why the GRIPBOARD panel members would decide if something may not be legit enough instead of an individual throwing criticism and distrust in the air. Bending is not grippers and should not be treated the same. We shouldn't paranoid hand cuffs on ourselves or have we already!! I hope not!! It is great to see talented individuals climbing the bending ladder with their Best bends on their Best days!!! I just wanted to share these thoughts with my bending brothers. Thanks!!!

Great post Mike!

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