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Fbbc Square Crs Bends With Clip Links


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I was hungary for a PR tonight and I recently realized that my name was not under the FBBC Kings of Steel 1/4" square stock list for the 6.5" - 6.0" - 5.5". This had to change so I scrounched one of my steel boxes and found the pieces I need to have a go at it. I was confident the 6.5" piece and probably the 6" would go down but the 5.5" piece was a bit of a mystery. I felt pretty good and took down the 6.5" with no problem and followed with the 6" piece so feeling a little PR pump I wrapped up the 5.5" and went for broke and it went down without much of a fight to. So all in all it was a productive night of 3 back to back successful bends that should get my name under 3 more lists on the Kings of Steel page.

Oh I didn't get the 6.5" bar quite down to the required 2" gap spread before I pulled off the wraps so to save time I didn't re-wrap but just gave it a squeeze bare-handed to put it under the mark.

DONE 1/24/07 - 6.5", 6.0" and 5.5" FBBC 1/4" Square Crs


6.5" x 1/4"


6" x 1/4"


5.5" x 1/4"


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Too easy! Technique looks great but then what do I know about technique? :tongue

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Thanks Gerry, David and of course Chris this means a lot coming from my colleagues of your caliber. :)

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Go Gator! But I know it's only the tip of the iceberg for you.

Anyone who can bench 345 without training probably has the potential to bend some unbendable steel with some consistent training.

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Thanks Eric,

My goal for 2007 is to be less hit or miss with all things grip in other words to become consistent with my training which I want to incorporate all the other facets of grip training in a solid regimen like levering, block weights, extensor bands, specific thumb work, gripper crushes ect... for an overall increase in strength to meet as many goals as I can within the next 11 months. You guided, supported and encouraged my efforts from the very beginning of this journey and for that I can't say thank you enough. I will try to do you proud this year Sensei Milfeld. :D

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You definanty have some insanely tuff hands and bending strength, I remember the bare handed bolt bend a good while back that was crazy!

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You made short work of that list. Very nice work.

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Nice Bends Gator!!! Keep filling those PRs :rock

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Keep hitting the steel :rock

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Very nice clips!

Strong bending!

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Nice bends and videos, Gator. Like the other guys said, the clarity of everything (audio and video) was quite impressive. As you are of the certified Bastard level yourself and you just bent all those square pieces, how do you feel the 1/4 "square CRS feels compared to bends of Bastard level or tougher?

I just got my first FBBC 1/4" x 6-1/2" square CRS yesterday, and it wasn't too bad at all. However, it seems I always seem to have much more trouble even getting a kink in the relatively weak 70d-China nails.

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As everyone else has said nice clear videos and awesome strength onward and upward buddy.

This goes out to everyone that has commented on the clarity and quality of the video clips thank you I always try to get a descent shot. I tried something different on the digital camera got a few months back. It had a quality setting which one said for email and I thought it may just get the things smaller so I could load it up straight to the gallery but it was still to big and the quality of the 6.5" and the 6" bends suffered especially if you try to make it bigger so once I realized that I filmed the 5.5" on the regular setting and it came out pretty nice and crisp even at larger zooms. I like to make sure that John Beatty and anyone else that see can identify the measurements and rest assured that they are indeed FBBC stock. I have found that FBBC stock has a special type of tool mark as fas as the cut edge lines which are very tight due to the saw he uses where s I have noticed other cut with an angle grinder or the like have a slightly different pattern on the cut ends. My integrity is really the most important thing I have in these videos of the past and present and I wouldn't want to jeopardize that for a piece of steel. Those who choose to cheat on the stock their bending are only degrading the accomplishments of others and of course themselves but if they are ever put on the spot at a contest to bend a less than their max bend and can't due justice to it will certainly come out to the public eye and who really wants that.

I know these were not max bends but I want my name to be under every FBBC list from the smallest to the largest of bends, some will take longer than others but I will keep plugging along towards this goal and encourage each of you to do the same!

Thanks Again For Your Undying Support Guys It Keeps Me Motivated!


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Great bends, congratulations! I hope to be at your level someday.


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by the way, is this your first video to show your face :D ? I never have seen you before.

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by the way, is this your first video to show your face ? I never have seen you before.

Thanks again guys for all your motivating words and I WILL BE IN THE TOP 20 LIST(s) THIS YEAR!

This Pic Of My UGLY MUG Is For You Alawadhi :yikes


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I have found that FBBC stock has a special type of tool mark as fas as the cut edge lines which are very tight due to the saw he uses where s I have noticed other cut with an angle grinder or the like have a slightly different pattern on the cut ends.

Yeah I've also noticed. Better than the razorsharp IronMind nails. Damn, I've cut myself pretty bad on them.

But still it's easy to recognize the IM nail by the way they've cut their nails.

Anyway, great videos!!!

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