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Bursting Cans? Easy?


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This is my first 'proper' post, after posting in the newbie thread. Just getting into grip training and saw threads on here about bursting cans. Had delusions of grandeur last night and bought a couple of cans of cheap cider. Tried to burst one today- took about 10 crushes until i got a small hole. Next crush created another hole- I was pumped at this point, even tho people say it usually won't work well after this happens, but this time they were wrong :mosher - exploded beautifully and i got drenched lol!!

Now, I am still yet to even close the no.1 CoC, (1mm away)- my question is, if you keep trying, will anyone eventually be able to do the same as the metal becomes fatigued? I realise chest strength is very important, but I'm a small guy and don't consider myself to have a strong chest. Your thoughts would be much appreciated. Maybe because I believed I was able to do it, the fact I couldn't became irrelevant lol!!! Its all in the mind......... ;)

Now I gotta go work on bursting with as few crushes as possible i guess


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Was the cider carbonated??? I would think that part of the difficulty would be the thickness of the aluminum. (beer cans are thinner) and the fact that the can is pressurized. Someone correct me if I am wrong about this.....

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Doing it the real way is real tough as I understand it. Held out and not poking a hole in it. It is fairly tough with the chest crush technique but a lot of grip guys/strongman can do it pretty easily...

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To makey, yes the cider is carbonated, gave it a good shake before hand to liven it up :tongue- Are you also suggesting that because a can is thinner it is more difficult to burst? And I didnt poke a hole in it either, so i'm a bit confused really. Maybe my chest is stronger than I give it credit for- havent trained it very well so far, triceps give out much sooner in most exercises :unsure I'll give it a few more goes when I can stump up the 79p it costs per can!!

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Let me add that my comments above are purely anecdotal, I have yet to try my hand (pun intended...lame) at can bursting. Peace.

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The Joe Kinney stranglehold way is a world class feat of strength IMO. He's the only one I've seen do it that way. The chest crush way is pretty easy. My friend Roy, who was likely the body double for The Machinist, can almost do it (he can get it leaking). Anyone that can crush down a G8 shouldn't have a problem.

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Yah, I have the chest of a 12 year old girl and cans that way are no biggie. However like Josh said, out in front is a WAAAY different story

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The Joe Kinney stranglehold way is a world class feat of strength IMO. He's the only one I've seen do it that way. The chest crush way is pretty easy. My friend Roy, who was likely the body double for The Machinist, can almost do it (he can get it leaking). Anyone that can crush down a G8 shouldn't have a problem.

Jad a child can get a can leaking... heck I can do it with two fingers, as i'm sure you can if you tried. To get a can leaking you just need to do a few reps of pushing in the same spot... the cheap metal gets holes and leaks.

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In all my years in the strongman game and doing performances, I have met just a handful of men who can bust cans legit every time they do them. Legit is grabbing and exploding the can in one squeeze - and it is pretty awesome to see it done that way. Anyone can use the fatigue method. I am sure many of us can hit it right once in a while, but the true studs are the guys who grab it squeeze it mightily once and it explodes.

John OBrien, a Chemistry Prof at Truman State University, and a performing strongman is the best I have ever personally witnessed doing this. John can litterally shoot a can thirty or more feet. He can just grab them one after the other, squeeze once and blow them. At one performance in front of a town hall in the town square, he exploded his first can, and it struck the plate glass window on the town hall and we all thought it was going to break - that window was over thirty feet away.

One note of caution to those who can really blow them up - these cans become flying shrapnel and can seriously hurt people in the crowd - after a couple of close calls, we do not point them anywhere near an audience any more.

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I would love to see a video clip of John OBrien,the Chemistry Prof at Truman State University in action, exploding these cans. Now that sounds like the way to do it and this is no doubt a big crowd pleaser.

I watched the Power Team many years ago and one of the guys that I chatted it up with was an ex-Army SF which on that particular group of men that night ws the best and would spray the kids with trashbags an umbrellas on the first row with diet sprite - No sticky sugar or staining.

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