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Diesel Crew E-book

Justin Reagan

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I've been a little stuck on my bending lately. My hands/wrists have been hurting (especially at the base of the wrist closest to the thumb, and in the back of my hand closest to the thumb), and it's rare for me to ever get a 6" G5 anymore. I haven't been even remotely able to bend a 5.5" G5 (my best). I then read through the technique section of the e-book. I now notice that, with my form, my hands don't stay closed solidly over the bar when I'm bending. The pinky side of my hand starts to open up right after I begin the bend (remember, I bend DU) My hands look really strange at the end of the first phase of the bend--which, incidentally, is where I always seem to fail. The pinky side is open, and the other side is closed. If I can finish the initial kink, the rest isn't a problem. I also think this is what is causing a lot of the nagging aching in my wrist and hand--because of the weird angles in the wrists and hands.

I also read about the importance of tensing the entire body. I should've known that in the first place, but when I thought about it, I never do this at all.

Well, anyway, I tried a little workout the next day. I did my best to keep my hands rock solid, and I tensed my entire body before starting. I ended up bending a 6" x 5/16" G2, 2 6" G5's, and a 5" galv. 60d, among some other stuff. It was a very good workout--just by changing up a couple things.

One thing, though. No matter how much I tried, for some reason my hand started to open up a little (but not near as much as normal) on a couple of the bends. I don't know if it was a pinky/ring finger strength or flexibility issue, or it was just out of habit. Anyway, I'm going to really start to strengthen those last two fingers. I bet a little extra training will help. Any ideas, other than 2 finger DL's, 2 finger gripper closes, or 2 finger pinches?

I highly recommend this e-book--it's very comprehensive.



Edited by Justin Reagan
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Awesome bends dude! DU (dave oustlands red bend is insane) to me looks the most impressive and is something im gonna start to add in the new year for my wrist training. Just off the top of my head theres always 2 finger pony clamp closes and shiteloads of extensor work could be good as well...also front and rear sledging with only the last few fingers holding the sledge (index and ring off), aomething ive only just begun to toy with..it certainly stresses things in a whole other way.

Keep up the great work :rock

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Now that I think about it, the other day I was playing around, and I tried some rear levers with my last two fingers--it felt like it would be good, but I forgot about it for some reason.

There are some brands, that, according to some people, would be hard as or harder than a red. The ones that I'm bending feel similar to a G5 (some a little easier, some a little harder). Actually, now that I've read a little more info, the one's I've been bending are not actually "G2", they're "307A"--which I guess are similar. The ones with "307A CYI" I can bend, but I can only put a kink in the ones that say "307A S" (or something that starts with an 'S'). I haven't been able to find nearly as many actual "G2's" as "307A's" around here for some reason.



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Forgot about a couple things. First, my hands are feeling pretty good today, even after such a big workout a couple days ago. I guess the slight form change may have helped with the hurting hands...normally my hands would still be hurting pretty bad today...

Also, I didn't know it was important to chalk up leather wraps. I though that was only important with IM wraps, or similar. It was a big help.


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I ordered the DC bending book about a week ago and have really enjoyed it. My best before reading was a galvanized 6 x 1/4 round, and just now I did a galvanized 5 x 1/4 round in less time. Needless to say my technique has come up a bit, not to mention my confidence as a result of reading such a polished book. It's very well done.

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I just bought the ebook yesterday, how long does it take to get it???


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