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David Horne Reverse Bend Cert

John Beatty

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David took down the 1/4" x 7" FBBC square very quickly. Excellent bend & will be up on the cert board soon. Congrats, David!

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Where is this reverse bend cert at? FBBC? Is there a separateb set of rules?

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Nice bend David!!! Wish you the best on your shoulder surgery and a speedy recovery!!!! Come back and start knocking down some big steel!!!

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Way to put the Hornes to it!

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Congrats, David! Hope your surgery won't stop your progress for too long!

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Thanks John, I look forward to moving up the list a little. Firstly I'll get this square stock done.

Guys, thanks for your comments, training is going so well, even with the shoulder. So hopefully after the surgery has healed, I 'll come back even better. Still will probably keep away from Bench Press, haven't done them for over a year and not missed them. Inclines seem to feel nicer to train on.

We'll see,


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Very nice, David! STRONG wrists!

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I'm giving consideration to starting a whole new set of cert lists for bending. We may soon have a DO, DU, and Reverse page (and an overall) for FBBC Certs. I'll do more work on it mid Jan after Strong issue 4 is out & the Christmas rush slows down for FBBC. I'm a little busy right now, but I think the separate cert pages will encourage more people to try different forms of bending. Any feedback?

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I too thinks a great idea, John!

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I'm giving consideration to starting a whole new set of cert lists for bending. We may soon have a DO, DU, and Reverse page (and an overall) for FBBC Certs. I'll do more work on it mid Jan after Strong issue 4 is out & the Christmas rush slows down for FBBC. I'm a little busy right now, but I think the separate cert pages will encourage more people to try different forms of bending. Any feedback?

good stuff John........this board is going to get powerful :blink beyond what it is already :rock

Edited by burner
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Great idea John! Some of us bend with all 3 styles (DO, DU, and Reverse) and would like to see how we compare to the others.

Also it would be cool to have a Combined Best Bender cert list. Add the best DO, DU, and Reverse together to see who is the best all around bender. Nice bragging rights there. :cool

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Great idea John! Some of us bend with all 3 styles (DO, DU, and Reverse) and would like to see how we compare to the others.

Also it would be cool to have a Combined Best Bender cert list. Add the best DO, DU, and Reverse together to see who is the best all around bender. Nice bragging rights there. :cool

Great post Ben

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Maybe after all the lists are up for a year, I'll do a top 100 list with a combined score. Your ranking on each board added together & total points type thing. (ie you're #20 on DO, #28 on DU, #100 on reverse gives you a 148 score. Low score to high score ranking. Maybe a Fat Bastard prize package to be awarded Jan of 2008 when the ranking is complete.

I think we'll use the all time lists, will save me time & effort of recalculating every year. I'll do a new top 100 list every year.

On DU & Reverse - will we need to start the cert list with easier stock? Is a grade 5 too tough?

Edited by John Beatty
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Maybe after all the lists are up for a year, I'll do a top 100 list with a combined score. Your ranking on each board added together & total points type thing. (ie you're #20 on DO, #28 on DU, #100 on reverse gives you a 148 score. Low score to high score ranking. Maybe a Fat Bastard prize package to be awarded Jan of 2008 when the ranking is complete.

This is very cool. I was racking my brain on a way to meaningfully combine the lists and this is such a great answer.

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...Add the best DO, DU, and Reverse together to see who is the best all around bender. Nice bragging rights there. :cool

Strictly speaking this could only be determined in a proper bending competition. It would give a good indication though.

Being the strongest does not always equal being the best. I could probably beat stronger but (competition-wise) inexperienced grip guys in an allround grip competition with its limited number of attempts etc.

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Being the strongest does not always equal being the best

how bout pound for pound ;);););)

besides pat, of course :whistel

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