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How Long?


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Hey i am new to this forum, I have closed the number 1 a couple weeks after I got it, but stopped for about 6 months. A couple weeks ago I picked it up again and could only bang out 9 reps whereas before I could do up to 15. I got the 2 and I am about an inch away from closing, I was just wondering about how long did it take for you guys to get that last inch? I also got the expander bands, they are really fun to work with, I was also wondering when you guys were or are at my level what expander should you be able to do? I can only get the green with good form.

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Hey i am new to this forum, I have closed the number 1 a couple weeks after I got it, but stopped for about 6 months. A couple weeks ago I picked it up again and could only bang out 9 reps whereas before I could do up to 15. I got the 2 and I am about an inch away from closing, I was just wondering about how long did it take for you guys to get that last inch? I also got the expander bands, they are really fun to work with, I was also wondering when you guys were or are at my level what expander should you be able to do? I can only get the green with good form.

It took me 2 weeks to close my IM#2 after I got it. I did'nt even buy a #1. I bought a BB SA instead, and filled it. Did overcrushes with the BB SA and lots of negatives with the IM#2 and BB M.


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I will mention my story:

The first grippers I bought were the #3, and #4 - they were the first two, because I wanted to kid myself, but that wasn't to be......

As I was sitting in the car, I immediately ripped out the #3, and got it down to 1/2"! :blink

It took me 2 weeks later to finally close it.

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I will mention my story:

The first grippers I bought were the #3, and #4 - they were the first two, because I wanted to kid myself, but that wasn't to be......

As I was sitting in the car, I immediately ripped out the #3, and got it down to 1/2"! :blink

It took me 2 weeks later to finally close it.


can't wait till I get my #3 and #4 tommorow.....

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When i first got my #1 i was about 1/4" off, it took me 2 days to close it. I then proceeded to do reps with the trainer and #1 and got my #2 in 1 month after closing my #1. It has now been 5-6 months that i have closed my #2 and been training to close my damn #3 and im still about 1/8" away. Think about that nowwwwww... damn.

Edited by Chrisx9118
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with negs,forced closes, overcrushes, and singles you can close it within a month or two....initial progress is quite fast...the problem is sustaining it after a while....that's why it will become much harder afterwards to progress from a 2 to a 3

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I took me about 4 months to get from roughly where you are to closing the #2, but as you can see from the previous posts, many are able to do it quicker than that.

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I will mention my story:

The first grippers I bought were the #3, and #4 - they were the first two, because I wanted to kid myself, but that wasn't to be......

As I was sitting in the car, I immediately ripped out the #3, and got it down to 1/2"! :blink

It took me 2 weeks later to finally close it.

What was your previous lifting/manual labor status? The first time I tried grippers I couldn't close the 1 (I probably could have with a good set).

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Some people progress faster...

When I got my #1 in June, I was 1/4 or 5/16" off. It took like 1-2 months to close it. And I still can't close my #2, but can come pretty close nowdays, I'm hoping to close it before the year ends. I imagine the #3 will take me really long, who knows, maybe by the end of next year or something.

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Some people progress faster...

When I got my #1 in June, I was 1/4 or 5/16" off. It took like 1-2 months to close it. And I still can't close my #2, but can come pretty close nowdays, I'm hoping to close it before the year ends. I imagine the #3 will take me really long, who knows, maybe by the end of next year or something.

I'm probably a little farther from the 2 than you, at about 1/4'' more to close it on most good attempts. I got my grippers 9/1/06 and I closed my 1 within the same month.

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When I first started I couldn't close the trainer. Took me about 3 weeks to get that baby closed! :tongue

I closed the #1 about 3 months later through just repping every other day.

After about another 4 months I got the #2 to about 1 in. That was two weeks ago. I'm now in my second week of KTA and I'm this far off: l l.

Hope to close it by the end of the year and then it's on to the IM # 2.5!

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I closed the #2 as soon as i learnt to mash monster set (before i was trying to no set it which is very hard!)

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I was able to close the #1 right out of the package it was definatly a max effort close. It took me 6 months to close the #2.

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I am sure you are reading about how all these guys closed the #1 a couple of days after they got it, and then the 2 shortly afterwards. My progress may make you feel better. I wasn't in great shape when I started grip, but I wasn't a little shrimp.( by some standards :tongue ) I could bench around 220 but hadn't done any grip stuff before. It took me a week to close the trainer with my right and a month with my left. I closed the the #1 several months later.

I still can't get the #2 but I am about 1/4" away. I think my lack of progress was due to the fact that I tried to do too many things at once. Bending, pinch, pullups, lifting, grippers, card tearing. So now I am trying to concentrate on one goal at a time. Just a dose of reality for you with all these really strong people on here.

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I agree, the board is full of "The #2 got repped outta the package" kind of guys, that's why I like telling my story: took me about 1-2 months to close the #1 for the first time with my dominant hand. Don't be discouraged if you're very weak at start, you'll eventually catch up with the other fellas!! Or at least I hope I do.

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I agree, the board is full of "The #2 got repped outta the package" kind of guys, that's why I like telling my story: took me about 1-2 months to close the #1 for the first time with my dominant hand. Don't be discouraged if you're very weak at start, you'll eventually catch up with the other fellas!! Or at least I hope I do.

agreed! sorry to say but those guys who repped #2 first time out or 1-2 days later piss me off, nothing personal it just gets me mad! anywho, I could close the trainer first time out but it took me 8 weeks (KTA) to close the #1, it's been 6 or 7 months now and I still can't close the #2 (can close an HG250 though) and the #2 is about this far away from closing | |, so I'm close and I'm confident I'll have it before Christmas, just keep squeezing those grippers it'll close eventually.

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I agree, the board is full of "The #2 got repped outta the package" kind of guys, that's why I like telling my story: took me about 1-2 months to close the #1 for the first time with my dominant hand. Don't be discouraged if you're very weak at start, you'll eventually catch up with the other fellas!! Or at least I hope I do.

agreed! sorry to say but those guys who repped #2 first time out or 1-2 days later piss me off, nothing personal it just gets me mad!

Yeah. I'm no asshole to people just because they are stronger but it does piss me off when they've closed shortly after they try and I'm still working on it.

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I started with the no.1, which i could only barely close. Then it took me 4 months of training before i closed the no.2.

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When I first got the #2, I could only get it down to a thumb's width. I closed the #1 (which was a beast of a #1) in june. I then closed the #2 In august. So about a month and a half of training for the #2 with the #1. But i guess you could say that it took me 4 counting from when i first got the #2.

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I was kinda looking for more normal guys approach, not guys that can close the 3 outta the box and rep it 20 times. Im only 16...

Age don't have anything to do with it bro. I was 16 when I closed the 3. Just train hard and smart (I didn't do the smart part and I'm regretting it now) and it will come :rock

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I bought the #1 off of Ironmind in August. it took me about one and a hlaf weeks to close it, i ordered the #2 the day i got the #1 because i knew i would be addicted. after i closed the #1 it took me another month and a half to close the #2. now i have the #3 and #2.5 and can almost close the #2.5. so that is 5 months of training. i'm no 'big dude' either, 5'9'' 165lbs. 19 years old (almost..haha Jan. 10th)

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I was kinda looking for more normal guys approach, not guys that can close the 3 outta the box and rep it 20 times. Im only 16...

Age don't have anything to do with it bro. I was 16 when I closed the 3. Just train hard and smart (I didn't do the smart part and I'm regretting it now) and it will come :rock

I agree. I'm 15 now and a few months ago I was 14 and I could almost close the 1. Now I'm about 1/3'' of closing a 2. But I do think age has a little to do with it when you first start because most older guys probably have a stronger grip than younger guys because of the relatively larger amount of manual labor they've done and stuff.

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Im making fast progress guys, Im only a half inch away now!

Great work! Measurable, noticeable gains are exciting. THAT is progress!

I closed my #2 two months after getting it. Now I'm a gnat's ass from getting my BBSM. Practice the MMS NOW. I just learned how to do the MMS and once I master that, I am pretty certain that will be the key to getting the BBSM.

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