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Plate Curl Question?


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So i did plate curl for the first time today, 1 ten per hand, and WOW, thats a tough excercise. I felt it mostly in my fingers and my "pinch grip" is that what that excercise is supposed to primarily work? Also, when doing one, do you do a bit of a wrist curl at that top of the movement or keep your wrist staright throughout the whole movement?

On a side not, got my COC1 today! I can barely close it right handed and am a few centimeters off left handed, I can rep the trainer~12 times per hand. :rock

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Sounds like you are on the right track with th plate curls. I feel them in my fingers, too.


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It's my understanding (and I am by NO means anything close to an expert) that you want to keep your wrist neutral throughout the movement. Hopefully someone with more experience in the lift will chime in for you. Good luck with your grip work!!


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I feel them in my fingers, too.


i also keep my wrists straight/flexed throughout the entire curl. imo, floppy wrists detract from the exercise's purpose.

also, congrats on the 1 close. no doubt you will be repping that for twelve shortly.

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I'm starting to use Plate Curls as my main pinch-grip exercise & as a form of Levering. One, because I want to get better at Plate Curls; Two, because I want to increase my wrist strength but don't want to stress my wrist too much by doing too much flexion work (e.g. hold wrist steady instead of bending it) (as with lever abduction or with Plate Wrist Curls). I think they are a really great grip/wrist exercise.

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Congrats on your nº1 close, i think that the best exercices for wrist strength are: plate wrist curls and horizontal hold of a plate (isometric exercices) cause a plate curl can be easily cheated, i have done a 45lb plate curl (very cheated) but regarding with plate wrist curl i can´t do it with a 25lb.

Hope this helps

God bless

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thanks! the 1 is alot harder than i expected. Should i still try to close it as far as a i can, or continue with my trainer until i can rep it 20 times, then switch to my 1? With the 1 i find i cant consistantly close it with my right, should i foucs more on trying my hardest to close it once, (click it) or do as far as a can go multiple times? What do you guys do when you cant rep or harder grippers?

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You can either include rep-training and single-attempts in your training, or do them sepparately.

For example, if you were to train your grippers every 2 or every 3 days or whatever, in one workout go for max reps on a gripper you can rep. The following workout, just do singles on a harder gripper, if all you can do is a single. Eventually you will find it easier to get a single on it, and you WILL be able to rep it. Shouldn't even take too long.

Browse the boards more, there are many excercises. Once you can close a gripper, even for a single, you can keep working with it by doing what people call "strapholds", which is basically this: take a strap, preferibly thin, and attach some weight to one end of it, say, 5lbs. Then, try setting the gripper in your hand, and try closing it, but put the other side of the strap BETWEEN THE END of the handles, and squeeze as hard as you can and try to lift the weight. Once you can hold the weight for, I don't know, 3 to 5 seconds, then add some more weight, and continue. Strapholds help, from my experience, I'm sure most usuers here would agree.

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is it still a "negative" if your holding the handles down as far as you can (even though they might not be touchinbg) Is that still a "negative?" Od do the handles havef to keep touching?

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is it still a "negative" if your holding the handles down as far as you can (even though they might not be touchinbg) Is that still a "negative?" Od do the handles havef to keep touching?

No they do not.

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Exactly. There is another term for what you're saying:

Overcrush: it's when you close a gripper, and even while it CLOSES, you still squeeze as hard as you can for several seconds, without letting it open...

Negative: for this, you need to use a gripper that you CAN'T close, you forced it closed with 2 hands, then you let go your off hand, and squeeze as hard as you can with the gripping hand, no matter if it opens back up a bit.

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How much are you guys plate curling? Id like to get 35 lbs someday, but im sure thats a long way off.

33lbs for reps with no cheat, 44lbs with cheat.

great work on closing that #1 dude!

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i like plate curling with 2 5kilos pinched . i just started with it so i cant do more than that yet :) but i can notice the effects of it already on my leverage

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I stand. For plate curls. I beleive thats hwo you should do them.

I got some weights 2 10's 2 5's 2 2.5's and made myself a pinch tool. I taped the 5's and 2.5 's together, and pinch the 2 tens, and the taped 2.5 and 5's together. Is that a good way of doing it?

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i usually do plate wrist curls, i feel there a great exercise..

but i decided to mix it up a little an see what i could do with my 15kg plate - this plate has a 14 3/8 inch diameter, and its marbled over, its the most slippy plate ive ever came across, an is also the biggest 15 kilo plate ive ever came across

bit of freestyle after grippers - did some seated curls, trying to get my wrist to touch my leg, but it was HARD, then i did some power curls afterwards


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i usually do plate wrist curls, i feel there a great exercise..

but i decided to mix it up a little an see what i could do with my 15kg plate - this plate has a 14 3/8 inch diameter, and its marbled over, its the most slippy plate ive ever came across, an is also the biggest 15 kilo plate ive ever came across

bit of freestyle after grippers - did some seated curls, trying to get my wrist to touch my leg, but it was HARD, then i did some power curls afterwards


I believe the hard part of a plate curl is the bottom part where you would try to touch your wrist with your leg, not the lockout. :rock

I would recommend doing them standing as your not getting a full ROM there...

Edited by Chrisx9118
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i usually do plate wrist curls, i feel there a great exercise..

but i decided to mix it up a little an see what i could do with my 15kg plate - this plate has a 14 3/8 inch diameter, and its marbled over, its the most slippy plate ive ever came across, an is also the biggest 15 kilo plate ive ever came across

bit of freestyle after grippers - did some seated curls, trying to get my wrist to touch my leg, but it was HARD, then i did some power curls afterwards


I believe the hard part of a plate curl is the bottom part where you would try to touch your wrist with your leg, not the lockout. :rock

I would recommend doing them standing as your not getting a full ROM there...

haha yeh i figured that before id ever done a plate curl, but thats not so easy with this plate

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i usually do plate wrist curls, i feel there a great exercise..

but i decided to mix it up a little an see what i could do with my 15kg plate - this plate has a 14 3/8 inch diameter, and its marbled over, its the most slippy plate ive ever came across, an is also the biggest 15 kilo plate ive ever came across

bit of freestyle after grippers - did some seated curls, trying to get my wrist to touch my leg, but it was HARD, then i did some power curls afterwards


Have you ever done it laying though? That's what I meant by having your arm on some kind of rest, but not sitting as I had said earlier. It's a bit hard to describe. It's what I usually do and it's very hard because of the strain it puts on the thumb at the top of the curl. It's a lot harder than standing and sitting plate curls.

Edited by superfeemiman
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