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Variance In G5s?


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I heard that G2 can be all over the map, but I didn't know G5s could also be like that. If you've read any of my last few bending posts you know I have been working on a few G5s I got from farmshopstore.com for like 2 months. I can finally get a decent kink but nothing too amazing. Much earlier today I got my FBBC advanced bag in the mail and after my normal workout I figure'd I'd try some bends. I got a camera ready just incase and wrapped up my new G5 from FBBC. I went full force, and it bent like a blue nail. Full bend prolly only took half a minute. I was very happy to say the least. I grabbed my new G5 at 5.5" and nailed that one too. I felt I was done but wanted to try the G5 at 5" and managed to get a nice kink, which was good enough for me at that point. So thinking I was having an unusually good day I went to try my normal G5 again, and again, just a slight kink. Has anyone else gotten anything like this before? I'm gonna try the G8 from FBBC in the next week and I'll report back if it's easier or harder that my old G5s.

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Hey can you tell me any head markings? I'm chasing the G5 too and I've got probably half a dozen different kinds. Maybe that can tell me which kind to avoid at first. BTW, I saw in one of your other posts about you're wife's less then excited response when you bend something. Man do I know how that feels. My whole family is my worst critics. Get more of a response from the people at the hardware store.


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The ones w/ diamond's aka "rhombus"'s are supposed to be the hardest I think...? Ive only seen the triangles and JH's in my town.

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The Diamond Grade 5s are the hardest I've found. And I've bent a few at this point. :tongue The Triangles are about the same as the JHs and most other Grade 5s out there. You must have the Diamonds...they are a nice stepping stone to the Grade 8 though.

Congrats on your great bends! :mosher

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See that's the thing, they are the same markings as the FBBC stuff. Both Are JH, but FBBC went down easy and my old ones are from another world. Some of the bolts from FBBC have more letters (at work, I'll check tonight) but are still JH. Thanks to all.

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I've heard that the "LE" which are the lake erie bolts are really tough made in the USA. Anyone ever try these?

I may try to find some of these diamond G5s alsoto work on.


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real shiney ones bend easy also yellow tinted ones bend easy zink coated are hard also dull silver ones are hard and the hardest i have found are the black bolts that some times snap but they are like you said all different good luck

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head markings and properties

Check out this chart that shows all the head markings and fasteners. Could come in useful.


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I have just had the diamond type threads break on me similar to Bens screwdriver break, a very close call. I was wrapped about 1.25 from the ends DO.

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Anybody know where to get the diamond grade 5s. Since I replied to this post last, I bought some new leather and made thicker wraps and killed a few grade 5s. Couple different brands but no diamonds. I think the black JH bolts are the hardest I've done.

Gerry, I really liked that chart too. Learned alot, for instance a 307a is not the same as a grade 2. Very very close but catagorically different.


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I got some from McMaster a while back. Defineately a harder Grd 5 and BTW I had one pop/break right at the threads as soon as I powered into it DO. Got away with just a small blood blister on my thumb.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone else have any more recent sources for the diamond G5 bolts? I don't want to order some only to get the same that I already have such as the JH bolts.


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I've got a few 5" bolts from FBBC that says "FNL - JH" on the head, and they were pretty hard (well, that 5" got 3/4" off-center, so go figure :) )

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