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1st Session On The Ironmind Nails Today!


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I was bust up today, but the ironmind nails arrived so i had to at least bend a few of them! i did 1 white, 2 greens, and 2 yellows - http://youtube.com/watch?v=-cMLWZ8WUlM

i think i probably tried every different style there is trying to get the first yellow done, tried bending it around my knee, over under grip, tried it without the blue stuff (resulting in blood), even for some reason tried to bend it around my shin/ankle (more blood!) - after a good few minutes of it barely moving, i went back to under the chin method, an i think i was doing something wrong first time cuss it went pretty easy, ending up doing a 2nd

Got a few questions - how much do they have to be bent to be a success? are there any rules to bending? or is it just get it done however you can? and how much is a yellow compared to a red? (a rough percentage is what im looking for)

Thanks in advance!


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They're saying you should get a U-shape.

For me thats like a 2" outer legs rule, that gives you a nice U.

Not too difficult with longer bars and IM Pads.

Red is approx 70% above a Red, I would guess.

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They're saying you should get a U-shape.

For me thats like a 2" outer legs rule, that gives you a nice U.

Not too difficult with longer bars and IM Pads.

Red is approx 70% above a Red, I would guess.

u shape..i got sorta between v and u, but are you saying 2in between the ends?

dont know what you meant to say with the last sentence? i think your saying yellow is either 70% or 30% of a red..??

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Here are IM's rules.

Like Franky said, the "U" shape rule is pretty vague. Just put the ends below 2" and you'll be fine.


article is loading up - just to be 100% clear on those rules, the nail cannot touch anything but hands (those methods didnt work anyway!), but are your hands allowed to touch your body?

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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

so it would be like trying to bend 3 yellows at the same time?

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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

so it would be like trying to bend 3 yellows at the same time?

No but it is close to two Yellows, literally. The Red is SO much harder than the Yellow that is is sick. Once you are strong enough to bend a Red, the Yellow isn't even strong enough for a warm up; you can bend one in literally as fast as you can move your hands if you can get a Red.

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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

so it would be like trying to bend 3 yellows at the same time?

I would take that as meaning it would be like bending 1.7 Yellows at the same time.

Maybe Eric's calibration would be helpful to you: http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=10343.

Look at the poundages to compare:

3/16" ROUND by 7"=105

3/16" ROUND by 5"=195

1/4" ROUND by 7"=240

1/4" ROUND by 6"=305

5/16" ROUND by 7"=440

Your hands can touch your body to help stabilize your wrists. It's a good safety precaution. I just think that you can't brace against your body in a way that adds leverage. Maybe like putting an elbow against your thigh. Watch all those BBB videos. Those guys are some of the best benders out there.

Edited by Cannon
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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

so it would be like trying to bend 3 yellows at the same time?

No but it is close to two Yellows, literally. The Red is SO much harder than the Yellow that is is sick. Once you are strong enough to bend a Red, the Yellow isn't even strong enough for a warm up; you can bend one in literally as fast as you can move your hands if you can get a Red.

so its like 55% or something? what about a blue, is that anywhere close to a red?

im asking as theres only 3 reds here (why only 3???), an the cert has to be done in under 1 minute, so i dont want to even attempt 1 before im certain i can do it - do i combine blue an white or green before i attempt red?

Edited by viper
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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

so it would be like trying to bend 3 yellows at the same time?

I would take that as meaning it would be like bending 1.7 Yellows at the same time.

Maybe Eric's calibration would be helpful to you: http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=10343.

Look at the poundages to compare:

3/16" ROUND by 7"=105

3/16" ROUND by 5"=195

1/4" ROUND by 7"=240

1/4" ROUND by 6"=305

5/16" ROUND by 7"=440

Your hands can touch your body to help stabilize your wrists. It's a good safety precaution. I just think that you can't brace against your body in a way that adds leverage. Maybe like putting an elbow against your thigh. Watch all those BBB videos. Those guys are some of the best benders out there.

yeh im checking out vids (should have done that before i did em!)

white = 105lbs

green = 195lbs

yellow = 240lbs

blue = 305lbs

red = 440lbs

i think thats what your saying?

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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

so it would be like trying to bend 3 yellows at the same time?

No but it is close to two Yellows, literally. The Red is SO much harder than the Yellow that is is sick. Once you are strong enough to bend a Red, the Yellow isn't even strong enough for a warm up; you can bend one in literally as fast as you can move your hands if you can get a Red.

so its like 55% or something? what about a blue, is that anywhere close to a red?

im asking as theres only 3 reds here (why only 3???), an the cert has to be done in under 1 minute, so i dont want to even attempt 1 before im certainly i can do it - do i combine blue an white or green before i attempt red?

A Blue isn't really close either. Maybe a 5" Blue is closer if you have decent 7"bar form. A Blue is 6" normally. I think most of us who have done a red or above used other stuff to supplement the IM stuff to get from the blue to the red. The most common things are 60d nails, then 6"gr5 bolt, then 5.5"gr5 bolt, then 6"gr8 bolt, and at that point The red is next at bat. Also the Jump from 60d nails to a 6"gr5 bolt is still fairly large but this progression is better than straight from a blue to a red. Most hardware stores should have at least some of these things. If you want to go that route and can't find them anywhere let me know, I would be happy to send you a couple.

- Aaron

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I meant 2" between the outside of the legs, 2" between the inside (the common rule) is more a 'V'-shape.

Red is ~70% harder than a Yellow (not than a Red of course, I seem to be retarted after the long trips I made) :D

so it would be like trying to bend 3 yellows at the same time?

Since Franky can bend two blues at the same time I asked him how hard it is he said about a six inch red. the blue nail is also six inch. So logically two yellow nail will equal a red nail (7").

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Makes sense yes.

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The most common things are 60d nails, then 6"gr5 bolt, then 5.5"gr5 bolt, then 6"gr8 bolt, and at that point The red is next at bat.

Aaron, are those 1/4" bolts or 5/16" bolts or..?

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1/4" are those bolts.

5/16" G5 is a thing I'm still dreaming of. :whacked

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Also, maybe I'm just not good at looking, but I've never found a list of the Bastard certs and the corresponding stock. There seems to be a partial list at the end of Greg and Dave's article. Also, where are the Bastard cert rules posted..? Does FBBC keep a list of the people who have certified, or is there just the Top 50 list?

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Also, maybe I'm just not good at looking, but I've never found a list of the Bastard certs and the corresponding stock. There seems to be a partial list at the end of Greg and Dave's article. Also, where are the Bastard cert rules posted..? Does FBBC keep a list of the people who have certified, or is there just the Top 50 list?

All of that stuff is on the FBBC site. You may have to hunt around abit though. List of people who have certed are in the kings of steel link from the benders bags page. Also you can determine the names/corresponding size by looking at the cert list.

- Aaron

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Also, maybe I'm just not good at looking, but I've never found a list of the Bastard certs and the corresponding stock. There seems to be a partial list at the end of Greg and Dave's article. Also, where are the Bastard cert rules posted..? Does FBBC keep a list of the people who have certified, or is there just the Top 50 list?

FBBC certs

On this page you'll also find a form for the rules.

Those are basically the same as the GB rules but you've 5 mins for the total bend (instead of 2).

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ok, thanks a bunch guys, think ive got the info i need

white - 24% of red

green - 44.5% of red

yellow - 54.5% of red

blue - 69.5% of red

ill have a look for those others, but i think getting to the blue will be easy for me, maybe a fresh me an a few yellows for technique work will be all it'l take (hopefully) - at that point i guess i could just improve speed on the blue an then tape a couple of greens together an work with those, thats 89% of a red

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No, two greens are still nowhere near a Red.

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Yeah, you can't really go by numbers all the time. I can bend 2 greens together without much trouble (alittle on the crushdown) but I can't bend a G5 yet.

And Acorn, I'm glad you said the jump from 60Ds to G5s was a big one. I thought I was going crazy. I did a couple 60Ds last week without any trouble at all but have been working on G5s for the last 4 sessions and can only muster a decent kink at best.

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Yeah its pretty big for most people. It was for me. I had a guy come over and try some bending a couple weeks ago and he got a 5.5Gr5 on his first day. Dammit. Of course that was with a bit of help on technique. If your getting a decent kink your close. One day soon it will just melt and you will be suprised how easy it went.

- Aaron

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If I may offer a couple of words for the people here who have done 60ds and 1/4 CRS but are chasing a G5 (like myself).

First, don't underestimate the variety of 60d nails and the progression possibilities they offer. I have 5 different brands of 60d nails and since I've done most of the stuff in the 200 to 300lb range on Eric's calibration chart I feel very confident that my numbers will be close. My first nails aren't as hard as a HKT G2 bolt. Probably would calibrate at 230 to 240. Second ones are probably right at 270 and the next would be 290 to 300. Next I've got the keystones he lists at 310 and I've got some shiny ones that bridge the gap nicely to the G5 level. They might calibrate close to the 350 mark. Also some G5s are easier than others. I've got some of the black ones and I don't even try those yet.

I just got the super-tough 60ds this weekend and man it felt good. They produced a pretty sharp bend when completed. So shop around for other 60d nails. Also, it would stink to brag about being able to bend a 60d and someone hands you a tougher one that what you've bent before. BTW, the diminsions on all these nails are identical.

Timber ties are the same way. I've got some spiral grip rites that bend like butter I've got some from home depot that are just about right probably 180 to 190lbs and I've got another box of grip rites that appear to be identical but are a bear to bend and usually break around 90 degrees.

Shop around!


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