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Hung In At The G G C


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Came in dead last but hey someones gotta be last lol....this was the first time that I have ever tried most of these events....untill today at the contest I had never touched a vbar....euro pinch.....blob....or a rolling thunder....I severly sucked at the euro pinch and on the rolling thunder......I kinda impressed myself on the vbar as I nailed 275 with both hands and had 300 up with the left hand but it slipped as I cleared the 2 inch mark and and so It didnt count....I feel that I could break the 300 barrier if I hadnt started so low in the event....the rolling thunder however I didnt even get off the ground as I was very tired and wore out my forearms were on fire.......the euro pinch I brought 150 up but couldnt get 170 I need alot of work in the pinch and rolling thunder but now I have an idea of what I really need to work on....the blob medley wasnt so great for me either....I loaded and unloaded all up to the 40 but I did get the 40 on the platform I just couldnt unload it by the face....but all in all I had a good time....loved to hear the crowd cheer for the weakling lol but it was a blast....at least I got to see the world record vbar lift and got it on video....Chad Your a Beast!!! It was nice meeting all and Thanks to the DIESEL CREW for putting it all together and thanks to Mr. Sorin for letting us have at all your toys!!!

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Troy, you came in dead last......against a group of seriously strong mofos. You're lucky I couldn't make it, I would have stolen the coveted "dead-freakin'-last" spot from you. You're V-bar is still real good. What gripper did you hit? That must have been hard if the grippers weren't first, with CCS and all.

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Fantastic work Troy! You are a very strong guy already. In a year the placings won't be the same buddy. :rock

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Troy, those are some excellent lifts for your first contest. Shoot, they'd be excellent lifts in most contests. You were up against a very strong group of guys, some of the best in the world.

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troy, do not feel bad about your performance. By the end of the pinch and v-bar you dramatically improved your technique and now you know what to expect for your next contest. I am glad you came out. It is great to see new guys coming in and getting the experience. Now it's time to rest!


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Troy...it was great meeting you bro and let me tell you...you had a hell of a competion. You learned a lot and you pulled some very strong lifts for your first comp. Way to go Big Man :rock

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Great job, Troy. I was the dead-laster last year, and only missed this year because we had our local strongman contest the same weekend. No one in the strength and grip field can afford to sit on their laurels anymore. The young guys who are coming up through the ranks are just going to continue to bust records wide-open again and again. In our local strongman contest my personal favorite was a skinny high-schooler (16 or 17 years old, I believe) who weighs 154# soaking wet. After a few minutes of coaching he loaded a 175# stone and was darned close on the 195#. He did the farmer's walk with 190# in each hand for 75'. He flipped a 488# tire, and even gave the 185# axle clean and jerk a huge effort. Pound-for-pound he was about the strongest guy there, and some of his high-school friends gave every man there unbelievable competition. (we really lucked out having a strong interest among the young kids this year) Keep up the good work and never look back- I'll bet next year you will even do better. Get someone to weld you up a 1" v-bar, and a 2" loading pin and work 'em hard.

John Scribner

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gripper did you hit? That must have been hard if the grippers weren't first, with CCS and all.

The grippers were the first event...I came very close to nailing the #3...but close didnt count lol so I grabbed the super master and no set it......tried the #2 with the left hand an almost got it...had to settle for the master...but now I have something to set my goals at...thanks for all the kind words everyone.

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Nice job Troy :mosher I like those v-bar numbers.

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Troy, You have the heart of a lion. Yesterday you came out to compete against a bunch of strong guys, in events you have never attempeted and you never once gave up. from event to event you grew as an athlete, Great job bro! It was a honor to meet you and to compete with ya. hope to hear more from ya!!! :rock

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You did great, and I had a blast yelling at the top of my lungs for you!!!!!


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Once again, Troy, way to stick with it. Your form on the pinch from your first attempt to your last was night and day. It improved that much. That's the huge thing about these contests, you learn so much. You know what to go home and plug away on now, and come back next year with both guns blazing.

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Troy - you have strength, buddy, you just need some skills on the actual events - be a lot different next year. Really good to meet and hang out with you!

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Thanks guys it means alot....and I guess in a way I underestimated alot of the stuff you guys do....all the pics and vids do nothing for such lifts as the blob and then inch DB...when I got to actually lay my hands on such things and then watching someone like Jedd and Chad just throw those things around like nothing that made one heck of a difference....I now have 300% more motivation to train harder!! I will put up a better fight at the next GGC I promise!!

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