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Curl Mania Ii At The Power Palace


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Strict Curl

'Heavy' Hammer Curl

'Apollons Axle' Reverse Curl

'Just Get It Up' Cheat Curl

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Looks very cool! Any guesses how high the AA reverse curl (pounds) will go?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks very cool! Any guesses how high the AA reverse curl (pounds) will go?

I will be at the contest and I did a very sloppy 157lbs AA reverse curl last week in training.

Ronnie will you be there, and will you be lifting.

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I'd say so! It'd be kinda cool to see what some of the top guys do as "record curl" topics frequently come up on the net and it be nice to have a reference point. Is there a link the rules as I'd like to adjust my training/form?

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I'd say so! It'd be kinda cool to see what some of the top guys do as "record curl" topics frequently come up on the net and it be nice to have a reference point. Is there a link the rules as I'd like to adjust my training/form?

The strict curl rules apply to the reverse curl on the AA in Kevin's contest. Head, shoulders, and ass must stay on the wall. Your hells must be within 18" on the wall, and your knees can't stick out past your ankles. You cannot drop under the bar like in a snatch or a cling. You are aloud to squat down quite a bit ( as long a your heels are within 18" of the wall and your knees are not out past our ankles) witch can make the range of motion about 1/2 to 3/4 of a full curl.

The 157 reverse would not have pass with good judges, I and quite certain that my hear came off the wall. Like I said sloppy but strong.

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STRONG ha your ass is going down. Ill get that 157 CLEAN and raise you 2 1/2 lbs. little boy... :rock:flame:rock:trout

Oh, and ahh ill see you tonight. Bye

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Another thing that makes a big difference is where the elbows are placed. Are they supposed to stay at your sides or do you allow them to drift out? Ive seen old time contests where they placed a belt around the arms to keep them at thier sides.

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STRONG ha your ass is going down. Ill get that 157 CLEAN and raise you 2 1/2 lbs. little boy... :rock:flame:rock:trout

Oh, and ahh ill see you tonight. Bye

Keep talking just because I have bum bicep doesn't mean you can talk smack and get away with it.

Just remember it was me that got the 157 not you and you tried it twice.

We'll see who gets the best lifter. :flame:trout

I'll see you in training tomorrow.

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Well if cheating was allowed then we ALL would get it now, wouldnt we. :flame

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How high of numbers are expected in the strict curl?

I hit 165lbs in the last contest and big mouth Thor hit 142.5lbs in the same contest.

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Hey i was very proud of my measly 142.5, I did set an american record you know :shifty;):shifty

Ha I just have to make sure that i can make weight so i can try to break my own record :whacked

Edited by THOR
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Had a real good time at the Curl Mania didn't compete

But I learned alot for next time. I can at least know what to train for

What really impresses me was the cheat curl Fatboy got 225 on his 4th attempt

breaking his record of 220 Thor got 195 the boys from Lancaster really put

on a good show as did the rest of the competitors

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