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Ggc Predictions?

Bob Lipinski

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I am rooting for Dave Thorton, my buddy. It will be close though.

World records in the pinch by Chad or Jedd? In the vbar by Jedd or Dave?

The blobs will be fun. Jedd is good, as I imagine Chad is. I've seen Dave clean blobs that many other blob lifters can't break from the ground, though.

Small hands I say Tommy, though I'm rooting for my buddy Chris! Tommy will close an Elite, maybe better but I think it would be tough.

Good luck to everyone. A busy summer, or I would have been there.

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I see Thornton pulling 400 plus on the v-bar.


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Is there an updated competitor list? Any suprise competitors from Ironmind or Sorinex? I think it would be awesome if Ironmind got Magnus or one of the Holle brothers over here. I bet Sorin brings a lot of strong guys through his gym.

Based on what I've seen so far, it looks like it's going to be a battle between Chad, Jedd, and Dave Thorton for 1st.

In small hand, I know Tommy is the favorite, but there are a lot of guys that will be right on his tail, waiting for a mistake. Chris has done a lot of contests over the last year and knows how to choose the right weights. Anson and Scott both have had access to the equipment for practice. I think it will be a close race.

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I'll wait until I see the contestant list - then start guessing. I haven't talked to anyone lately to see how training is going - chat is silent right now - last year we had a lot of fun talking trash - I miss it.

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- last year we had a lot of fun talking trash - I miss it.

Yep, it's too bad I didn't enter. There would have been much more trash talking! :laugh

This year all I can do is cross my fingers that someone lifts 380 with both hands on the Vbar, as I have a gripper from a bet with Mikael riding on that one. We both have been astonishingly quiet on that subject. I was giving him 7:3 odds on winning, but I think it is "even money" now.


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This will be a great contest :rock 2 Weeks till game time...everyone start bringing all their lifts to a close and rest up so that there will be a lot of PR's hopefully for everyone :rock

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I have not trained for a almost a month now due to a back injury so I appear to be VERY well rested at this point. What I am not is well trained - I look forward to the chance to be beaten by any and all including small children and beautiful women. I have recently closed a COC Trainer with my right hand and the Sport left handed with a close it with both hands and quickly show it to the judge technique. I can 2 hand pinch 2-10# plates with a 2 1/2 on each side for a fourth attempt. My v-bar is up - I can now do my solid v-bar instead of the hollow one, but I can do it with both hands (at once usually). I have done a 10# hex blob by the top and a 5# by the face to a 2.01111213" high platform. I do my Rolling Thunder for 67 reps in 60 seconds with 14# - oh darn - I just caught that other zero in there - never mind :inno . The back injury and lack of training is real - the rest is I hope just a story. Are there any other geezers coming or am I all my myself here with all these younguns? This is suppsed to be fun - I think everybody died out there, what's going on?

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Must be learning to respect their elders :yikes .

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I have been hovering around the same numbers on the v-bar for a while. Grippers have been stagnant - feels like I have some kind of tendonitis in both palms right where the nail digs into my hand when I bend. No more bending or tearing until GGC.


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In general we tend to underestimate the difficulties getting it all together on the day with only four lifts. In the vbar there were talks about Jim Wylie having a go at 200k in CoC 2005 competition. Well he even missed the first one on 172k. Same with previous GGC competitions. I thought Martin would pinch 110k at the last LGC and he got 102. Hell I thought I would pull closer to a 330k vbar total at the 2006 Oz competition and I got 319 after failing twice on 167k.

Once on the platform it is often not as easy as we would like it to be.

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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My predictions are that everyone will have a great time.

Thanks to all the competitors for signing up and a big thanks to Richard Sorin for providing the Sorinex compound for the event and to all of our great sponsors!



APT Wrist Straps

Be-More Training

STRONG! Magazine

and more to come...

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The big hands division is going to be one heck of a dog fight. Jedd, Dave, and Chad all have what it takes, and none have very many weaknesses to exploit. Whoever wins that division will definitely have to bring their "A" game.

I of course think Tommy will do very well in the small hands division. It'll be pretty tight from there on out though.

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Looks like it should be a great time, and I am sure everyone will hit prs. :mosher

I am still waiting for Monkey Paws Vigeant to come back out and play. I would like to see a contest with Monkey Paws, Big Steve McGranahan, Dave Morton, Jedd, Clay, + The guys I dont know like Chad and the other freaks, Horne, etc.

If anyone can ever get that organized, we will then surely have a champion of champions.


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The Geezer Guess

I can only go with the few I know something about - no doubt there will be some people show up that are wicked strong that I don't know about yet. I don't even know what hand size some of these guys are in and Smitty won't give us a contestant list so here's my predictions based on who I know.

Large hands

Grippers - Elite - #3

2 H Pinch - 220-230

V-bar - 375

Blobs - all ten

Rolling Thunder - 25

Small hands

Grippers - Elite - BBSM

2 H Pinch - 210 - 220

V-bar - 350 - rumors have some big v-bars coming out of NC

Blobs - 7 -8 - I just don't know here - hand size is funny - it's more about spread than length

Rolling Thunder - 30

Large hands - this one is just too close to call - it depends on who's on that day - I've tried comparing them everyway I can and it just goes back and forth at the end.

Small hands - Tommy - Jonathon and Scott very close for 2nd and 3rd - followed closely by Anson

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this field is going to be close. Chad, Jed, and Dave are favs in the large hand, way to close to call. It will come down to errors I think.

RT will be a major points event for the small hand. It might be the only event that someone will get 10 points.

Tommy is in secret training again, only hearing crickets from that corner. He will make a very strong showing. even with a few mistakes, i think he will be tough to beat.

Old man Rice is my fav , He is truely a great competitor all around, but I ain't going to give in to easy for him. :tongue

Sorin has a few guys - Burt, meatball, and Cyborg(I hope his mom did not name him that :cool ). Can't wait to see them perform.

Overall It will be a great contest, get together and we only have 11 days to go!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm predicting a repeat by Jedd but like the others said, him, Chad, and Dave are all so close that it will probably come down to who makes the fewest errors and/or who brings their A game.

If you eliminate blobs by the face points and compare LH RT reps to SM RT reps, I think Tommy will finish in the top 3 overall.

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