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Michigan Grip Invitational

Bob Lipinski

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Date: July 29

Time: 11:00 am, rules meeting 10:30

Place: Don Larkin's Gym- 54019 Wilbur Rd., Three Rivers, MI.


1. Grippers- Parallel set. Right and left hand. Contestant will do right hand, then with minimal rest left hand. 4 attempts. Scoring: HG100, 100, HG150, 209, HG250, 325, Hard #2, 403, Narrow SM, 477, Narrow GM, 565, HG300, 601, Easy 3, 627, Hard 3, 648, PDA190, 671, Elite , 694, Super Heavy Duty, 741, RB300 ,800, 4, 850.

2. 2 handed plate pinch. Euro device, euro rules. 4 attempts. Scoring: 260 lb = 900 pt; 234 lb = 800 pt, and so on down to 52 lb = 100 points.

3. V-bar. Euro device, euro rules. Contestant will do one hand, then with minimal rest do the other hand, weight changes between hands allowed of course. 4 attempts. Scoring: Using pounds total for both hands let 750 lb = 900 pt; 675 l b = 800 pt; 600 lb = 700 pt; 525 lb = 600 pt; 450 lb = 500 pt; 375 lb = 400 pt; 300 lb = 300 pt; 225 lb = 200 pt; and 150 lb = 100 pt. You can see that every 75 lb lifted over the 150 lb mark= 100 points.

4. Sledge hammer. Arm on platform, may not raise upper or lower arms completely from platform. Hammer must be lowered past the plane of the head. Contestant will do one hand, then with minimal rest do the other hand, weight changes between hands allowed of course. 4 attempts. 100 pt. = 4.4 lb and 900 pt. = 22 lb. So every 2.2 lb (roughly a kilogram would gain 100 points. So 19.8 lb = 800 pt. Final will be the average between both hands.

5. Double overhand axle deadlift. 3 attempts. No sumo allowed. Scoring: 200 pt 140 lb, 300 pt 185 lb, 400 pt. 230 lb, 500 pt. 275 lb, 600 pt. 320 lb, 700 pt. 365 lb,

800 pt. 410 lb, 900 pt. 455 lb

For event rules not specified, see http://powerandbulk.com/ushandstrength

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Looks like a very nice contest! :rock

Who will be invited?

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Awesome stuff Bob. Good work.


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Though I am out of grip right now and not even contemplating a come back yet, if I did, this is the kind of contest I would do. I like that you have included some strength events like the axle deadlift, I have always enjoyed contests that not only test the hands but the body as well.

Hope you have a good turn out!


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This looks like it's going to be an awesome contest. I'm definitely planning to make it out. I like the fact that both hands are being contested. Couple questions:

1. Is this the event sequence? V-bar is rough on the hands and leads to skin loss. I'd hate to see guys losing skin then bombing the events that follow because of it.

2. The gap between the HG150 and HG250 grippers is pretty wide for guys that might not be at the #2 level with their left hand. What happend to your HG200? Want someone to bring a #1?

3. What's the minimum weight that's going to be done on the Euro setup vs. the 2 45s setup? I think at the last contest is was 125lbs?

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This looks like it's going to be an awesome contest. I'm definitely planning to make it out. I like the fact that both hands are being contested. Couple questions:

1. Is this the event sequence? V-bar is rough on the hands and leads to skin loss. I'd hate to see guys losing skin then bombing the events that follow because of it.

2. The gap between the HG150 and HG250 grippers is pretty wide for guys that might not be at the #2 level with their left hand. What happend to your HG200? Want someone to bring a #1?

3. What's the minimum weight that's going to be done on the Euro setup vs. the 2 45s setup? I think at the last contest is was 125lbs?

Regarding the order of event I think Bob wants it to follow the European/Australian competitions so there is no questionmark if someone breaks a WR in vbar for example. It is easier pull a heavy weight in vbar if you don't first have to max out in both grippers and pinch. Likewise it would be harder if you placed vbar last and make it less likely that any of the two vbar WR's would fall.

Regarding skin loss in vbar, Nick McKinless had a minor tear of a callus in this years Oz championship. The other four competitors, myself included, did no damage to the skin. I made a total of three attempt at about 370 lbs and had no problems. I think most problems with calluses being ripped off in competition are derived from poor protection during training of the skin in the weeks leading up to the competition.

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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Everyone is invited!

2 changes-

Sumo style will be allowed in deadlift.

And Scott, you pointed out one mistake- The first two grippers should be HG150 and HG200. No need for a #1 unless I can test it out really good beforehand, because the HG200, if I remember right, was just as hard as a #1 I was going to bring.

Also, I am doing the events in the order specified, and for the reason Mikael stated.

We'll see about the Euro setup Scott! Right now, the plan is 110 for the Euro setup, we'll see though it depends on how many plates I weight out. Right now I am considering just buying some extra plates and weighing myself to get it over with. Also, I was considering have two vbar setups, with the LGC starting at 275. We'll see though.

Glad you guys like it! Should be fun, with a few guys chasing world records in the vbars. Dave Thorton and Ryan Klein have done over 370 in training, and Brian Admunsen, on his first shot at the LGC vbar did an easy 330. Dave did 210 I believe on the Euro pinch, and both Brian and Ryan have been training hard on breaking a 400 axle deadlift.

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Event order makes sense then.

The HG200 at the last contest was about the same as a #1. I doubt there is a need for a #1.

To me personally, the non-Euro impliments are just as good for the guys at the bottom end of the weights. I'm in favor of just about anything that makes the contest run faster. With both hands being contested for each event, that's a lot of loading / unloading that can be avoided.

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Also 400 on the axle dead is going to be hard to hit at the end of the contest.

Michigan Grip champs 3 I only did 330 on the axle even though 350 should have gone. The pinch attempts right before it tore my hands up resulting in less weight on the axle dead.

Edited by Incindium
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Somebody asked Jesse! I figure why not, we can allow sumo. I'll do conventional though, and maybe insist the for record attempts to be counted, they must be done conventional.

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I like the looks of the contest, Ill be there for sure. I also really like that both hands are being contested, despite the fact that my left hand is pathetically weak! :(

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I am curious why you feel sumo is wrong? It's valid for other forms of DL (powerlifting) - and I can't see any greater chance to pin the bar or hands against the legs one way or the other. I'm going to have to disagree with this decision at least until a good reason is given.

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Tell you what, if it becomes an issue, I will open a topic on the contest section here and we will decide it. If someone at the contest does sumo and breaks a record, I will let the competitors decide, for the purpose of my list.

I mentioned that records should be done conventional because I knew some people had a problem with it. I believe we can get through this without a problem.

But again, for my contest sumo will be legal. I think we can decide any necessary record questions together afterwards.

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i knew this was coming, which is understandable. yes powerlifting allows it but does strongman? not that i have seen. i would say grip is related more to strongman then to powerlifting. grip is seperate from powerlifting and strongman so it doesn't really matter anyway what their rules are.

sumo obviously shortens the stroke. the d.o. deadlift is supposed to test grip. most peoples d.o. axle is way below their max deadlift anyway, so switching styles should not hurt. some guys that deadlift sumo have really short strokes which i think takes away from making the lift impressive. i think doing sumo when you are fully capable of doing conventional is like putting the bar on boxes to shorten the stroke. i just don't see the point to it.

a true deadlift is arms outside the legs. that is my opinion.

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I agree, sumo makes the length lifted much shorter, making the lift eaiser. Right now my best 2" DO is 290lbs from a rack with around an 8" range of movement. My best full DL conventional style is 250lbs. I am almost positive I could get a least 275lbs using sumo. I will try it out though on wednesday or thursday depending on my work schedule.

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Sumo - 29" up from floor

Conv - 32"

Empty bar just to measure - so 3" difference for me. Probably still to Bob's waist :inno

Regular bar max DL - conv - 365# - sumo - 385#

Axle DL - best ever - 375# - done sumo style

Best ever Axle rack pull - 400# - picked up maybe 3"

I may be an exception - but mostly I just have a weak back.

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What about guys with back injuries. Sumo is usually a lot easier on the low back.

Who cares if it shortens the stroke, setting a gripper does the same thing. Everyone is always looking for an edge, that is what makes it a competition.

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Sumo and Conventional are two seperate types of lifts... IMO the event should be a conventional DO axle dead event. Not a conventional or sumo dead event... thats mixing two different lifts into 1 event.

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I thought we were testing 2" DO GRIP STRENGTH - what does conventional or sumo have to do with it?

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Sumo or convevtional the idea of a OD axel DL is are you able to hold on to it. I have done it both ways and it is not going to make much of a difference if any.

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I lift sumo and Do on all deadlifts axle or oly bar I do it because it's comfortable and my axle DL isn't much different than my oly weight wise. If you think it's less impressive can you do alot more when you do sumo or is it just the reasoning on the heighth?The sumo doesn't change my axle lift any from conv.

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Stew, i have done 403 conventional, i have not done sumo for the reasons i stated earlier.

"Everyone is always looking for an edge" that is why powerlifing is what it is today. need standards

Chris your axle is awesome. i could see why you would have a problem switching to conventional. i have no problem with anyone doing sumo at this meet. it is too close to the meet to say conventional only.

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