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Card Tearing


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Im currently working up to tearing a full deck, just wanna know how hard this is? is there loads of people that can do it or is it a world class feat?


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Depends on the cards, but I wouldn't call it world class. It is definetely a difficult feat, one I'm sure I can't do as of yet, but I think closer to two decks would be world-class.

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Not even close to world class. It's a standard of strength, like the #3 is. A good milestone for anyone though. It's something that is doable by anyone who is willing to work for it.

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Not even close to world class. It's a standard of strength, like the #3 is. A good milestone for anyone though. It's something that is doable by anyone who is willing to work for it.

thanks very much

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I'd say that when you can do 2 decks at once is world class, and if you can notch a deck, that is world class too.

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Judging a feat as world class is a futile test which has been debated on this board more times than I care to remember.

When it comes to card tearing there are so many different types of cards and ways to tear 'em you shouldn't bother worring wether or not how hard it is. Do you research, practice, and improve.


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I'd say that when you can do 2 decks at once is world class, and if you can notch a deck, that is world class too.

whats notch?

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Notching is tearing a chunk out of one side.

The difficulty for tearing a deck depends massively on the deck. There's a ranking of different decks in this topic:


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Notching is tearing a chunk out of one side.

The difficulty for tearing a deck depends massively on the deck. There's a ranking of different decks in this topic:


dont really know what you mean by tearing a chunk out

humm..well im not made of money so ill just aim for 2 decks with cheaper cards - im buying 'made in china' decks

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The Made in China ones are pretty easy. Dollar Tree also has "Poker Size" cards which are the same price but a lot harder. See the deck on the left:


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The Made in China ones are pretty easy. Dollar Tree also has "Poker Size" cards which are the same price but a lot harder. See the deck on the left:


the packet on the ones i have is not like that, its blue and white - i live in england so they may be different

i dont find these made in china ones easy - they bend too much, its hard to make them solid enough to actually create the force to tear, slippy too

probably just weak though, first time doing them today

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i tryd my hand at card tearing just now.

did loads of warm ups using a few cards, tearing them in half, then into quaters.

without even realising it i went through 2 decks really quickly.

so much so i didnt have any cards left, so i hunted through the half torn cards to find 3 lots of 20.

so far my record is 20 half cards torn into quaters, x3.

resting one end on my gut and pinch grip tearing them ( double overhand ).

these wernt cheap cards either, they was coated in a thin plastic.

im pleased at my first attempt to tear cards.

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Practiced this a bit quite a while ago and worked up to a PR 44 (dollar store) cards. Hadn't torn in many months but decided to try a stack of 45 recently and got them pretty quick with an easy start and a bit of a struggle on the finish. Full deck is definately impressive but not world class.

With focused training, should be a quite a bit easier than closing a #3 (which I've trained hard for and still fell a bit short). A hard deck might be in the ballpark of closing a #3 in terms of difficulty (not to mean that the feats are interchangebile in terms of training).

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I have been tearing decks for years. Some are harder than others, and some are damn near impossible, due to the construction (mostly plastic) of the cards. I bought a case of relatively easy cards that were cheap at 50 cents a pack. After a few beers, my friends would bet that no one in the bar, club, house, party, whatever, could tear them. A 20 dollar bet, never lost. Never lost because most people would never try. Believe it or not, some young kid (17 years old) actually tore through a deck one night at a family party I was attending. I couldn't believe it! I gave him the 20 bucks. He took about 5 or 6 min to get through them, and I do it in about 3 seconds, but I didn't put a time limit on the bet so I paid him, or my friend paid him. Had to bring out the phone books after that. Check out my youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/BIGSTEW123

The thing about the cards you have to remember is squeeze really really hard BEFORE you start to try to tear them.

Good luck with it.

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I have been tearing decks for years. Some are harder than others, and some are damn near impossible, due to the construction (mostly plastic) of the cards. I bought a case of relatively easy cards that were cheap at 50 cents a pack. After a few beers, my friends would bet that no one in the bar, club, house, party, whatever, could tear them. A 20 dollar bet, never lost. Never lost because most people would never try. Believe it or not, some young kid (17 years old) actually tore through a deck one night at a family party I was attending. I couldn't believe it! I gave him the 20 bucks. He took about 5 or 6 min to get through them, and I do it in about 3 seconds, but I didn't put a time limit on the bet so I paid him, or my friend paid him. Had to bring out the phone books after that. Check out my youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/BIGSTEW123

The thing about the cards you have to remember is squeeze really really hard BEFORE you start to try to tear them.

Good luck with it.


thanks for the tip

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The hardest time I had was tearing a pack of Bicycle cards still in the box with the wrapper, it took about 2 1/2 minutes, anybody tried that ? I did it overhand style per the pics that I think are still in the gallery somewhere

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I would say it is not world class to tear a deck because I can tear a deck of bicycles. :D

I did however practice quite a bit using the Gold Crown 2 for $1 cheapos from Wal-Mart. After that I think it was more a mental block than a physical one getting through the Bicycles because I had it in my mind I couldn't do it. But one day I did and it was easy and I wondered why before I thought I couldn't.

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