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So Close


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On Wednesday (my birthday) I was bound and determined to close my HG250.

I got within a hair's width a few times and after a dozen or so attempts put the gripper down to go out and celebrate the day with 2 other friends who share my birthday.

One of my friends showed up with his brand spankin new #2. I, of course, attacked it. Hair's width again. I think I probably gave it 6-8 tries.

I can't help but think that I might have gotten it had I not made all of the attempts on the 250... Any thoughts?

I am going to try the #2 again on Saturday when I'm fresh and see what happens.

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if you can try bench pressing or squatting before you attempt it. i bet you will get it after that.

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On Wednesday (my birthday) I was bound and determined to close my HG250.

I got within a hair's width a few times and after a dozen or so attempts put the gripper down to go out and celebrate the day with 2 other friends who share my birthday.

One of my friends showed up with his brand spankin new #2. I, of course, attacked it. Hair's width again. I think I probably gave it 6-8 tries.

I can't help but think that I might have gotten it had I not made all of the attempts on the 250... Any thoughts?

I am going to try the #2 again on Saturday when I'm fresh and see what happens.

I find gripping after a light set of pulups helps me a bit, as well as contrast baths the night before.

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Also, use some chalk.

Another trick would be to chest crush the gripper about 100 times to season it. Get someone else to do this, cause doing it sucks and will tire your hands out.

Oiling the gripper with some WD40 or 3 in 1 oil may help too. Don't get it on the gripper handles though.

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Nice tips, thanks guys.

The pullups and chalk I can and will do on Saturday before I give his #2 a go. And I might be able to squeeze in some contrast baths tonight.

I don't think he's too keen to season his grippers, I'll suggest it though.

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Oh and a little story from my birthday attempts on my HG250. It is a little tasteless but I found it funny. It may not come across as funny written down though.

So I made an attempt and got the hair's width close. My wife who was watching says, "Wouldn't that count?"

I told her about the 'click' sound needed for the cert close.

She says, "So make it click."

My next attempt I squeezed with all my might, the room was dead quiet as both of us were listening for the click. I accidentally let out a small fart. It was hilarious, perfect timing. We both laughed for a good while.

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My next attempt I squeezed with all my might, the room was dead quiet as both of us were listening for the click. I accidentally let out a small fart. It was hilarious, perfect timing. We both laughed for a good while.

NICE! :rock

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Take a few days off - no grippers at all - and then come back and try it again. Betcha you get it!! :)

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You try the #2 again yesterday?

Yeah, alot. We were at a party and I put the thing in my cargo shorts pocket and every 30 minutes or so would take it out and give it another squeeze. Still just that last couple of mm. The fart power was not with me...

I think I need to do overcrushes on my HG200.

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A couple weeks of practice and I bet you get it.

Thanks Scott.

I figured the last little bit would go faster but I guess that spot is where the spring is toughest anyway. I'm so close it's ridiculous.

It seems to me that my HG250 and his #2 are pretty much equal. Both unseasoned, both brand new (this year's).

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take 3 days off and come back to close it. if you closed it good, if not go as far as you can and use your other hand to close it. then stay there for as long as you can. do this for 10 times.

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I did take about 5 days off from my grippers.

I closed my HG250 three nights ago and repeated it the following night. I am going to squeeze on it some more tonight.

I'm offshore right now for work so I can't go and try my buddies #2 but as soon as I get back home I'm going to give it a go. I'm pretty confident that they are about the same hardness so I think I should close it.

Thanks guys for the advice and stuff.

Oh, I bought two of the blobs that BC put up, a 30 and a 35. Right now I can't lift either of them one handed.

I'll put pics of them up later.

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