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I Read The New Im #3 Thread


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I was in the lobby at the Saddleback Marriott on Saturday, June 3, around 3 hours before the dinner was to begin at the AOBS. Randy Strossen was having Tommy Heslep close a brand new #3. Randy had met me before, and knowing I am a Certified Public Accountant, said something like "let's have a CPA open the package". I just happened to be standing around. I don't know what arrangements/conversations Tommy and Randy had previously.

There were no Trainers or #1's to warm up on, so first I opened a #2 and took it out of the package. I looked at it for the dog leg, and closed it roughly as easily as I normally close a #1. No warmup, no nothing. That caught the eye of a few, and I got so excited that I believed I was personally was going to close the #3 in the next package I was to open, I don't remember what Tommy did with the 2, whether he repped it, singled it, or what.

There was no chalk available either.

An IM credit card was being passed around awkwardly. Tommy/hubgeezer hold it? Randy hold it? You hold it yourself? Stick it in advance, almost touching, close enough, just past the handles, etc, etc. It was a Keystone Cops gripper closing scene. "Wait Mike you didn't use the card", said Randy..."he doesn't use a set" said Son Of Hubgeezer. Like I said, awkwardly passed around. "This is IronMind here, not something else" was said at one point, referring to the card set.

I opened the #3, and took it down to around 1/2 inch 3 times. I was bummed, because I was rested, and the 2 was easy. But, no warmup, no chalk, people gathered around, funny awkward card being inserted, etc, etc. But I thought it was a "hard 3", and the damn handles felt like wax.

Tommy more or less had the same experience, except he took it down to an eighth of an inch. Randy said he would get some chalk. Five or six hours later, I asked Tommy if he had connected with Randy. No, he hadn't, and he did not really see the point.

I don't really know what the point to any of it was. Tommy is certified on the 3 and the 4, and has nothing to prove. I don't know if Randy was information gathering, was curious, or who initiated the whole thing. I was not going to say anything, and then I saw the post that was discussing the communication someone had with Randy about moving towards new grippers in packages as certifications. I am not a fan of that, in that I have a stiff 2004 #3, and that is what I personally planned on certifying with. On my best day, I can do 1/8 inch. On a typical day, around 1/4 inch. That is with a credit card width set without holding a card myself, warmed up, with chalk. It is a good solid fair 3, and I wouldn't want to do an easy one, but at the same time, I don't want a mutated Elite plus #3 either.

I will email Randy, but I may wait a bit until I find out just what is going on here, as I had not been on the Gripboard for 4 days, so this thread has got me a little confused. If Tommy is out there, perhaps he can shed some light on this. I am wondering if whatever was being done on Saturday was a result of conversations or communications that came as a result of the posting on this board, if they are two unrelated events, or if they are nothing at all. I get along with Randy well, would consider myself a good customer, and have no agenda other than to understand what is going on.


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Randy talked to me & asked me to do it for him & one of the Sorin's.It had nothing to do with you as far as I know.You were just standing there at the right time.The #3 was about 3 1/4in. wide.I tried it with a no set first & almost got it.That was my first official Cerdit card set.Randy also gave me some IMtug's & there great.

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Randy talked to me & asked me to do it for him & one of the Sorin's.It had nothing to do with you as far as I know.You were just standing there at the right time.The #3 was about 3 1/4in. wide.I tried it with a no set first & almost got it.That was my first official Cerdit card set.Randy also gave me some IMtug's & there great.

Yeah, I know it had nothing to do with me. I was referencing the post by "Timmy" called "This is what IM sent me". The opening the package of a new IM 3 and trying it right there on the spot is what is being indicated as what the new policy may be. I thought that maybe yours was some type of test run as to the feasibilty of it.

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Good post, I'm curious to see how this will turn out. I was on a kick to get certified back in 2002, but never did (kinda wish I would've now) - its really no big deal though. I just wanted to close the 3 in front of some people who got me into grip and that was accomplished. There will be less people getting certified now if thats the direction IM is going, but if you do, it'll mean that much more though.

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