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Great Pinching

Bill Piche

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Has anyone matched this to date? Check the date of these feats!

It's been 3+ years.

I was just thinking about the top pinching and remembered this.

It is a great feat of grip strength but I think many would regard David Horne as number one. Until Wade enters a competition and beats David's WR on the Euro set up it is questionable to rank Wade as the best.

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It is a great feat of grip strength but I think many would regard David Horne as number one. Until Wade enters a competition and beats David's WR on the Euro set up it is questionable to rank Wade as the best.

Since when did the Euro setup become the decisive lift of pinch grip?

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One of my favorites. Imo, Wade would give anybody a run for their money in a grip competition.

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It is a great feat of grip strength but I think many would regard David Horne as number one. Until Wade enters a competition and beats David's WR on the Euro set up it is questionable to rank Wade as the best.

Since when did the Euro setup become the decisive lift of pinch grip?

If you want to be recognised as the best in the world in the pinch you need to be able to demonstrate superiority that is independant of hand size. This is now possible thanks to the adjustable Euro set up. I am much better with the blob than Martin Arildsson largely because I have a larger finger span. I have done 88.5k on the Euro set up and Martin has done 102k. Do I feel stronger than him in the pinch? Certainly not as I am able to dominate Martin only if the width puts Martin at a distinct disadvantage. Finally, how can you claim someone to be number one without the person having entered any of the rather numerous specific grip competitions that are being held. Who is number one in the world in SH olympic lifting? How do we know that?

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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It is a great feat of grip strength but I think many would regard David Horne as number one. Until Wade enters a competition and beats David's WR on the Euro set up it is questionable to rank Wade as the best.

Since when did the Euro setup become the decisive lift of pinch grip?

Since about 2004. It is pretty much standard everywhere in grip competitions as you may have noticed. Competitions inclined towards wide pinching tend to attract fewer competitors for obvious reasons.

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One of my favorites. Imo, Wade would give anybody a run for their money in a grip competition.

Yes I think he would.

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I don't think someone has to compete in a grip contest to consider their feats as best of all time pinch wise. Let's see someone do 6 10's, 3 35's, combo pinches, the Inch, and pass 45's like this. I don't care about hand size either. Let's see it.

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If you want to be recognised as the best in the world in the pinch you need to be able to demonstrate superiority that is independant of hand size. This is now possible thanks to the adjustable Euro set up. I am much better with the blob than Martin Arildsson largely because I have a larger finger span. I have done 88.5k on the Euro set up and Martin has done 102k. Do I feel stronger than him in the pinch? Certainly not as I am able to dominate Martin only if the width puts Martin at a distinct disadvantage.

I do think that Wade's gene pool has set him up to suceed in the grip world. That being said, I'd be willing to bet you coult cut an inch off his fingers and he'd still be one of the best :D Certainly, the same could be said about David Horne or any of the other top grippers.

Edited by maidenfan
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One of my favorites. Imo, Wade would give anybody a run for their money in a grip competition.

From a conjecture view and a sporting gesture, I would put a few 100 $$ on Gillingham to win a pinch competition against anyone. :calm

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I don't think someone has to compete in a grip contest to consider their feats as best of all time pinch wise. Let's see someone do 6 10's, 3 35's, combo pinches, the Inch, and pass 45's like this. I don't care about hand size either. Let's see it.


You sound like me now. ;)

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I'm surprised you wold incite this Bill Piche. Surely suggesting such a fact is just asking for trouble? Not only that it's pretty much common knowledge now that pinching strength varies depending on the width but because of the Euro set up we can now have a level playing field for everyone no matter what the size of their hands.

I can do all the feats on the video except the 3x15kg as I just don't have big enough hands but I have pinched 57.5kg with one hand on a thinner, smooth surfaced set up. I think the biggest pinches ever on record are still David Horne with either the old Pinch set up used for years at the British Iron Grip Champs or his recent demolition of his own record on the Euro set up. I believe Jeff Maddy put up some big numbers in the one hand pinch as well as Wade Gillingham's feats, Richard Sorin's feats and most recently the exploits of Martin Arildsson.

All this means very little until we all get together and have a play around. No doubt what will happen is we will see that everyone is strong and has great grips and enjoys training and testing themselves. I know when Big Steve came to England his biggest goal was to take David Horne's Pinch Record on the Euro set up (using the width which suited his hands to perfection). On that day it was not to be but Big Steve graciously came, tried and left knowing that he had our respect and vice versa.

Unfortunately here everyone seems to want to prove the impossible. By all means get some money together for a competition and I know for a fact that David and I would be there to challenge. Or you could just organize a nice competition, with great rules and a good bunch of competitors, maybe a few beers and some food on the side and we'll come for free just like we've been doing for the past 10-15 years!


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One of my favorites. Imo, Wade would give anybody a run for their money in a grip competition.

Yes I think he would.

My quote is (in its 'moderated' form) taken out of context. Please remove it.

Not even sure if it is legal to drastically change the essence in a post of someone. I never gave my unconditional support to Maidenfan's statement.

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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0ld rehashed stuff but appropriate timing IMHO.(as the post started off with a 3 year old video.)

IF thick bar and pinch is ALL about handsize....why did totally inexperienced and ill,5'11" Josh Bigger(of 8 inch hand size), beat Wade,Karl,Steve Kirit(all of approx. 8 1/2in hand size) and others and tie 6'6" Phil Pfister(of 9 inch hand size-largest hands in Pro Strongman)in his first Rolling Thunder contest ever?

Actually ,IMHO,Josh beat Phil as he broke the final weight off the floor and Phil couldn't budge it.

Of course an old man...Odd Haugen beat everybody that day. :erm go figure

Off the subject of Wades pinch(which is phenomenal)I think hand size is just totally considered in grip too much.

Short armed,barrel chested guys bench better.....and long armed long legged guys deadlift better...yet they don't have a seperate apparatus for either.

The above facts are just something to think about.

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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Well I suppose the question is if David Horne and the other top competitors should try to outlift Wade in wide pinching or if Wade should try to outlift the other guys on an adjustable Euro set in a proper competition.

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My point was I think Wade would do very well in a high level grip contest, regardless of the competition. Nick's post was a very good one and judging from Mr. Horne's previous posts, I'm guessing his would be very similar, along with a lot of other gripsters. Imo, making some new friends and having to buy your buddy a beer 'cuz he just smoked you in a lift is where its at.

Edited by maidenfan
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I don't know if people realize how seriously some of us are taking grip.

I have corresponded with Nick and Mikael quite a bit, and they take this thing for real. Like the best olifter competes in olifting, the best powerlifters compete in powerlifting, these guys like to see the best grip guys competing in grip events.

Especially if you claim to be among the best, they are of the mindset that you should put up or shut up.

Wade has not made any claims himself, so let's not all get that fiesty yet :)!

Hahhahahaha, one thing I think might keep many potential strongman type guys away is the likely occurrence that 180 pound (maybe?) Tommy Helsep would whip their ass. Not all of them, but maybe enough to keep more than a few away!

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Tom, I was at the contest and Bigger is a STUD but don't you think Bigger would've demolished Phil and the rest if he had 9" hands? What makes picking up something with a thick handle more difficult than a narrow handle? What about pinching something that is 6" wide vs. 2.5"? How can you downplay handsize in these two events? No deadlifter has arms so short he has to start the lift with fingertips and shortarmed benchers either get a lift-off or get to adjust the uprights. These guys are hardly at the same level of disadvantage of small-handed gripster in wide pinch or thick bar event.

To clarify: David and Nick can both pass the 45's like that??? IMO that is the only feat on the video not largely effected by handsize and thus allows some direct comparison. I'd like to see Wade and David go head-to-head on the one hand pinch. The 2HP like everything else requires some technique and I think they're both very well acquainted with the 1HP.

I can't believe Sorin doesn't get more mention. He's done 6 10's weight added, blob by the face, pinched the old fat Yorks, and numerous other pinch feats, and I thought his hands are less than 8". No disrespect to Wade or David, but in an all around pinch contest (wide and narrow) I'd put my money on Mr. Sorin.

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I'd like to see what Dicky Oscarsson can do. Supposedly he pinched 105kg on the Euro set-up without chalk... Martin A knows this too... (he was afraid Dicky would come to the LGC :D )

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I'd like to see what Dicky Oscarsson can do. Supposedly he pinched 105kg on the Euro set-up without chalk... Martin A knows this too... (he was afraid Dicky would come to the LGC :D )


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stupid? :whistel:D

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I'm surprised you wold incite this Bill Piche.
Incite what? The video is awesome. It was someone else who started inciting something (who else....he loves to argue). Let's leave it for what it is...an awesome display of pinching in one video.
My quote is (in its 'moderated' form) taken out of context. Please remove it. Not even sure if it is legal to drastically change the essence in a post of someone. I never gave my unconditional support to Maidenfan's statement.

And as far as this statement, I asked the mods and none of the mods who have checked in so far have any clue what the heck you are talking about.

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I can't believe Sorin doesn't get more mention. He's done 6 10's weight added, blob by the face, pinched the old fat Yorks, and numerous other pinch feats, and I thought his hands are less than 8".

This thread was not meant to incite anything by the way. Richard (with the exception of the passing of 45's since I am not sure he's tried it) has matched all the feats. They just aren't in one convenient video to marvel at. :cool

I happened to find that video and thought I would post it since there are probably a lot of members here who have never seen it nor the feats.

I guess I'll ask permission first next time. :blink

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