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Magnuss Samuelson Crushing An Unseasoned 4 !


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Magnus has a monster grip that is without question, however the way in which he set that #4 down by his lower thigh area while turned away from the camera is a bit suspect. Then he turns to the camera and you still can not see if it is totally closed or not. I was expecting to see total domination of the #4 from what I have heard and going by his huge hand size, still impressive but now what I expected. That would not even be a legal close under IM's rules now and it would be questionable under the old rules because he set the gripper down by his leg and it was very close to his body. What does everyone else think about this?

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I think he closed it already, too bad those hands are too big. Having guys like Svend and the other guy from WSM verify it, i think it was a valid close.

Under the old rules he certed, and i think he could do it under the new rules too.

But how strange those old rules must have been, since setting a gripper can be any way you like... AAAaaaaah well, at least he could foresee the future and closed a brand new #4... :whistel j/k

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HUGE hands!

They should of practiced the close on camera a few more times and also had extra lighting to show up the finish position. - Not just us amateurs that have problems with filming gripper closes! :D

Judging the clip brutally honestly no it was not clear.

a:where the set was (if there was one)

b:if the gripper was closed - although it looked like it could of been.

Having said that I enjoyed the clip a lot and he seems like a good chap with undeniable monster hand stength. :rock

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Funny how sites like putfile can get away with generating ad revenue from the copy righted works of others. Can't say I mind see the videos for free, but still.

You can't tell for certain from the video that it is legit, but given that he's a certified closer and IM is publishing the video, I'm inclined to believe that it is. Be interesting to see how far up the MM ladder he would go.

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What impressed me the most seeing as the close was hidden was that it was right out of the package, which needs no explanation as to the added level of difficulty. He was also running the chance of getting a brick in that package because there is no knowing just how difficult it is.

I expect mobster to chime in about that being an old handle on the RT anytime now.

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I saw that posted somewhere else a couple of weeks ago.

He did say in the vid that he had to close the 4 like 10 times before he could get certed because his hands are so big you can't see the handles.

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Dissapointing video! :trout

Joe Kinney is the real deal! :rock

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I sure hope that Magnus Samuelsson would enter some grip contest. I don't doubt his abilities at all.

But I bought his DVD about a year ago and I was a bit disappointed how that gripper close was beeing presented. Other than that, great DVD and extremely strong guy with a grip strength to be afraid of.

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the guy is a monster too strong and he might get back into armwrestling look out austin :flame

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What impressed me the most seeing as the close was hidden was that it was right out of the package, which needs no explanation as to the added level of difficulty. He was also running the chance of getting a brick in that package because there is no knowing just how difficult it is.

I expect mobster to chime in about that being an old handle on the RT anytime now.

Anything to oblige: hence our doing the same weight of about 276 lbs on an old handle. Plus no loading pin in his case

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129,6 kg = 285 lbs. That was his last lift on that DVD.

Edited by Teemu I
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the closes on the vid are not that clear but i believe that they are closed and he says he has got his pinky out of the way to show it before. plus, this is before he certed so he probably got better at it with practice.... and lets not forget these closes are with 3 fingers!!!

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Because I know other people who have tried it. It is a well used handle. Impressive weights nonetheless. In a hypothetical all round grip competition with Magnus against Joe Kinney at his (short) peak I think I would still have put my money on Magnus.

Burkhard, there is something familiar with your comment.

Good luck with the Euro competition by the way.

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Some of the blame belongs with the camera crew, too. They weren't always pointing at the right thing.

Yeah, I usually don't go over 100k on the finger-wrist curls, either. Magnus and I are the same that way. < <

And I love that wrist roller setup! I can't believe I never thought of that! I'm doing that this weekend! (How much was he rolling up? Looked like 4 or 5 plates -- 20 kilos each?)

Edited by steelbiceps
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I would put my money on Magnus in an RT contest against anyone in the world.

Being that hand size is a major factor, absolutely. Being strong on top of that makes that an even stronger argument.

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I would put my money on Magnus in an RT contest against anyone in the world.

There's a vid floating around of someone else hitting 290 or more somewhere(old handle) and that was when he was weak. :D

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I would put my money on Magnus in an RT contest against anyone in the world.

Would be a safest way to go.

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Good luck with the Euro competition by the way.

Burk is neither a competitor nor the organizer of the competition. Please clarify your words or save them in the future.

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Don't concern yourself with those that are not coming or not competing (Mikeal and Burkie) - just with those who are... prepare thyself :tongue

OG: how much money?? :whistel I mean he's using an old handle and straps to hold the weight. Are there any images of him using a loading pin or anything close to a proper set up? With a strap I pulled 405lbs thus and you've done a good weight yourself but on a home made set up. I'm wondering of the five (Josh Bigger (you're pun was soooo bad BTW), yourself, Odd Haugen, Magnus and me who'd do well on a proper new set up?

Edited by mobsterone
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