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Ouch...(and I Mean Ouch!)


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Just got done hitting a red nail today....and just before this one I finished off one that was kinked to about 12 degrees...not to much....but then I decided to try another fresh one....put a nice 10 degree kink in it...waited a few secs and hit it again and slip......got mad threw the nail down....bent down picked it back up and looked down at my left hand and noticed a little bit of blood.....from all the bending my pointer finger on my left hand had built up a real nice callus just above the middle joint from where the nail rests agains it from DO bending...and when it slipped....the skin where the callus was went with it...around 5/8 of an inch long and about 3/8 of an inch wide...didnt hurt at first but now the pain is setting in...guess I will get a nice rest from this lol....has anyone else had this happen? where does the nail rest against your pointer fingers when bending? im guessing I wont be able to bend for around 2 weeks or more.

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OUCH. When I bend, the nail is more in my hand then in my fingers.

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I had a hole in my right index finger from the same thing. I put a few layers of tape over it, tape isn't perfect it slides around and bunches up and it still hurts but it provided enough protection while my finger healed up.

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I used to occasionally get tears in the skin at one or more finger joints when was throwing hammer. Also when doing highland games stuff like the 56# for distance. I was unable to lay off training for long enough to let them heal in most cases. One day when I got one my coach suggested either crazy glue or super glue, I can't remember which. I guess it was used as a quick suturing agent in WWI. Anyway it worked well for me and would seal the tear so that I could continue to train. Eventually it would grow out. I did a quick google search and found this link

- Aaron

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Either try to don't place the index fingers directly on the bar but on the pads or just use a single layer of sport tape on the indexes.

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Either try to don't place the index fingers directly on the bar but on the pads or just use a single layer of sport tape on the indexes.

Franky...it was the pad that tore my finger open....I shoulda been a bit more clear on that....yea I was using iron mind pads (i already has a nice callus built up) and I put a bit of chalk on the pads to help minimize slipping....well needless to say...the pads didnt slip on my fingers lol....just took the skin with it...from here on out im going to try and keep the calluses trimed down or something....maybe it will heal back tougher than before (i hope so anyway)

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Troy, that sucks man! Hope it doesn't set you back too long.

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:D just rub some chalk in it,you be good to go! :tongue
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Troy, unless you're using the IM pads to prepare for an IM certification, I'd scrap them and try using leather. Slippage was always a problem with Cordura and ballistic nylon, but since I've been using leather it's almost never a problem. Use plenty of chalk, also.

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Troy, unless you're using the IM pads to prepare for an IM certification, I'd scrap them and try using leather. Slippage was always a problem with Cordura and ballistic nylon, but since I've been using leather it's almost never a problem. Use plenty of chalk, also.

I really like my suede pads! c/o bencrush

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I've never had that problem since switching to suede after the red cert, but certainly did when training with the IM pads. I used to get deep cracks that took a long time to heal. If you are going for the IM cert train only with their pads, then you will have something to look forward to afterwards when you switch wraps.

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I've never had that problem since switching to suede after the red cert, but certainly did when training with the IM pads. I used to get deep cracks that took a long time to heal. If you are going for the IM cert train only with their pads, then you will have something to look forward to afterwards when you switch wraps.

Yes that was my thought....Eric said to scrap them if I wasnt going to cert...but I would like to cert on the red in the near future...after this heals and I slam a few more reds...I will contact IM....I was planning on the double cert but after reading threads about having a new gripper out of the package just seems a bit crazy...I have a fresh gripper but its opened...and I doubt I will buy a new one just to cert on!! but I will email Randy and see whats going on....if you notice its guys over seas that are having problems with certing on a new gripper instead of their old one!! Maybe theres some mixed communication there.

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It has happen to me on both indexes and on my right hand palm, ala stigmata lol. I'm still new to this, so my skin in those aras was not used to it and it went.

takes about 1 week to close up, 2 weeks untill you got enough skin grown back to bend again.

In my case i just think i overdid the amount of volume and I did some prety long unsuccefull attemps in the yellow and that did it. Need not to overdo it untill my hands get tougher. I also was wraping it too thin, hence the palm wound, now i wrap it a bit thicker and try to keep my fingers on the pads.

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Happened to me last week hehe. Between the ringfinger and the pinky on my left hand, and it never really hurt until the skin slipped off... now it !! HURTS !!

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