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New To Bending


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I read somewhere in the forum that bending was like crack cocaine. Unfortunately I read this after I had already ordered the IM bag of nails a few days ago. Thanks guys. I expect the package to arrive today, and am looking forward to getting started. Last night in anticipation of the arrival I stopped by lowes and picked up a 3' bar of 3/16 just to see how I would do. I cut a 7" piece first when I got home and not really feeling like looking for any appropriate wrapping material, I just grabbed my welding gloves. Bent that first one like it was a piece of wire. Now I'm hooked. I managed to get through a 6.5", and a 6" as well but not past 30 degrees with a 5.25" the welding gloves just wouldn't cut it at that length. Just wanted to share, and once again thanks just what I needed an addiction.

- Aaron

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Welcome to the club, Acorn! Unlike the "real world" the support groups around here actually encourage the addiction. Be warned. :)

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Man bending is fun. I knocked down a few IM blues here at work after getting the package in today. I tried a yellow but barely got it to kink. Time for some volume technique work.

- Aaron

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Man bending is fun. I knocked down a few IM blues here at work after getting the package in today. I tried a yellow but barely got it to kink. Time for some volume technique work.

- Aaron

Nice job. You sure it was a blue? The blues are tougher than the yellows. If You did its just a matter of getting comfortable with the 7 inch length. I Know what the addiction is like. I use to alittle but the little got more and more.

Edited by toe2toe
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Nice job. You sure it was a blue? The blues are tougher than the yellows. If You did its just a matter of getting comfortable with the 7 inch length. I Know what the addiction is like. I use to alittle but the little got more and more.

No, you are right my mistake they were greens not blues. That would have been pretty amazing. I did pick up some 3/16 square stock on the way home. I will try to bend it this weekend. Thanks for the catch.

- Aaron

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Aaron nice work on the green nail now onward and upward.

Thanks, last night I got 3/16 round X 5". Then I tried some of the 3/16 square I got at lowes. I got those at 7", 6.5", 6" and then did 4 at 5". I liked the 5" ones those were a good challenge. I will keep working at it. I hope to get that Yellow one in a couple of weeks.

- Aaron

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Great start, keep it up :rock

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I got a couple of IM yellows this morning. I posted pics here. I seem to be having a little trouble with the initial kink on the longer stuff OH. I'm able to kink UH though and finish OH. Bending is fun :)

- Aaron

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