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Ironmind News - Rolling Thunder


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I saw on IronMind's news that there are 2 guys that have told Randy Strossen that they believe they will pull 300 on the Rolling Thunder at Richard Sorin's place at the June 24 GGC.

Are they remaining anonymous, is it Top Secret, or is it available for Public Consumption?

Wondering in California

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Uh, wait a minute... they believe they can?!? What kind of nonsense is this?... can they do it or not??? :blink

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Well I chatted with Randall for over an hour on Monday night (he rang me) and said I could beat the current record. I did a very easy 233+ lbs at the weekend using a thumbless grip and a brand new handle right handed. I then attempted 130-kilos (counting the plates only), having done 3 singles on two occasions in training with 123.75-kilos (counting the plates only)whilst training for the IG 2006, and just missed it using my old handle. Randall did seem keen on talking to Jedd and Smitty re a world championships rather than the GGC 2006 at Sorins which the guys have settled on and some big money was mentioned.

But he mentions typing skills so I'll assume he means email and ergo not me :whistel

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Randall did seem keen on talking to Jedd and Smitty re a world championships rather than the GGC 2006 at Sorins which the guys have settled on and some big money was mentioned.

Price money in itself does not make a world championship. An organiser would need recognition of his competition as a world championship by a broad majority of grip strength competition organisers and top level grip athletes.

Moreover, a proper world championship worth the name would need to be advertised and recognised as such closer to a year in advance.

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I repeated a conversation I had with Randall - it means little or nothing if nothing happens. And of course the guys have already been quite clear on what they want. Even if Randall gives them a call I doubt it'll change. he did talk about $5000.00 though... but may have been jesting.

Edited by mobsterone
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Looks like the possibility of some big lifting going on June 24th at Sorinex. Depending on who all shows, should be a couple big V-Bars as well. The Rolling Thunder section of the contest is not a max effort event but a "most reps in a minute" so if we see a RT record it would be outside the comp. There's a big difference in doing it as a fifth event in a contest and doing it fresh but 300# is still 300# and for now, that's the magic RT number to do. And $5000 in prize money might be enough to bring in a few people if that works out. One thing for sure, I'll be there to see it happen - or not. I just checked the list of who's competing -not that many signed up yet - come on fellows - lets do it! Oops - that includes me - better get my stuff together today.

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I saw on IronMind's news that there are 2 guys that have told Randy Strossen that they believe they will pull 300 on the Rolling Thunder at Richard Sorin's place at the June 24 GGC.

Are they remaining anonymous, is it Top Secret, or is it available for Public Consumption?

Wondering in California

two guys that can probable break the record - they didn't say that they can lift 300 if I understand correctly.

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--is the $5000?for breaking the 300lb barrier? or for winning this "world championship"---

-if $5000 for breaking 300#- is true-- pfister-odd-murumets-samuelson-bigger-brad gillingham-- would be interested--that is a lot of money for just one lift-

-hope there is formal announcement--

Edited by BigPaulFromCityHall
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GGC is not being billed as a World Championship.


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--is the $5000?for breaking the 300lb barrier? or for winning this "world championship"---

-if $5000 for breaking 300#- is true-- pfister-odd-murumets-samuelson-bigger-brad gillingham-- would be interested--that is a lot of money for just one lift-

-hope there is formal announcement--

Randall dropped the phrase in, as I stated, almost as an afterthought. Such afterthoughts do not pay the bills. I said he stated that he would speak to the guys but...

GGC is not being billed as a World Championship.


... as I also mentioned I thought it was unlikely that Jedd or Smitty would change their minds (I asked and mentioned via various topics over more than a few months. I would change my plans if they did but am now training for the Europeans. Smitty said 'possibly next year' in another thread.

Do NOT place too much emphasis on a jocular chatty phone call regardless of how much any of us would like to see it take place and with 5G on the table. Do I think it will happen - big money and a world championships - yes. 5G seems about the likely top level for our sport. It could come from several sponsors.

One possible means is $500.00 from IM (least of all for the RT challenge plus another towards a prize). My own protein company could chip in $500.00. I suspect Prowriststraps and Heavygrips might also be persuaded and that's $2000 right there. Perhaps a couple of hundred each from FBBC and others might add another 1G? Could Sorinex cough up $500 for a worlds?? What about Weightlifters Warehouse or PDA? If it was me I'd want the winners image to be used on my site for the next 12 months - in the case of the equipment company you'd want a line like 'Mr X trained on XYZ equipment as part of the run up to his World Championship title...' and have the person in question using it. If I was Mr X I'd sell an e-book telling one and all how I did it and do a little promotional work... hang on I do ha ha :D

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It is silly talking about a world championship if 20 odd Americans or a similar number of Europeans decide, on short notice, that their competitions has suddenly gained the status of a world championship. Maybe a world championship in sillyness.

It would be fantastic with price money, but the cash alone can not buy the respect of top level grip competitors and other organisers.

I want to beat the best in the world in the grip (will never happen though). I don't care much about any price money. None of us are ever going to make a living out of grip competitions.

Once you throw money into the equation you are only a small step away from a full blown circus.

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Your opinion, wonderfully put as always, is noted. I'll suggest that my earlier comments along the lines of 'it isn't happening this year' be read again and again until the concept of what we'd like to happen as opposed to what will happen is understood.

In short - we'd like a world championships and $5000 this year but we aint gonna get it. This needs to be understood so as to stop Mikeal posting what is already known. I need the support of GB members in my drive towards this :kiss

However, money doesn't equal circus and I make money from grip. Indeed my strength reputation does me well with the protein company and my customers (inc David Horne), as does my e-book sales and occasional payments for shows. It directly and indirectly provides a living for several gripboard members (Richard Sorin, John Beatty, John @ PDA, Steve McGranahan and others). :cool

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Okay, back to my original question about the IronMind news, I have pulled out my 40-year-old dictionary, and quote from it as follow:

puffery, n. 1. exaggerated praise, or puffing. 2. publicity or advertising that is characterized by exaggerated praise, or puffing.


It is clear to me that the "news item" was puffery. Apparently Steve is one of the two fellows mentioned. We don't know who the other is. Thank you for the comments.

I mean no disrepect to anyone. Everyone has to make a living. Salesmanship is often part of it. I just wanted to know what in fact was happening that had not been announced previously.

It is going to be a great contest. Whether some big guys show up to crack 300 or not will not affect the time that the participants are going to have of it. Everyone, including the spectators, will have a blast. It will be one of the most unique gatherings of grip guys ever. Richard deserves kudos for opening up his place to host it.


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Damn I have some questions and they needs Mikeal to reply :tongue

1) Why would the lack of time have been an issue? Surely anyone who is of standard to compete doesn't need more than the 12-16 weeks training between now and then.

2) What 5 events would you choose? I know and agree the standard first 3. So what additional 2?

3) Why are those that have already won what are in effect national competions incapable of coming? using the Germans as an example their main competition is promoted by the German IM distributor. If the qualifying winner didn't have the money to travel surely they could get sponsorship. I did for the GGC 2004 - took one call.

4) Why this comment at all? ''It is silly talking about a world championship if 20 odd Americans or a similar number of Europeans decide, on short notice, that their competitions has suddenly gained the status of a world championship. Maybe a world championship in sillyness''. Not only did no one say that was what was happening in this thread but it HAD been discussed previously. Least of all by David, Jedd and Smitty (although decided against) and then later on in several threads.

5) Who do you think is the 'best in grip' as you put it and why wouldn't it happen? One can only compete against who is there.

One problem with the words 'sillyness' and 'circus' is that they are only ever used when you feel that anyone is influencing things in a way you disagree with. I have and I suspect others would to not a single problem with training 16 weeks, if such an event was to take place, for a Worlds. I have no problem getting the time off, nor with sponsorship if I need any. I'm happy to spend money buying the equipment needed to train at the right level and am happy to put $500.00 on the table from my company towards a prize package if other companies could do the same. Based on my competition experience etc etc I'd like to think I'm in the top ten and by virtue of my recent win, regardless of lifts, will have qualified.

I'm a can do guy. I refuse to acknowledge the idea that you or anyone need certain competitors there for it to be valid, or that no one can get the time off. That not one other company would cough up some cash or that all of those you might feel are of a half decent standard couldn't get themselves ready in 16 weeks. All one needs to put on such a competition is the space and the equipment. I either have these (equipment and space and can borrow the grippers), can buy them (enough of my own and company money), or can get access to them (borrow, get sponsored or get donated). This applies to others including yourself. Hence the only thing stopping anyone from competing is a lack of desire.

At worst some may have holidays or already used them up and so can argue that they cannot get the time off. I suspect that they could if they asked their bosses telling them they were competing in a world championships and put the company name on their shirts (my last employer would have given me unpaid or special leave for such an event in the above circumstances). If they don't have the money for travelling costs - get a sponsor and if they need more than 16 weeks - what yer been doing ya lazy bums! :blink

No excuses - if we wanted one we could have one.

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I guess anyone who doesnt agree with Mikael is stupid, silly rediculous? Everytime I see him loose an arguement he resorts to these type of comments. How about just ignoring the guy? He obviously has some issues . . .

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That was another very long post Steve.

In all other respected sports, a world championship is advertised, I would say, more than a year in advance.

Events are selected and decided upon at the time of the advertisement.

Some of us have families with kids in school and need to plan these things well in advance. You live by yourself Steve if I have understood it correctly so it is much easier for you to just go.

The selection of events at the GGC 2006 do not have my and Arne's support as a suitable mix for a world championship (and Jedd and Smitty are not claiming it to be a world championship). There is a very high probability that you would get the same reply from Bob and Arthur, both organisers of major grip competitions. Some events are good whereas others are too sensitive to hand size. A division of two or more hand sizes does not have a broad support from the European top grip guys in the world. Just ask Nick, David and Martin.

These are the reasons why an elevation of the status of the GGC 2006 to a world championship would not gain broad support.

I guess anyone who doesnt agree with Mikael is stupid, silly rediculous? Everytime I see him loose an arguement he resorts to these type of comments. How about just ignoring the guy? He obviously has some issues . . .

What is your full name?

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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What is your full name?

Found it in another of your posts.

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I just like to know who I am talking to.

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I guess anyone who doesnt agree with Mikael is stupid, silly rediculous? Everytime I see him loose an arguement he resorts to these type of comments. How about just ignoring the guy? He obviously has some issues . . .

This is not just me trying to be difficult. I have discussed this with other organisers and the top European grip guys.

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Now James can be investigated further.

And added to the book ;)

I guess anyone who doesnt agree with Mikael is stupid, silly rediculous? Everytime I see him loose an arguement he resorts to these type of comments. How about just ignoring the guy? He obviously has some issues . . .

This is not just me trying to be difficult. I have discussed this with other organisers and the top European grip guys.

As I stated. But if the best we can come up with is Jedd and Smitty are the only ones who can do it or we need a year then these are just excuses. I have some responsobilities and wouldn't expect one and all to come. But having children doesn't require a years notice either (my daughter was at the British this weekend) in order to compete.

I also asked a bunch of other questions which remain unanswered.

All this said I would draw some attention to David Horne's recent CoC event in which all of the top three placing grip strength athletes were invited. Without checking it numbered in excess of perhaps 40?? 12 came and played. At the GGC, so far, only one European athlete has partied with the other 17 or so grip guys there.

The reason why there is no worlds and little support - a lack of desire - nothing more. The rest is nothing but excuses.

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But if the best we can come up with is Jedd and Smitty are the only ones who can do it or we need a year then these are just excuses. I have some responsobilities and wouldn't expect one and all to come. But having children doesn't require a years notice either (my daughter was at the British this weekend) in order to compete.

I also asked a bunch of other questions which remain unanswered.

All this said I would draw some attention to David Horne's recent CoC event in which all of the top three placing grip strength athletes were invited. Without checking it numbered in excess of perhaps 40?? 12 came and played. At the GGC, so far, only one European athlete has partied with the other 17 or so grip guys there.

The reason why there is no worlds and little support - a lack of desire - nothing more. The rest is nothing but excuses.

I think with the demise of just about every organization started in grip it is obvious that any World event is unlikely...but not impossible. The most prestigious competitions would be those which had the best grip guys around competing in such as the Euros, the Champion of Champions, Bob Lipinski's competition and possibly the GGC. By announcing competitions way in advance all the 'best' guys would have a chance to prepare and save some money if travelling is required. Not only that many of us don't train grip events all the time so by knowing the events well in advance would mean we can plan our training to coincide with the competition. Just because someone is good at grip doesn't mean they are just a grip guy.

I also think that instead of a $5000 pot for one event like the RT that kind of money would be better used sponsoring the athletes outside of the chosen country to attend. Perhaps the best way to decide what country is to have a list of the top guys and then have a show of hands on who's going to attend and then choose the country. I think Europe seems like the best choice right now based on the records and stats available.

I think Mikael is right in some ways Steve in that you live for the grip stuff and the profile it gives you where as many if not most of us do grip stuff as part of our training only. Your committment is commendable but you should have a little more empathy for others perhaps.


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I guess anyone who doesnt agree with Mikael is stupid, silly rediculous? Everytime I see him loose an arguement he resorts to these type of comments. How about just ignoring the guy? He obviously has some issues . . .

This is not just me trying to be difficult. I have discussed this with other organisers and the top European grip guys.

Maybe so but they are correct that you use those phrases once a topic goes in a direction you dislike. It might be well worth remembering that in spite of your input (Euro pinch, competing and some organization of earlier European championships) you yourself have only ever competed in local and national level events (Swedish local and national and Australian national). Why?

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first off, not to be a killjoy or anything but i sincerely doubt anyone will be doing 300+ on the rolling thunder--- at least not on a brand new handle. i would say that pulling on a brand new handle is going to cost the lifter at least 20 lbs.--- and that's compared to using a SELDOM used rt handle. those rt handles straight out of the pack are extremely tough... secondly, not that randy really may even care for my opinion but given the unlikelyhood of 300 going down, why he would put that type of stuff on his site? i mean who here on the board honestly thinks someone will do it?? also, by the way mobster awesome lift of 233+lbs. on the brand new rt handle!

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