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Homemade Lever To Real Sledgehammer


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Hi, I got a question. I have this ghetto levering thing that I have been using for a while. I took the handle from a minature rake and shovel thing, taped them together, and added weight at the end for my levering tool. So basically I was wondering how much I could do on a real hammer (appr.) I might get one sometime later, but I think it costs like, 40 dollars and for now this is working good for me (although I really want to get one sometime in the near future since levering with an actual hammer is just so much cooler).

But concerning my question, I went and did some levering with it, and I marked it at the 36 inch level and placed my hand there, with 12.5 lbs on the end (2 5's + 2.5) So is this like a 12 lb lever or at least really close? I did it standing to my face and went down pretty far and for the most part my arm was parallel to the ground. I got a diagram of it, it looks messy and I rushed it but with it I think you get the idea.

so thx for feedback.

edit: (link since the image thing isnt working)


Edited by bloodlyjahk
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Could be. Just go to the hardware store and play with the hammers to find out. They aren't going to make you buy one just because you tried to lever it a few times.

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Hi, I got a question. I have this ghetto levering thing that I have been using for a while. I took the handle from a minature rake and shovel thing, taped them together, and added weight at the end for my levering tool. So basically I was wondering how much I could do on a real hammer (appr.) I might get one sometime later, but I think it costs like, 40 dollars and for now this is working good for me (although I really want to get one sometime in the near future since levering with an actual hammer is just so much cooler).

But concerning my question, I went and did some levering with it, and I marked it at the 36 inch level and placed my hand there, with 12.5 lbs on the end (2 5's + 2.5) So is this like a 12 lb lever or at least really close? I did it standing to my face and went down pretty far and for the most part my arm was parallel to the ground. I got a diagram of it, it looks messy and I rushed it but with it I think you get the idea.

so thx for feedback.

edit: (link since the image thing isnt working)


I find my home made adjustable lever much harder than a real hammer so the 12lb you do on yours could mean a lever of a 14lb or more hammer.Thats what I found anyway


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THanks guys, if you say that it's a possibility, it makes me feel pretty good about it. I'll have to try one out sometime just to check.

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