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I'm training this girl who is a junior in HS. she is a shot/discus thrower. I have a 35lb hex blob that we got from the GGC, she says what's that and I say you

re supposed to pick it up so she grabs it and picked it like it was nothing! She also hang snatched 180, snatch grip push pressed 185!! I started training her about 3 weeks ago 2x week. If she continues through the summer her senior year is gonna be a good one. I need to get a #2 for her to try

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Eli's right, this girl's a heck of an athlete, throwing a long way on the shot and discus. And she's also real humble and nice as well. The only shame is she doesn't go to the school where I coach track - so she ends up beating my girl every time :(

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She's not a small girl, you know how girls are about weight so I won't get into that since the net is open to everyone! It doesn't matter about the weight, a 16-17 year old girls hang snatching 180lbs and 172x2 after learning it 3 weeks ago.

That blob lift was also done w/out index finger!

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Eli's right, this girl's a heck of an athlete, throwing a long way on the shot and discus. And she's also real humble and nice as well. The only shame is she doesn't go to the school where I coach track - so she ends up beating my girl every time :(

You coach the throws? I've been trying to come up and learn to coach the throws for two years or so. Pretty intensely in fact.

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Wanna - this is my first year of coaching the shot and discus, they called and asked me 3 days before practice started. I've gone to one clinic, have several tapes, DVDs, books and etc that I watch all the time. I read everything I can find on the internet - and I still feel inadaquate when my throwers have problems. I was a pole vaulter, jumper and sprinter in HS - and HS was a long time ago. But I'm learning more every day and I do the best I can - I visit other coaches, talk to the better throwers at meets and do everything I can to learn more so I can help them more. Eli was a heck of a thrower and lives pretty close to me. He says he'll help me learn as well - by next year - I'll be better prepared I hope. I also plan to learn to throw myself - I never did believe in teaching something you can't do yourself. So I'm a throws coach because they say I am, not because I really know what I'm doing yet. I will have to say I've really enjoyed it, and the kids have make slow but steady progress all year long so maybe I'm doing something right here and there. So you have twice the experience I have - any thoughts you'd like to share? Any throwers or coaches out there, I'm all ears!

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I am just now starting to get more comfortable starting to know exactly what errors are occuring by just watching an athlete throw. It's been a LONG road to get to this point. Many many DVD's, videos, talking to coaches, hanging on the throwing forums, meets and practical experience, and a ton of hours just studying video. :blink I have a lot to learn yet IMO.

Drills, drills, and more drills. Build the foundation....

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This girl clearly has awesome potential..not to mention a superb coach. I look forward to seeing how far she can go !! :mosher:mosher

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She's not a small girl, you know how girls are about weight so I won't get into that since the net is open to everyone! It doesn't matter about the weight, a 16-17 year old girls hang snatching 180lbs and 172x2 after learning it 3 weeks ago.

That blob lift was also done w/out index finger!

I don't thnk i am getting it. are you saying that this girl snatched 180lbs? if yes one handed or 2 handed? and you must be joking about the blob lift. lifting a blob(and a girl!) in 3 weeks of training and without the index finger!??that's imposible(unless you mean the 35lb block weight)

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I also plan to learn to throw myself - I never did believe in teaching something you can't do yourself

I don't agree... there have been examples of people who CAN coach a sport and they can't, for some reason or another, do it themselves.

Perfect example: an old friend of my mother coached the wrestling team in Germany (these were kids who parents had military duty in Germany). The guy didn't know thing one about wrestling but was a good motivator, and the kids learned well. When there was a technique he wanted to demonstrate, he would have another kid do the technique in front of the squad. That team went on to win the European wrestling championship that season! :blink So you never know....

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I also plan to learn to throw myself - I never did believe in teaching something you can't do yourself

I don't agree... there have been examples of people who CAN coach a sport and they can't, for some reason or another, do it themselves.

Perfect example: an old friend of my mother coached the wrestling team in Germany (these were kids who parents had military duty in Germany). The guy didn't know thing one about wrestling but was a good motivator, and the kids learned well. When there was a technique he wanted to demonstrate, he would have another kid do the technique in front of the squad. That team went on to win the European wrestling championship that season! :blink So you never know....

You're no doubt correct - but not for me. Many coaches can't do what they can teach - but I believe it will help ME to learn to perform the basics and understand what problems I have during the learning process. And I don't have any older experienced kids to use for demonstrations. All my kids are young and brand new to the sport. I can learn from tapes and books, but actually doing something is usually a better way to learn for me. While it may or may not help me become a better coach, I don't figure it will hurt anything. I don't care how far I throw, just if I can demonstrate the proper positions in the circle for them. And the best coach's I ever had could "do as well as "tell".

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Al, What's not to get it's all in the post...read it again and think about it... HANG SNATCH...yes it was the end from a hex DB so may that's called a block weight...excuse the hell out of me and yes she did it...

There are many coaches who can't do what they teach but one time many could. I think that if you've done it your self you have a better understanding of how to teach it and relate it to the athlete in a way that they may understand it better...plaus who's gonna do your demonstrations?

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This girl has incredible strength and must be a heck of an athlete.Amazing stuff.

A natural....."They" are out there.

Would love to hear how far she gets on the grippers.Trainer and #1 for sure?#2 and maybe get good movement on the 3.

The kinda lifts described,IMHO, indicate she is "hard wired"for explosive power and the Hex lift seems to indicate good hands/fingers and strong tendons.

IF she can't close the 2...it probably wouldn't take long.

Obviously LEARNS things quick.VERY cool. :cool

Alawadi,I believe it.

As the old timers tell me..."it's a ma and pa sport"(strength events) .She's Top of the gene pool...at least for strength/power.

I've seen a girl mash the trainer for reps and close the #1 like it was a toy...same girl inclined 85 pound dumbells.

It's a great big world out there. :) And superstrength ISN'T necessarily all about drugs.....some have 'it'..some don't.

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Tara Brooks closed a #2 and at the arnold this year she won the wrist roller pregnant!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't thnk i am getting it. are you saying that this girl snatched 180lbs? if yes one handed or 2 handed?

Is this a serious question ?

Eli one arm snatches a wink over this weight and that's considered super freaky for an extra large adult male. I cant possibly conceive how there would even be a remote chance of the thought of a 1 arm snatch entering somebody's mind when this was said considering how it would have been specified to amplify the enormity of the feat.

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