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Hand Pains =(


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When i first got my grippers of course i was super excited and tried to close the #1 many times that day - of course overtraining because of my hand not being accustomed to the exercise... well its been about a week and my hand feels like its sore or in pain when i close a gripper allll the way down, its not a forearm problem... only in my hand/fingers... would contrast baths help or would anything else help? Thanks guys

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R.I.E=rest, ice and extensor work helps.

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R.I.E=rest, ice and extensor work helps.

this is exactly the same thing i would advise. if you have an easier gripper and it causes no pain to close it try giving that some closes from time to time just to get the blood flowing through the hand. i've found in powerlifting that light work on a muscle pull or other various injuries will help the healing process.

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Thanks guys... i need to get better cause i cant wait to slam that damn #2 shut !! :rock

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This seriously needs a sticky!

Like 3 people a week ask this same question (a question i asked too). Can somone make a sticky? id do it if a mod agreed.

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