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Finger Hangs


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Me and a few of my training buddies have been having a bit of fun competing at finger hangs, basically hanging from a bar (not fixed) for as long as possible until the grip fails, you get an incredible pump in the forearms and its actually hard to open your hand afterwards. great fun! I suppose it does come down to bodyweight/endurance but the time to beat for a hang, forward facing grip or backward unassisted by the thumb is 1min 38 seconds. Try it it's a laugh!.

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Bar hangs... I had my throwers do them after some work outs...some of those clowns couldn't hang for a minute!! We used to do them after our work outs and we did 2 hangs @ 2 min and 1min

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I have hung for 2 minutes before.

But this IMO, is all about bodyweight.

My stepdad who doesn't train, and weighs like 140, hung for almost 3 minutes just messing around.

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Then stick some weights onto yourself if your light :D

I heard somewhere that your muscles should adapt to your weight as you train, so if your weight is 140lbs and you can do 15pullups, your muscles are adpated to those 15pullups, but if you weigh 300lbs and can do 15pullups then your muscles also adapted to your "size" and proportionate to your body but obviously alot bigger compared to the 140lb guy...... sometin like that...

Maybe it all goes down to tendon/joint strength etc.....

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I heard somewhere that your muscles should adapt to your weight as you train


I've heard at least five times guys 20-30kg heavier than me say that "It's (pullups) easier for you, because your lighter" I've then said to them, that it's just that they haven't worked enough on their pullup strength, their strength isn't up to their bodyweight. To prove my point I've taken dip belt and extra weights to make it exactly as hard for me as it is for them. Then we would have a competition for reps. I haven't lost those. So I'd say these aren't all about bodyweight. I've seen, that heavier persons, allthough strong and all, have a tendency to avoid pullups and all the stuff like that. So that is why they aren't good in them and become even worse in time. People have tendency to neglect exercises where they can't shine. It might be that it is ego thing for some, for some it might be that it's not so fun, I don't know. But I think that it's more about training than it is about bodyweight.

I weigh 82 kg (180 lbs) and my best time for hanging is 3 minutes 10 seconds. I've allways done a lot of pullups and other exercises hanging.

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to add different view on the hang times, i recently bought a finger grip board for rock climbers, at the moment i can squeeze out 15 seconds on a 2 finger (both hands) open handed grip....very different from a closed grip.....open handed grip holds improve your pinch grip but not vice versa.....give them a go....cheap option for this exercise is to hang on to your door frame.....let me know what you think

Edited by Kayum
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i think its more about body fat % than weight, most people that are bigger do a lot of bulking so they will not have as much muscle for there weight, and generally have less strength to weight

height has to be taken in though

the best ive done is probably hanging on to a boom truck pole, which is i donno, 3 or 4 times as thick as a normal bar?? with 1 hand for 1 minute 6 seconds (no chalk) - i weighed around 100kg's when i did this

ive also done holds for a minute with the full stack using cable cross over plates @ my old gym, which is 170lbs a hand (no chalk)

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to add different view on the hang times, i recently bought a finger grip board for rock climbers, at the moment i can squeeze out 15 seconds on a 2 finger (both hands) open handed grip....very different from a closed grip.....open handed grip holds improve your pinch grip but not vice versa.....give them a go....cheap option for this exercise is to hang on to your door frame.....let me know what you think

I'm familiar with those, good exercise. I have chains attached to my pullup-bar so I can virtually use any kind of handles I can think of to hang from. Variety is good.

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I don't know about hanging but weekend before last at Atomic Atheletic's picnic they had a pullup contest. I thought I'd do pretty well with all the bigger guys being there we had worked out hard the night before and that morning but thought I had it. Until a guy 6'3 I think he said 220 who had come straight from running a short decathalon that morning smoked me with 23 good ones thats strongand atheletic I'd say.

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oh man, me and my brother used to do this all the time when we were younger, I think my record was 8 minutes, but I only weigh around 135, hahaha, but yeah, I think thats I've always had a decent grip, even when I was little, little did I know I was already training it!...

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I gotta try this !!!! Any of you have tried it with a 45lb plate attached?

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